

The Manchuria Puppet Eight Ministry and Jingyue Reservoir Scenic Area Developing and Constructing Investigation

【作者】 闫万山

【导师】 王宪恩;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国家级风景名胜区是以具有科学、美学价值的自然景观为基础,自然与文化融为一体,主要满足人对大自然精神文化活动需求的地域空间综合体,是我国自然文化遗产宝贵的财富,为稀有的、不可再生的国家资源。其作为旅游业发展的主要载体,为带动地方经济和社会的快速发展,增强综合国力,改善人民生活水平,做出了重要的贡献。但由于风景名胜资源的脆弱性与不可再生性等特点,在旅游业大发展中承受着前所未有的巨大冲击。本篇论文研究的目的在于通过对长春“八大部”——净月潭风景名胜区的发展建设研究揭示风景名胜区的保护、开发、建设和管理的可持续发展机制,并提供可供选择的解决方法。论文从风景名胜区建设现状入手,分析目前存在的主要问题,依照可持续性原则、美学原则、旅游感知和行为原则、经济社会和生态效益统一的原则,采用 “资源—市场—产品”综合评价法对风景资源进行详细的总体评价,首先对风景资源个体进行质量和吸引度的评价,其次是进行区位条件评价,再次对可开发性进行评价,最后根据专家咨询,采用赋分值法制定风景区资源综合评分标准,将风景名胜区资源划分为四个等级。对风景资源进行科学、正确的评价是开展风景资源保护的基础条件,也是风景资源的旅游开发走向高速度、高效益、高品位的有利保障。在下面的建设研究中首先进行旅游环境容量与规模预测。旅游环境容量又称旅游承载力,是指旅游区于一定时段内,在既能满足旅游者心理需求,又不破坏旅游资源和环境质量条件下所能容纳的最大游客量或旅游活动量。对风景名胜区制定一个理想而又经济合理的环境容量,便于把握风景资源的真正潜力,为经济合理地开发利用和保护风景区提供科学的依据。风景区的规模预测,其目的是为风景名胜区的规划及管理部门对食宿、交通、导游、管理、安全、景点配置、经济发展提供一个准确的依据,做到明确重点,有的放矢,有计划、有秩序、有重点的发展风景区,维护原有景点环境,完善旅游服务设施,充分发挥风景区的环境、经济、社会效益。本文运用有关旅游环境容量的理论与方法,分析了风景名胜区的旅游环境容量,并通过旅游客源市场分析进行游客总量预测。其次,以风景名胜区的现状分析与预测为依据,进行风景名胜区的总体布局研究。其本质就是一种合理使用和管理土地的活动,以净月潭风景区为对象,根据区内土地利用现状、资源类型及地域组合状况,本着内部功能一致性原则与自然景观、人文景观的连续性原则,采用核心——外围<WP=62>发展模式,形成“一环五区十八景”的风景区整体框架:一环——环潭路,此景观是风景名胜区自然风光的精华和核心所在;五大功能区——户外游憩区、自然景观区、人文景观区、休闲度假区、生态控制区;十八景——月谷寻芳、曲峪翠松、白桦婷婷、踏雪寻梅、丹枫凝霜、钟楼塔楼、白莲溢渚、月潭揽胜、梨花伴月奇木珍林、百味药苑、莺啭青林、朝雾漫壑、杏花春雨、古冢探幽、郡王丰碑、高山别趣、丽人月湾。根据总体布局,为实现风景名胜资源的可持续利用,本文进行风景名胜区的环境保护与保育研究。建立动态的保护管理模式,反映的历史动态的、完整的、生动的发展演变过程,保存、保全历史文化遗存及其生存环境的真实性、历史信息的清晰可读性。伪皇宫主体保存较好的部分,以维持现状,逐步调整,局部环境复原为主。鉴于伪国务院及所属各部建筑分布相对集中,风格比较统一,与环境融为一体,形成了一种类型的历史风貌地段。其保护着重建筑外观的维护及环境的整治改善。妥善处理伪皇宫、伪国务院及下属各部、净月潭三者之间的关系,求得风景名胜区保护、建设、利用的良性互动。通过对伪皇宫遗址的保护和修缮及局部复原,不断充实、丰富历史文化内涵;对伪满洲国务院及其下属各部建筑以维持现状为主,创造条件争取局部对外开放,完善相应服务、配套设施,使之成为长春市、吉林省独具特色的集爱国主义教育、历史文化研究和精神文明建设于一体的基地。将风景名胜区进行合理的环境功能分区:“八大部”风景区划分为核心区、重点控制区和景观协调区,并对各分区内的建设活动进行了明确要求;净月潭风景区划分为核心区及风景恢复区、风景游览区、发展控制区等其他分区,提出各分区的保护与保育措施。为保障风景名胜区发展建设的顺利进行,在上述研究基础上,本文还对支撑体系进行了相应研究,重点包括风景名胜区的供水排水系统、供热燃气系统、供电通信系统、安全系统及环卫系统,以总体布局为依据,确定各类设施的合理规模和布局,成为风景名胜区可持续发展的基础。最后,本文还对政策与措施进行研究,从建设管理的角度提出风景名胜区发展建设的相关建议。主要包括健全管理体制、建立法制保障体系和建立人才培养机制等。

