

The Optimization Design and Analysis of the Automobile Seat Spring

【作者】 潘作峰

【导师】 周振平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 生物医学工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车工业的发展,人们对汽车的舒适性的要求与日俱增,汽车乘坐舒适性已成为汽车设计开发中不可忽视的重要问题。目前对于悬架的座椅系统有许多优化研究。其优化目标一般有三种:一是传入人体的能量为最小;二是使人体在敏感频率区域动态响应为最小;三是传给人体的加速度均方根值最小。优化参数为:悬架的质量、刚度和阻尼以及连接件的摩擦。但实际上,单单考虑悬架座椅系统的动态特性是没有意义的。主要因为没有考虑人体质量对舒适性的影响,即使是考虑到了,也往往是把人体的质量取为了定值,这样也是不可取的。因为对于不同的人体有不同的体重,这就要求座椅系统也应该有与之相应变化的参数值。也就是说,汽车座椅对人体舒适性的研究,必须把人体、座椅统一起来作为一个系统进行研究,即研究“人体—座椅”系统。鉴于汽车座椅的这一发展状况,结合实际人体舒适性分析的需要,本文将对“人体-座椅”系统的动态参数进行优化,来研究汽车乘坐的动态舒适性。具体步骤如下:1、对现有的A、B型座椅的刚度、位移、固有频率和阻尼等参数的识别静刚度的测量是通过电子万能试验机做出座椅的力-位移曲线,并对该曲线进行微分处理得其静刚度曲线。测试结果表明:A型座椅仅当载荷大于960N时,其刚度才有显著的增加,不满足设计标准。而B型座椅刚度随人体重量的变化始终保持不变,也不能满足设计标准。“人体—座椅”系统的固有频率的识别主要是通过数据采集及分析处理仪器SD380振动测试分析系统,利用初位移法,采集其自由振动的时间历程响应,进行谱分析得到其固有频率。测试结果表明:A型座椅“人体-座椅”系统当人体体重在1600N时,其固有频率才仅为2.50Hz。而B型座椅当人体体重为460N时,“人体-座椅”系统的固有频率是2.00Hz,又由于其刚度值在人体体重变化时基本为恒定不变的常数,所以当载荷大于460N时,人与座椅系统的固有频率一定均小于2.00Hz。故均不满足设计要求。A、B型座椅阻尼测试结果分别是0.32和0.27,均在设计标准范围之<WP=66>内。 2、A型座椅的有限元分析由于B型座椅的力-位移关系为线性的,其刚度不随人体重量的变化而变化,故不予优化考虑。对A型座椅的静态和动态的有限元分析表明其结果与实验符合较好,可以作为优化的基础模型进行优化。3、新型变刚度座椅的优化本文以ANSYS有限元分析软件作为优化的工具,考虑到优化循环体过大,为减少单次循环计算时间,提高优化设计效率,特将优化体进行分割,分成两步进行优化。具体情况如下:ⅰ.由于影响“人体-座椅”系统的固有频率的主要参数有两个,即人体质量和座椅弹簧在相应载荷下的刚度。因此,可先不考虑弹簧自身的参数,而仅仅把弹簧的刚度作为设计变量,寻找出不同质量下相对应的刚度最优点使得系统的固有频率与最优固有频率之差最小 。 ⅱ.优化弹簧参数,使得弹簧的刚度对于不同的质量有与之相对应的刚度 。在第二步优化之前,我们必须确定出弹簧的优化方案。通过实验及有限元分析可以看出,A型座椅之所以不能满足设计要求,主要是因为其弹簧在低载荷时,其刚度变化太小,而在高载荷时由于其弹簧有了压死圈,弹簧刚度明显增加。最终使得座椅的载荷(即人体体重)和座椅的弹簧刚度不能达到很好的匹配,进而不能使“人体-座椅”系统的刚度随人体体重变化而有相匹配的变化,以保证“人体-座椅”系统的固有频率稳定在设计标准范围内。要优化出新型的变刚度汽车座椅以保证当人体体重变化时,“人体-座椅”系统的固有频率仍能满足设计要求,必须研究出能随外载变化其刚度也要有相应变化的弹簧,即弹簧的力-位移要成非线性变化关系。经过对座椅弹簧的变化规律进行研究,本文提出了两种弹簧的优化方案。1)用一个圆形截面圆柱压缩弹簧中间加一个辅助的圆锥螺旋弹簧的组合弹簧来控制其刚度与驾驶者或乘员体重的相匹配,达到变刚度结构,<WP=67>使得“人体-座椅”系统的所有动态参数,即刚度、初始位移及固有频率等均在设计范围内。2)将A型座椅所用的等螺旋角圆锥螺旋弹簧改为变螺旋角的圆锥螺旋弹簧,进而实现与方案1)相同的功能。考虑到方案一存在安装工艺较复杂及制造成本略高等方面的不足,最终选择方案二作为优化设计方案并对其进行了优化。4、对新型变刚度座椅进行实验检验经实验检验,所设计的新型变刚度座椅能够满足设计要求。5、结论对新型变刚度座椅的动态舒适性进行分析。以上为本论文的优化过程,通过对座椅的优化设计,创新地提出了变螺旋角螺旋弹簧,使得新型座椅真正达到了变刚度结构,即当驾驶者或乘员体重变化时“人体-座椅”系统的刚度也能随之相应变化,进而使优化后的新型座椅的动态参数均符合座椅的设计标准,改善了汽车座椅乘坐的动态舒适性,给驾驶者提供良好的工作条件,给乘员以舒适、安全的乘坐条件。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of auto industry, the requisition on comfort of the automobile grows with each passing day, It already become the important problem that the automobile is designed and can’t be ignored while developing the comfort of automobile ride. Having a lot of optimization study on the suspending system of seat at present. There are three kinds of optimization goals: First, the energy of importing the human body is minimum; Second, make the human body response minimum in the sensitive frequency region; Third, the acceleration root value spreading to the human body is minimum. The optimization parameter is: suspending system mass, rigidity, damping and the friction of join accessory .But in fact, it is nonsensical that the dynamic characteristic of the suspending system of seat is only considered. The impact of human mass on comfort not considered mainly, even considered, Often it is regarded as constant, this is inadvisable too. It has different weight to different the