

Evaluation and Research of Chinese College Students’ Communicative Competence in English

【作者】 董岩

【导师】 伊秀波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 由于英语教学的目的日益关注如何使语言学习者成功的与来自不同国家的人们进行交流,因此,应用语言学领域对交际能力理论的研究也随之变的更加重要。全文共分为五部分。第一部分是本文的一个简要介绍。首先作者介绍了本文的写作意义。目前大学英语教师及大学生都只重视口语交际能力中的语言能力的培养,而忽略了交际能力中其它能力的培养,这样使得学生们无法全面的培养口语交际能力。能够成功的运用英语进行交际的毕业生是我国目前急需的人才,因而我们的首要任务是培养学生的英语交际能力。第二部分是对交际能力的概述。首先作者分别介绍了Chomsky, Hymes, Canale & Swain, Bachman, Wen Qiufang 的关于能力及交际能力的理论。Chomsky认为能力是指一个人对某一体系,事件,或事实的潜在的抽象的了解。1972年,Hymes首次提出交际能力这一概念。交际能力包括四个方面:可能性,可行性,适当性及有效性。Canale &Swain 的交际语言能力模式则由四个部分组成:语法能力,语篇能力,社会语言学能力及策略能力。在总结以往理论的基础上,Bachman提出了交际语言能力模式。 他认为交际能力包括三大部分:语言能力,策略能力,以及心理-生理语言机制。每部分由若干小部分组成。语言能力包括组织能力(语法与语篇能力),和语用能力。其中语法能力指句法,语法,发音/拼写等方面的知识与技能,语篇能力指篇章水平上的技能,如衔接,连贯,组织。语用能力包括表达和实施语言的能力以及掌握语言使用规则的能力。策略能力包括评价,计划和执行三个部分。它是指语言交际过程中,如何正确的评估自己以及对方的语言与背景知识,然后作出计划,即决定选择何种<WP=78>方式实现交际目的,最后由相关的心理-生理机制来完成既定的计划。心理生理机制主要包括运用语言交际时所牵连到的神经和心理过程。在文秋芳的跨文化交际能力模式中,她提出了跨文化能力。跨文化能力包括对文化差异的敏感性,对文化差异的宽容性,及处理文化差异的灵活性。学生们若具备了这一能力,那么他们就会理解文化差异,端正对文化差异的态度,并能够正确处理文化差异,这样就会避免跨文化交际中冲突的产生。第三部分是本文的实践研究。作者收集了三十位大学英语四、六级的口语考试考生的录音,以及本班三十名学生的课堂活动录音。作者以上一章中提到的交际能力的三个组成部分为依据,对录音材料进行了分析并得出了结论。首先,学生们虽然在口语练习中重视的是语言能力,但是语言能力方面依然存在问题。语法错误体现在句法,语法,发音等方面。语篇的组织能力也仅限于基本的文章结构方式。在语用学方面,学生们的各项语言功能体现在他们所熟悉的事物上,或比较基本的句法的使用。在社会语言学能力方面,学生可以适应美式英语和英式英语的变化;而对文化差异和修辞语的运用的理解仅限于那些书中出现过的或汉语中常听到的。其次,由于学生们的口语水平有限,一些常用的对话填补词频繁的出现在学生口语中,但只有两名学生通过改变句子结构来表达自己的意图。最后,当学生们遇到比较熟悉的是文化时,可以体现出来对文化差异的敏感性,容忍性,及处理文化差异的能力。但对于学生们不很熟悉的其他国家文化,例如日本文化,则需要教师们的专门讲解与指导,以增加学生们对文化的了解。第四部分是作者针对提高大学生英语交际能力所提出的建议。针对学生们在文化知识方面的匮乏,作者建议教师利用教材及其它可能的机会向学生们多传授跨文化知识。‘跨文化交际’就是一本能够满足教师需求的书。此外,教师还可以利用外国的影片,讲座,或由学生们介绍他们熟悉<WP=79>的文化知识等形式向学生们介绍文化知识,这些方式生动,形象,容易被学生接受。由于学生们的语言能力方面还存在问题,所以作者建议利用语言实验室进行口语教学,虽然这一做法有利也有弊,但是学生们可以有充分的时间说英语,并对自己的口语及其他同学的口语有一个更清晰的认识,同时教师也可以更好的控制学生们的口语练习。为了提高学生们的策略能力,教师应在课堂上引入交际策略的教学内容,教会学生克服或绕过语言障碍的交际技巧。第五部分是全文的结尾部分。作者回顾了全文的主要内容,实证研究的主要内容及提出的建议。

【Abstract】 As the goal for English teaching is concerned with enabling learners to interact successfully with members of other societies, the exploration of applied linguistics into the theories of communicative competence assumes increasing relevance and usefulness. This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter introduces the reasons that account for choosing this topic. At present, both the college English teachers and the students spend much time and effort practicing the language competence. However, they tend to ignore the other components of communicative competence. Therefore, the students’ spoken English will not be communicatively successful. A communicatively competent English speaker is what our country needs badly so it is our primary task to improve the college students’ communicative competence in English. The second chapter gives an overview of the theories of communicative competence. In this chapter, the theories proposed by different linguists are introduced. In Chomsky’s view, competence refers to one’s underlying knowledge of a system, event, or fact. The term ‘communicative competence’ was coined by Dell Hymes (1967, 1972). It consists of four aspects: possibility, feasibility, appropriateness and effectiveness. Canale & Swain’s communicative competence consists of grammatical competence, discourse competence, socoilinguistic competence and strategic competence. Based on the earlier theories, Bachman proposes his communicative competence, which includes language competence, strategic competence, and psychophysilogical <WP=81>mechanisms, which in turn consists of some sub –skills. Language competence is composed of organizational competence (including grammatical and textual competence), and pragmatic competence. Grammatical competence includes those competencies involved in language usage, such as the knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and phonology/ graphology. Textual competence includes the knowledge of the conventions for joining utterances together to form a text, such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Pragmatic competence includes the types of knowledge which, in addition to organizational competence, are employed in the contextualized performance and interpretation of socially appropriate illocutionary acts in discourse. Strategic competence consists of assessment, planning, and execution components. Strategic competence refers to, in communication, how to assess each other’s language and background knowledge and then make a plan as to how to realize the communicative purpose, which will be realized by psychophysiological mechanisms. Psychophysiological mechanisms include the neurological and physiological processes involved in language use. Wen Qiufang proposes the cross-cultural competence in her cross-cultural communicative competence. The cross-cultural competence consists of three components: sensitivity of cultural difference, tolerance of cultural difference, and flexibility of dealing with cultural difference. If the students have acquired this competence, they will learn to understand the cultural difference, hold a correct attitude about cultural difference, and be able to deal with the cultural conflicts appropriately. In the third chapter, by collecting the data from the tape-script of 30 test takers of CET Spoken English Test and that of the class activities of 30 <WP=82>students, the author presents the analysis of the data with reference to the theoretical basis of this paper. Firstly, the students still have difficulty in language competence, although great emphasis has been put on it. Mistakes can still be found in grammar, morphology, phonology and syntax. The students show textual competence only in organizing the discourse in a simple way. The components of pragmatic competence are only applied in the subjects they are familiar with in the daily life. The students can get used to both British English and American English. The ability to interpret cultural differences and figures of speech is lim

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】782