

A Pragmatic Approach to CE/EC Translation

【作者】 郑晓静

【导师】 卜玉坤;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 语用学是语言学的一个较新的领域。本文借助于它的一些基本理论,以实例论证了语用学在翻译过程中所起的不可忽视的作用。其结构如下:第一章引言讨论了从语用学角度研究翻译的必要性。语用学研究的是特定情景中的特定话语,研究如何通过语境来理解和使用语言。在交际过程中,为了有效地达到交际目的,交际双方必须清楚对方的交际意图。翻译是一种跨语言跨文化的交际,它涉及语际间的意义转换。由于意义与社会文化因素有关并由作者的交际意图决定,因此语用学在翻译中扮演着重要角色。译者必须透过静止的语言体系对特定语境中的意义进行多要素的分析,从而决定意义的交际价值。第二章讲述的是语用学的相关概念。首先讨论了何为语用学。由于其复杂性,要给它下一个全面、确切的定义并不容易。如果把语用学定义为“一门科学地研究语言使用的科学”固然无懈可击,但同时也过于抽象和概括。本章列举了别的一些定义,在不同程度上明确了它的研究内容。在这些定义中,有两个概念引人关注:意义和语境。意义是语义学和语用学中比较难以捉摸的概念。从语言研究出发,语言文字至少可以表示两个不同层次的意义:句子意义和话语意义。简单地说,语义学研究的是句子意义,而语用学研究的是话语意义。格赖斯区分了两类意义:自然意义和非自然意义。格赖斯的这一区分与句子意义和话语意义的区分本质上是一致的。因此,可以看出语义学研究的是通过语言符号来表达的独立于语境之外的句子意义,而语用学研究的是语言在一定的语境中使用时体现出来的具体的意义。何为语境?对此并没有简单的答案。“语境”一词首先由马林诺夫斯<WP=99>基提出。语境是是一个动态的概念。从翻译的角度看,语境可分为四类:语言环境、副语言环境、社会文化环境和语体风格环境。第三章对翻译的定义、译界中存在的有关争论和翻译标准进行了讨论。由于翻译本身的高度复杂性,对它并没有统一的定义。本章列出了几个相对综合的定义。从这些可以看出翻译的中心问题似乎是寻求译入语与源语的“对等”。在此明了了本文对翻译所持的观点:翻译是一定社交语境下的交际过程,并讨论了译界中存在的四个争论。首先,翻译是过程还是结果。“翻译”一词有两重含义,既指过程又指这一过程产生的成品,即结果。本文认为翻译是一种过程,不能将它视为静止的状态和既成事实。其次,翻译应直译还是意译。首先应明确直译和意译不同于逐词翻译和随便翻译。本文认为这两种翻译方法互为补充。再次,翻译中介入文化因素时对文化的处理方法应采取归化翻译法还是异化翻译法。作者认为它们是辨证统一、互为补充的。要使译文既忠实于原文又通顺流畅,符合译语的表达习惯,则归化和异化的处理法度必须恰到好处。最后,形式对应和动态对等。形式对应指的是译语和源语在形式上和内容上尽可能地一致,它努力再现多种形式因素。动态对等指译文接受者对译文的反应要基本等同于原文接受者对原文的反应。奈达的动态对等招致了许多误解。为了避免这些误解,并强调功能的概念,他后来提出了“功能对等”的说法。但二者之间并无本质差别。本章最后讨论了翻译标准的问题。在此评论了翻译领域中著名学者严复提出的翻译标准“信、达、雅”,即忠实于原著,译文流畅,文字典雅。但严复对“雅”的解释是有欠缺的,应换入新的内容:保持原文的风格。应注意的是,“信、达、雅”的标准是一个统一的整体,不能分割开来理<WP=100>解。第四章探讨了语用学理论在翻译中的应用。本章共包含五节。第一节研究的是指示语和翻译。在此讲述了三种与翻译密切相关的指示语:人称指示、语篇指示和社会指示。在翻译中涉及到指示语时,我们应透彻理解原文。源语中一条信息的隐含意义可能隐藏于语篇指示语或社会指示语中,为了达到语用等效,应在译入语中将原作隐含在指示词语中的语用用意翻译出来。第二节讲述的是会话含义理论和翻译。格赖斯提出,为了保证会话的顺利进行,谈话双方必须遵守一些基本原则,特别是“合作原则”。合作原则包含四个准则,总的来说,这些准则可被概括为如何最有效地进行交谈。违反这些准则会产生会话含义。在翻译时,译者应明白原作的暗含意义。在此讨论了三种翻译策略:原作的隐含意图应保留在译文中、不能“没收”或取消某个语用隐含和不必平添一个语用隐含。第三节探讨的是言语行为理论和翻译。奥斯汀了提出言语行为的三分法:以言指事、以言行事和以言成事。其中最重要的是以言行事。另外一个区分言语行为的方法基于结构之上。结构与功能统一的称为直接言语行为,否则为间接言语行为。在翻译时,应确保“言外之力”的等值。当翻译中“言外之力”等值与命题内容等值二者不可兼顾时,只允许牺牲命题内容,以求“言外之力”等值;而不允许违背“言外之力”等值,但求命题内容的一致。在翻译时,应注意三个方面:语言形式、文化倾向和“言外之力”力度的一致。第四节研究的是礼貌与翻译。关于礼貌的一个重要理论是利奇提出的“礼貌原则”。顾曰国教授提出了一系列带有中国特色的礼貌原则:贬己尊人准则、称呼准则、文雅准则、求同准则和德、言、行?

