

A Method of Preserving the Green Color of Blanched Beanstalk Stored at Room Temperature

【作者】 韩勇

【导师】 殷涌光;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题是中国人民解放军军需大学舰艇蔬菜保鲜课题的子课题。蔬菜是人们生活中不可缺少的副食品,在人们的膳食结构中起着非常重要的作用。美国在二次大战后实行“三高”(高热量、高脂肪、高蛋白)膳食结构,结果导致“文明病”泛滥,以至后来每年不得不拿出 400 亿美元来对付“文明病”。因此许多西方营养学家对中国的以谷类为主、蔬菜为副的膳食结构给予高度评价[2]。蔬菜作为我国人民最喜爱的食品之一,也是战场上士兵的主要食品。但蔬菜常温下不易储藏,现在最佳的也是最常用的蔬菜保鲜方法是用气调储藏或低温储藏,但是这两种储藏方法投入大、成本高,根据我国目前的发展水平很难普及,每年造成了大量的损失,并且这两种储藏方式条件苛刻,不适应军队对野战食品在常温下长期贮藏的条件,因此我们要继续研制出常温下能够常温储藏蔬菜的方法,以适应对舰艇长期出海作战、条件艰苦运输不便地区战士的蔬菜的供应。 蔬菜含有丰富的营养成分,是人类饮食中不可缺少的组成成分,但蔬菜本身含有大量水分,且收获后仍不断地进行呼吸消耗,极易感染微生物、遭受昆虫的侵害和叶绿素降解,从而造成了极大的损失,而且蔬菜的季节性又很强,在蔬菜生产中消耗人力物力改善栽培管理,尚不易取得 10%或 20%的增产,但由于收获时采摘不当、贮藏不善、运输不及时或粗放而导致/损失,经常达到10%或 20%超过以上。目前,贮藏绿色蔬菜的最好办法是气调储藏,但此方法投资大、占地大、应用范围狭小,对于我国目前的经济水平和发展状况很难普及。据统计在我国,蔬菜采摘后的损失率高达 40%~50%,商品损失率超过 30%,令人触目惊心。因此能成功解决果蔬常温贮藏加工中的问题,对于改善人民生活水平、巩固农村经济、繁荣城镇市场、满足外贸需要,军队后勤保障等方面都具有十分重要的意义。而蔬菜常温储藏中的护绿问题,已经成为阻碍蔬菜常温保鲜的瓶颈。 目前还没有成功解决绿色蔬菜的常温保鲜的方法。在 Donato 等人的研究中,采用了较高质量分数的锌离子(高于 500mg/kg)、短时(少于 3min)漂烫处理,绿色蔬菜经罐装杀菌或干燥后,可长期保持其原有色泽,但蔬菜中锌离 67<WP=72>吉林大学硕士学位论文子质量分数远高于 75mg/kg。另一条可行的途径是采用表面活性剂和锌联合护色,即可在形成叶绿素金属离子络合物时,采用适当的表面活性剂以促进叶绿素金属络合物的形成,降低蔬菜中残留的金属里含量。Theuer 等人在这方面研究处于领先水平,他们采用难溶性的硬脂酸等脂肪酸锌盐,以及加强剂脂肪酸等处理绿色蔬菜泥时,其绿色保护效果远比采用相同浓度的氯化锌处理的效果好。Rogers 等人将蔬菜在 83~100℃下漂烫,在 19~29 英寸汞柱下真空处理,然后在真空条件下在碱液中浸泡 5~30 分钟,排干水分,最后在 0~7.2℃下贮藏 21 天。 本文在研究绿色蔬菜的常温贮藏方法中,从蔬菜在加工过程中颜色的变化过程入手,选择了碱处理的护色方法,分析了适合碱处理方法加工的蔬菜,并通过试验研究了能够对蔬菜常温贮藏起显著作用的保鲜剂,分析了保鲜机理,确定了保鲜的最佳工艺条件和保鲜剂添加含量。为碱处理方法加工绿色蔬菜,提供了蔬菜的选择方法和选择保鲜剂的方法。本文通过试验得出以下结论:13. 碱处理加工的豆角,可以在常温下中短期贮藏;14. 通过试验得出适合碱处理加工的蔬菜: I. 质地致密 II. 蔬菜在贮藏过程中能够产酸 通过试验得出,豆角适合应用碱处理方法加工蔬菜;15. 豆角在经过漂烫、微波杀菌处理后,影响豆角在贮藏过程中品质变化的主 要因素是酶,微生物对豆角品质变化影响不大。16. 通过实验证明,豆角经过漂烫后,有利于 NaHCO3护色。17. 确定并分析了漂烫的最佳的工艺参数。颜色最鲜艳时是蔬菜漂烫的最佳时 间,最佳漂烫温度为 90℃、漂烫时间为 90s。此时豆角中游离的叶绿素已 足够多,颜色也刚好最鲜艳。18. 探讨了豆角在漂烫过程中颜色变化过程。19. 利用计算机颜色测量系统精确的分析了豆角经过NaHCO3和Na2CO3处理后颜 色的微小变化,得出 NaHCO3对豆角护色更有利。20. 豆角在常温贮藏的过程中,必须保持碱性环境,才有利于常温保鲜21. 未加入碱液的豆角经过漂烫和微波处理后,可以有效的抑制或杀死微生物 和酶的活性22. 降低水分活度对豆角常温长期保鲜效果的不显著。23. 豆角经过原料预处理,漂烫(漂烫温度 90℃,漂烫时间 90s),迅速冷却 (冷却时间 60s,冷却温度-10℃),添加保鲜剂(NaHCO3—4%,蔗糖—8.51%, 盐—9.38%),真空包装(真空度—98 千帕,抽真空时间—54s,热封时间 68<WP=73>摘 要 —30s,冷却时间—20s,包装材料—尼龙聚乙烯),微波处理(微波功率 —7500w,杀菌时间—40s),迅速冷却(冷却时间 60s,冷却温度-10℃), 常温贮藏(贮藏温度范围 5~25℃),可以贮藏 25 天。24. 本文首次提出了添加水溶性、沸点温度大于 110℃的添加?