【Abstract】 The national standard scenic spot is a synthesizer if region and space to meet people spiritual demand of nature. It is based on the natural and culture .This scenic spot ,which serves as our nation’s great wealth of natural and cultural inheritance, is rare and irreproducible ,resource of our nation .As a major carrier of tourism ,it plays an important role in accelerating local economic development ,enhancing national power and improving living standard . However due to some weakness, such as its irreproducibility ,scenic spots are suffering an unprecedented impact in the development of tourism .By investigating the construction of the scenic spot ,Jingyue ,this essay will show us the sustainable development of scenic spot protection development ,construction and management, and provide the solutions. Beginning with situation of scenic spot construction, this essay analyzes the existing problems. Following the principles of sustainable development ,esthetics ,tourist sense and behavior, unification of economic society and zoological benefit ,it provides a detailed evaluation of scenic recourse by a composite way of resource-market-product .This essay ,first of all, gives a evaluation of quality and attractivity of tourist recourse unit; then comes the evaluation of regional condition followed by the evaluation of exploitability; finally, divides the scenic recourse into four level by the integrated evaluation of the landscape resource . To evaluate the scenic spots scientifically and correctly is not only a basic requirement in spot protection but also a guarantee of high speed , high profit, and high grade in the development of natural scenic tourism.In the process of construction investigation, tourist environmental capacity and scale forecast comes first .Tourist environmental capacity which is also called tourism carrying capacity ,refers to the most tourist number and tourist activity which both satisfies the tourists spiritual need and never damage the tourist resource and environmental standard in a certain period of time .To establish a proper and economical environmental capacity is useful in mastering the real potential of tourist the resource, and provides a scientific proof for exploiting and protecting the scenic spots .The aim is to provide proof in the aspects of rooming and boarding ,transportation ,tourist <WP=64>guiding ,managing ,security ,spots facility and economic developing ,for planning and managing sections .We should make clear of the aim and develop the scenic spots designingly ,orderly ,stressly .We should maintain the existing spots ,improve the service facility ,actualize the service facility ,actualize the environmental ,social and economic benefit .In this essay ,the theory of tourist environmental capacity is used to analyze the tourist environmental capacity .By tourist resource mark analyzing this essay will give a tourist gross number forecast. Secondly , based on the analysis and forecast of scenic spot situation, this essay investigates the overall arrangement whose essence is an activity of using and managing land properly . Take Jingyue scenic spot as an example, this spot introduce a center –periphery developing mode; forming a scenic structure of one ring ,ive areas ,eighteen spots. One ring—encircle-the-spot road. It is the essence of the natural sights of Jingyue scenic spot. Five functional areas—outdoor visiting and area, natural scenery area, civilized scenery area, leisure area and zoological controling area. Eighteen spots. We should do the environment protection research of scenic spots based on the overall arrangement. Dynamic protection managing mode should be established to show historical dynamic ,complete, vivid evolving process, and to save the historical inheritage and the authenticity of is living environment ,the readability of historical information .The well-protected part of Last Emperor’s Palace is under the principle of maintaining the existing condition ,improving gradually and rehabilitating par

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】509