human body .This require that seat have corresponding variational parameters . i.e. the automobile seat comfort study to human body must combine the human body with seat , Namely study a" the human body - seat" system.In view of this state of development of the automobile seat,considering the need to human comfort, This text will optimize the dynamic parameter of the system of" the human body - seat" , to study the dynamic comfort of the automobile seat ride. The concrete approach is the following:1.To recognise the parameter rigidity, displacement, inherence frequency and damping .etc of the existing Model A and B seat. The measurement of static rigidity is through omnipotent testing machine of electron to make load-displacement curve of auto seat. And carries the differential on it to get its static rigidity curve. The test result shows : Only when loads of Model A are greater than 960 N, its rigidity seams a remarkable increase and satisfy design standards. The rigidity of Model B with the change of human weight throughout does not change, can’t satisfy the design <WP=69>standards either.The recognise of inherence frequency of " the human body-seat"mainly by SD No. 380-vibration testing analysis system gathers and analyse data. By initialization displacement method gathering its the time courses of free vibrations respond and carrying on table analyse to get its inherence frequency. The test result shows : When the human weight is 1600 N, inherence frequency of " the human body-seat" system of Model A is only 2.50Hz. When the human weight is 460 N, inherence frequency of " the human body-seat" system of Model B is only 2.00Hz, and because with human weight changing rigidity of " the human body-seat" system of Model B is invariational, So when human weight is greater than 460 N, the inherence frequency of " the human body-seat" system must be smaller than 2 .00Hz. So not satisfying the designing requirement . Damp of A, B Model seat are separately by the test result0.32 and 0.27, within the range of design standards.2.The finite element analysis of the seat of Model A Because the relation of the load-displacement of the seat of Model B is linear, its rigidity does not change with change of human weight , So its optimize will not considered. The static and dynamic finite element analysis of Model A seat indicate that experiment accord with better their result, Model A seat can as the basic model be optimized.3. New-type variational rigidity seat optimization.This text regards analysis software of finite element of ANSYS as the optimized tool, and considers that it is too big to optimize the circulation body, For reducing single times of circulation time of calculating, raising optimum design efficiency , optimize body is divide into two steps and optimized. The concrete conditions are the following:?. Because there are two mains parameter to influence inherence frequency of system of " the human body - seat". Namely human mass and the spring rigidity under the corresponding load of the seat. So not consider the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U463.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1333