

【作者】 张长胜

【导师】 马颖;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题选取SolidWorks为开发平台,以冲模标准件和冲模标准模架为研究对象,研究在三维特征造型系统SolidWorks平台的基础上,采用Microsoft Visual C++作为开发语言,使用尺寸参数驱动技术进行二次开发的原理与方法。在课题开发过程中使用的方法有:1) 基于特征的零件信息描述方法。采用这种描述方法解决了特征的识别和参数替换问题;2) 尺寸参数驱动法。采用此方法开发了模具标准件库/标准模架库:3) 采用关系型数据库建立参数数据库。在本课题中,通过特征的分类和主/次参数的提取建立关系型数据库,实现数据共享,这样可提高数据传输效率和系统的集成化程度,保证各模块之间数据一致性、可靠性。通过本课题的研究,得到如下的成果与结论:1) 完成了冲模标准件库模块子系统和冲模标准模架库模块子系统的总体设计。为模具标准件的推广和普及打下了基础,提高了SolidWorks的适用程度。2) 实现二次开发可行性论证:由于本课题在研究过程中采用的是“全相关、参数化”的三维软件SolidWorks,因此保证了设计平台的先进性,减少了设计的工作量。利用SolidWorks提供的二次开发工具实现由程序动态的、自动的加载用户程序,为CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP系统的集成打下了良好的基础。3) 验证了基于参数化的三维造型软件的二次开发方法--尺寸参数驱动法的技术可行性。本文主要介绍了在SolidWorks平台上进行二次开发的原理,并用实例介绍了用尺寸参数驱动法开发冲模标准件库和模架库的方法。

【Abstract】 The thesis chooses SolidWorks as the developing platform and Standard-part library as object, researches into the principle of redevelopment with the programming Language of Visual C++ by Parameter-driving based on 3D feature modeling system of Solidworks is introduced. And practical methods to develop SolidWorks by Parameter-driving are also described.Some methods have been used in the study of the thesis. The first is to describe the parts’ information in terms of feature. It has solved that identification of feature and replace of Parameter. The second is the method of dimension Parameter-driving. And develop standard-part library of die by dimension parameter-driving approach. The third is to build the Parameter database. It can improve the efficiency of transmitting data and the level of integration degree, so as to ensure the consistency and reliability of data transmitting among systems. The thesis has achieved the share of data, by building relational database with features.Through the study of this subject, some results and conclusions are got as follows. The first is to the whole design of Dies Model Standard-part library and Standard-DieSet library was completed. It lay a foundation for the popularity of mould standard parts and improved the utility of SolidWorks software. The second is the feasibility of the second developing was realized. We adopted SolidWorks software, which has the characteristics of full associativity and parametric, as our platform. This assured the advancement of the platform and reduced the workload. The user’s application could be loaded dynamically and automatically and saved in the unite database by SolidWorks API. This lay a good foundation for the CAD/ CAE /CAM /CAPP integrated system. The third is the feasibility of dimension Parameter-driving was verified.The principle of redevelopment based on 3D feature modeling system of SolidWorks is introduced. And a practical method to develop Die Standard-part Library and Standard-DieSet Library with dimension parameter-driving approach is also described.

  • 【分类号】TG385
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】543