【Abstract】 This subject is the son program of the warship vegetable fresh-keeping program of theMunitions University of PLA. Vegetable is people the indispensable food article in life andit takes very important role in the meal structure of people. America implemented “3high”(High heating quantity, high fat, high protein) meal structure after World War II, as aresult, caused “civilized disease” to overflow, so that it had to take forty billions dollarsevery year afterwards deal with “civilized disease”. Therefore a lot of western nutritionistsgave high appraisement to china’s the meal structure of green kind mainly with vegetableof set. Vegetable is one of foods that people of our country most like; it’s also the firstclass food mainly to battlefield soldier of sergeant. But under room temperature,vegetables do not be easy to preserve. Now the best is also that the most general vegetablefresh-keeping method is to use angry tune deposit or the deposit of low temperature, thistwo deposit methods is put in, cost is plenty and losses high, the present development levelof our country is nearly impossible to popularize, it has caused high losses every year, andthis two deposit way of conditions do not meet armed forces harshly for the food conditionof field operation that stored under room temperature for a long period. Therefore we willdevelop the method of the deposit vegetable of normal temperature continuously so as tosuit a fight for warship out of the sea for a long period and the supply of vegetable tosoldier of poor transportation in inconvenient area. Vegetable contains rich nutrition composition, it’s the indispensable composition inhuman food, but vegetable contains plenty of moistures, and after gains it still breathescontinuously to consume. This way is easy to infect microorganism very much, suffer insecthurt with chlorophyll degradation caused maximum loss, and the vegetable seasonal is verystrong and the consumption manpower on improving the culture management of materialresources in vegetable production does not be easy to get 10% yet or 20% increase production.Now, it is angry tune deposit to store the most easily to do law of green vegetable and also a70<WP=75>ABSTRACTbig investment covers a large area, application scope is narrow. It’s hard to popularize for thepresent economic level of our country with development condition. According to statistics inour country vegetable loss rate is as high as 40% ~ 50% after picking and merchandise lossrate exceeds 30% , makes one startling. Therefore to solve the problem in processing andstoring fruit and vegetable under room temperature successfully is economic for improvementpeople’s living standard and solid rural economy; make prosperous town market, satisfy theneeds of foreign trade, the aspects such as the logistics guarantee of armed forces have veryimportant meaning. And the vegetable deposit of room temperature in protect green problemhave became the bottleneck of fresh-keeping obstruction and vegetable processing is also worldbaffling problem. Now, the method of the fresh-keeping vegetable under room temperature has not beensolved successfully yet. In the research of the persons such as Donato, have adopted thezinc ion of higher quality grade (is higher than 500 mg/kg), is very hot handling short (losein 3 min) bleach, green vegetable go through caned kill bacterium or is dried after, canmaintain its original color for a long period. But in vegetable, zinc ion quality grade ishigher than 75 mg/kg. The feasible channel of another strip is to protect color with surfaceactivator and zinc alliance, in form chlorophyll metal ion Luo join thing, with propersurface activator with promote chlorophyll metal Luo join thing form, reduce vegetable inremain the content in metal. The persons such as Theuer in the research of this respect is inthe lead level, they adopt disaster dissolve the zinc salts of fatty acid such as the tristearinacid of sex, as well as the handl

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TS255
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】695