

The Painful Evolution

【作者】 张松川

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 “社会上的每一种身份和地位,都有一套被期待的行为模式、义务和特权;这种社会期待受一定文化背景的影响,并作为社会规范的具体内容,为特定身份和地位的人确定了具体的行为界限--这就是社会角色。”社会地位是通过社会角色表现出来的,地位是角色的内在依据,角色是地位的外在的、动态的表现形式。本文在重点考察具有近代意义的新式知识分子的同时,也将从整体上把握知识分子在社会发展中所扮演的角色,根据他们所处的环境--由此产生的价值取向--因之而进行的社会实践等方面进行研究以求得一个较为完整的结论。一、中国知识分子在传统社会中所扮演的角色(一)他们是中国传统官僚体制的基石,是官吏的社会基础。科举制度作为一种选拔官吏的手段将广大的文人士子与中国的文官系统紧密地联系在一起。(二)他们是儒家传统价值观念的追随者和护卫者。产生于古代中国的儒家制度在两千年的历史发展过程中已经成为一种体现士大夫利益、愿望和理想的完备制度,因此与其说他们维护帝王的家姓统治,倒不如说他们在维护着儒家的社会秩序和千年的文化传统。(三)他们是社会稳定的平衡者。传统的士人在社区与国家之间履行了各种公益事业,这使得他们成为官府与地方之间 73<WP=78>有效联系的重要纽带而成为维护社会稳定的重要因素。二、近代中国社会结构的变化对中国传统知识分子的影响中国社会在19 世纪末、20 世纪初发生重大的结构性变化,使传统知识分子的结构发生变化,社会角色亦因之改变。(一)经济因素的考察可得出如下结论:尽管新的经济因素开始出现,但传统的农业经济仍占据着主导地位,这使得传统士人对新事物向往的同时又有着对传统的依恋;帝国经济的崩溃使得科举功名被大量出卖,造成绅士阶层的分化;知识分子个体的经济状况的日益下降以及群体内部的经济差距日益加剧也加速了这一群体的分化进程。(二)政治因素的考察可以得出如下结论:19 世纪60-90年代帝国的权力斗争使传统士绅的地位上升,参政意识增强;戊戌变法成为具有近代意义的知识分子的第一次政治实践;清末新政引发了社会政治体制由传统向近代民主的转型,一批有别于传统的新型知识分子群体开始形成;军阀政治使中国的知识界日益失落而渐趋激进。(三)近代知识分子思想观念的变革:由“忠君爱国”向爱国主义升华;由“夷夏之防”向现代民族观念转变;从注重家族宗法观念向个性自由转变;传统的“义利”思想和“重农抑商”观念的突破;“学而优则仕”、“安贫知足”等传统观念的转变。(四)科举制度的废除给中国社会的各个层面带来的冲击都 74<WP=79>是巨大而深刻的。这一制度的废除是一种历史的必然,它切断了儒家和权力之间的内在联系,传统的政治信仰发生动摇,导致了传统的四民社会的解体。同时,传统的重文轻武的观念开始发生变化,成为清末民初中国政局长期不稳定的一个重要因素。从以上几个因素的考察,可以得出这样的结论,转型时代的激变诱发了传统士人的社会角色的转变,而传统士人在这一过渡时代所自觉或不自觉地承担起的过渡角色又反向地推动了这一激变的进程。三、近代知识分子的角色转换及其趋势(一)在中国近代化的演进中,传统知识分子的角色已经大大专门化了。从整体上说,他们拒绝了对现实制造合法性的社会角色,不再是宗法礼教的卫道士,而成为传统文化的批判者;他们承担起了救亡和启蒙的双重责任,是中国近代化的推动者。要而言之,绅士集团的转型事实上扮演了新旧社会转换的中介。不管是主动还是被迫,知识分子所具有的先见性捕捉到了中国社会大变革的来临,自觉或不自觉地担当起了新旧社会递嬗的一个必要的中转环节。(二)清末民初传统士人的角色变化具有广泛性和多向性的特点,几乎整个绅士阶层都在由传统向近代演进,并向社会的各个领域渗透。但传统的士绅文人向近代演进的过程中在价值取向和发展趋势上有着截然不同的选择。“学而优则仕”是中国75<WP=80>知识分子不易摆脱的人生价值取向,他们中的一部分进入到政府担任官职,成为官僚体制中的一员;一部分士人在重商主义的影响下进行着绅与商的互动;对于武力的尊崇以及救亡的需要使得军队在此时也成为失去仕途的青年士人一个不错的选择;一部分传统绅士弃旧图新,向自由职业者如从教、新闻出版等行业转化。从整体上看这种流动表现出了一种从身份性向职业性的过渡。四、近代中国知识分子在角色转换的过程中所表现出的特点(一)近代中国知识分子角色的递嬗是一个痛苦而又充满艰难的抉择过程。传统士人地位的动摇是中国社会发生整体性变构而带来的,因此我们说这种角色的转变是被动的。进而他们的内心出现了角色冲突,一是绅士的社会角色与自己的职业角色的冲突;二是绅士应有的主流地位与实际日益边缘化的冲突。变革时代中国知识分子的心理困惑还体现在对“新”和“旧”的取舍上。第一批近代知识分子植根于传统文化,对其有着难以割舍?