【Abstract】 Pragmatics is a quite new field of linguistics. In 1938, it was first introduced by Charles Morris as a branch of semiotics, and by the early 1980s, it had been generally accepted as one of the basic branches of linguistics. With its rapid development, pragmatics has been correlated with society, culture and cognition, and has become an interdisciplinary study.This paper supports the view that translating is a communicative process which takes place within a social context. Translation is a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication, and it involves the transference of meaning between two languages. Since meanings are coated with culture and determined by the communicative intention of the speaker or writer in a given context, then pragmatics, which studies particular utterances in particular situations, plays an important part in the process of translation. This paper is an attempt to apply some of the pragmatic theories to CE/EC translation. It consists of five chapters. Chapter One Introduction“Pragmatics deals with particular utterances in particular situations and is especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation.” (He Ziran, 1992:19) Thus pragmatics studies the meaning, not as generated by the linguistic system but as conveyed and manipulated by participants in a communicative situation. Translation is an intercultural communication, and it roughly consists of <WP=103>three steps: understanding, transferring and reproducing, among which the first step is the fundamental one. Pragmatic knowledge could assist the translator to understand the source text deeply and grasp the intended meaning. So it is well applied to the study of translation. Chapter Two The Concepts of PragmaticsThis chapter first explains what pragmatics is. Due to its high complexity, it is not easy to give pragmatics a single, complete and exact definition. If we define it as “the scientific study of language in use”, it may seem too summarized and abstract. Here some other definitions are illustrated so that we could get a more specific and explicit comprehension of it. Among these definitions, two elementary concepts single out for attention: meaning and context. Meaning is one of the most ambiguous and controversial terms in semantics and pragmatics. From the linguistic point of view, language could at least express two levels of meaning: sentence meaning and utterance meaning. Grice classifies language meaning under two types: natural meaning and non-natural meaning/meaning-nn. In nature, sentence-meaning is basically equivalent to natural meaning and utterance-meaning to meaning-nn. We could generally say that semantics concentrates on meaning that comes from purely linguistic knowledge, that is, sentence-meaning, while pragmatics concentrates on the aspects of meaning that could not be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and must take into account of the context. The term “context” was first put forward by Malinowski in 1923. We should be clear that context is a dynamic, not a static concept. From the point <WP=104>of translation, we divide context into four kinds: linguistic context, paralinguistic context, socio-cultural context and stylistic context. Chapter Three A Brief Account of Translation StudiesTranslating is complex and fascinating; in fact, it is probably the most complex type of event in the history of the cosmos. (Richards, 1953) So there is no agreed definition of it. Here we list some relatively comprehensive definitions of it. From these, it is clear that the central problem of translation practice seems to be that of finding target language “equivalents”.Several debates in translation studies are discussed here. First, process and product. The term “translation” can refer to two meanings: the process (to translate; the activity rather than the tangible object) and the product of the process of translating (i.e. the translated text). The view underlies this thesis is of translating as

【关键词】 语用学意义语境翻译对等
【Key words】 pragmaticsmeaningcontexttranslationequivalence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1836