

Study on Environmental Indicators System of the Overall Construction of a Fairly Well-off Society in Chinese Cities

【作者】 张战胜

【导师】 董德明; 李海生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全面建设小康社会是党的十六大结合国情提出的未来二十年我国经济社会发展的宏伟目标,其中更提出了生态环境的发展目标。而且,随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,对生活的环境水平的要求也将随之提高。目前,我国正处于城市化快速发展的时期,城市发展过程产生的种种生态环境问题,包括大气污染、水污染、噪声污染、生态破坏等,不仅影响人们的生活质量,也成为经济发展的障碍和“瓶颈”。以往研究表明:环境指标体系对于监测生态环境的发展,指导生态环境建设,协调经济、社会和环境发展之间的矛盾具有重要的作用,可以为了解和调控经济、社会和生态环境之间的矛盾提供手段。同时,由于环境问题的复杂性和多层次性等原因,常需要建立一套指标体系来表征生态环境问题。本文从分析中国城市的环境问题入手,在研究了环境指标体系的建立方法基础上,结合全面建设小康社会的环境目标和中国城市化发展的进程,通过专家咨询法,建立了城市全面建设小康社会的环境指标体系。该指标体系从上到下分为:目标层、准则层和指标层。目标层确定考评目标,准则层确定控制要点和基本要素,一系列指标支持不同的准则,从而实现相应的目标。目标层即为城市全面建设小康社会的环境指标体系,准则层分为五个方面:环境质量、环境可持续发展能力、环境-经济调控能力、生态环境承载与建设、人居环境。每个准则层包含若干分指标,整个指标层由29个具体指标组成。选取环境质量准则层主要从环境要素的角度考虑,综合的反映环境质量状况和污染状况。选取环境可持续发展能力准则层,主要是因为,城市或地区的可持续发展环境能力对于该地区的污染状况的改善具有重要的作用,是地区发展的潜力所在;选取环境-经济调控能力准则层,在于环境与经济之间的矛盾可以通过环境与经济调控能力指标来反映,抓住环境-经济之间的调控指标,能很好的调控环境-经济之间的矛盾;选取生态环境承载与建设准则层,主要考虑城市生态环境的承载能力和资源潜力是城市发展的基础,生态环境承载与建设指标能够有效反映城市生态环境的本底状况,从而提供发展的预警;选取人居环境指标,在于随着经济发展,人们越来越注重生活质量,周围环境质量,同时,人居环境质量的好坏将直接关系到人们的身体健康。对于环境质量目标层:选取:全年空气质量良好天数比例、城市水域功能区水质达标率、集中式饮用水源地水质达标率、城市环境噪声达标区覆盖率、城市垃圾无害化处理率。 <WP=65>对于环境可持续发展能力目标层,选取的指标有:城镇生活污水集中处理率、环境保护投资占GDP比例、环境保护宣传教育普及率、汽车尾气达标排放率、环境管理执行有效率。对于环境-经济调控能力目标层,选取的指标:万元GDP能耗、万元GDP水耗、工业用水重复利用率、中水回用率、固体废物及城市垃圾循环利用率、循环经济立法水平、清洁、可再生及绿色能源使用比重、公众绿色消费意识、企业环境-经济协调水平。对于生态环境承载与建设目标层,这方面选取的指标有:森林覆盖率、退化土地恢复治理率、受保护地区占国土面积的比例、城市绿化率、地下水超采率、基本农田受保护比例。对于人居环境目标层,选取的指标有:抽样调查公众对环境的满意率、人均公共绿地面积、室内空气质量达标率、食品安全达标率。在建立了城市全面建设小康社会的环境指标体系之后,根据专家咨询法确定了各指标的权重和评价标准。在权重的确定中主要采用了层次分析法。同时提出了指标体系的应用评价方法和相应标准。结合九江市的现状,利用建立的城市全面建设小康社会的环境指标体系及其评价标准,计算分析了九江市相对于指标体系各具体指标的现状值。同时进行了综合分析:发现九江市现在仍处于城市全面建设小康社会环保目标建设的起步阶段和城市生态环境发展过程的问题。通过评价揭示了九江经济社会和环境之间的基本矛盾。结合九江市现状与全面建设小康环境保护目标之间的差距,提出了改善生态环境质量,保持经济社会和环境协调发展保证全面小康环境保护目标顺利达成的措施。实践证明,本文提出城市全面建设小康社会的环境保护指标体系能够比较全面的反映城市经济社会发展过程中的生态环境问题,计算方法比较简单。可以为城市经济建设和全面建设小康社会目标的达成提供监测手段和调控依据,促进经济社会和环境的协调发展。但由于时间有限,对本文中存在的部分问题还需要进一步研究完善,并在实践工作中不断深化、检验、补充。

【Abstract】 The overall construction of a fairly well-off society is great objective conbined with the situation of China, put forword in 16th CPC congress 2002, especialy including the developmental objective of eco-environment. Forthermore,with the improving of economic development and the living standard, the demand of environmental conditions of life will heighten. Now, our country is in the fast developmental course. All sorts of problems take place in the course of the development of city ,including air pollution, water pollution, the urban noise, ecosystem destroy, and so on, which not only affect the life quality, but also become the obstacle and bottleneck of economic development.The research in the past revealed , it was very importment to using environmental indicator system to monitor the development of eco-environment, instruct the construction of eco-environment, harmonize the conflict of the development of economy, society and environment. Environmental indicator system can also provide a tool to control the contradiction among economy, society and environment, accelerate the sustainable development of the whole society.The methods of the construction of environmental indicator system is studied in the thesis, On the basis of the discussion of environmental elements and eco-environment problems in the cities of China, environmental indicator system of the overall construction of a fairly well-off society in citise is built. The hiberarchy of the indicator system includes three levels, that is level of objective, guid line and index. Five sub-systems are distinguished: environmental quality, sustainable developmental ability of environment, regulatable ability of environment-economy, carrying capacity and construction of eco-environment and environment of human settlements, including 29 idiographic indicators. The indicators system of environmental aquality can be used to reflect the condition of environmental aquality and pollution from environmental elemnets. The indicators system of sustainable developmental ability of environment is established mainly for the sustainable developmental ability of environment in the city or some area is very importment to improve the environmental aquality and reduce pollution, is the protential foundation of local development. The index system of regulatable ability of environment-economy can be used to reflect and adjust the confliction between economy and <WP=67>environment. The reason of establishing the index system of carrying capacity and construction of eco-environment is that the carrying capacity of eco-environment and resource potential are the foundation of city development, this system can be made use of reflecting the background of eco-environment of city and used as presentiment of development. The indicators systems of environment of human settlements was chosed for that with the development of economy, people pay more attention to the life quality and environmental quality, which mostly influence the health of people.Index system of environmental quality included individual indicators : the ratio of air quality better than good level, area meeting standard share in all area noise monitored, treatment safely ratio of urban wastes, ratio of water quality in the waterheads meeting standard.Index system of sustainable developmental ability of environment was composed : ratio of sewage treatment, environmental investment share in GDP, popularization ratio of environmental protection publicization and education, ratio of exhaust gas of automobile meeting standard, implemention efficiency ratio of environmental management.Index system of regulatable ability of environment-economy constituted: energy consumption per 10,000 CNY GDP, water consumption per 10,000 CNY GDP, recycling ratio of industral water, recycling ratio of urban solid waste, the situation of legislation of recycling economy, ratio of renewable, clean and green energy used , citizens’ consciousness of green consumption, the tradeoff between envieonment and economy in enterprise, ratio of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X32
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】688