【Abstract】 ‘ Each identification and status in society has a set of expectedaction standard, obligation and privilege, which is influenced by somesocial culture background and at the same time as the concrete contentsof the social rules, fixed the action limits for people with given status’------ that is what we call social part. As we know, social status isdisplayed by social part. The part is the external and dynamicmanifestation of status, and the status is the internal basis of part. Thispassage aims to investigate the new intellectuals in modern times,meanwhile to master the main role they played in the development ofsociety and so according to the situation, the values, and social practiceto get a integrated conclusion. The Part the Chinese Intellectuals Played in the TraditionalSociety First, they were the foundation of the feudal bureaucrat system andthe social basis of feudal officials. These intellectuals were closelyconnected with the bureaucrat by the imperial examination system usedas a main way of choosing officials at that time. Second, they were the followers and guards of the values ofConfucianism. Confucianism, which came into being in the ancientChina, and had its root for about 2000 years, had become a perfectinstitution embodying the profit, wishes and ideas of the literati. So infact these intellectuals maintained the sovereignty of the Confucianismsocial order and culture rather than that of the emperor and his family. Third, they were the regulators of the social stability. Traditionalscholars performed all kinds of public affairs which made them becomean important tie between the federal government and local authorities,and consequently become the important factor of social stability. The Influence on Traditional Chinese Intellectuals by theChange of Social Structure Great changes in social structure took place at the end of 19th 78<WP=83>century and the beginning of 20th century, and this naturally led to thechange of the structure of the intellectuals, and their social parts alsobecame different. 1.Conclusion caused by the investigation of economic factor:although the new economic factor began, the traditional agriculturaleconomic still dominant in society, which made the intellectuals feelcontradictory: they were eager for the new and meanwhile reluctant togive up the traditional ideas: the collapse of the emperor economicsmade the honor and rank a deal, and that caused the division of gentry;the depression of the individual economic situation of intellectuals andthe economic gap of their internal groups also accelerated this divisionprocess. 2.Conclusion according to the political factor: the struggle forpower in 1860s to 1990s resulted in the increasing of gentry status andaroused the awareness of their sense of participating in politics.Constitutional Reform and Modernization became the first politicalpractice of the intellectuals; some new intellectuals that were differentfrom the traditional ones developed as a result of the reform of socialpolitical system which change from the old style to the moderndemocratic one: warlord made the intellectuals field get more and moredepressed and tend to become radical. 3.The change in the values and thoughts of the modernintellectuals:the distillation from the idea of ‘ Loyal only to the emperor’ to thepatriotism; the change from self-focus and despising foreigners tomodern national idea; and the transform from emphasizing family andtraditional law to freedom and individualism; the breakthrough ofinterests and profit and mercantilism; the change of ‘Learning hard andBecoming officials’ and ‘self-satisfaction’. 4.The abolishment of the imperial examination system affectedevery aspect of Chinese society. It’s a necessary stop with thedevelopment of history. It cut off the link between the Confucianism and

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】530