

Study on the Layout of the Harbour in the Songhua River Basin of JiLin Provice

【作者】 闫力君

【导师】 赵淑芝;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 经过几十年的发展建设,我省港口面貌发生了很大变化,港口通过能力有了很大提高,极大地促进了港口吞吐量的快速增长,到2000年,我省港口通过能力已达到155万吨。港口作为连接水陆运输的枢纽,为促进其持续发展,适应吉林省全面实现小康社会对港口的新要求,使港口与社会发展的关系从根本上得到改善,吉林省对港口的规划工作给予了足够重视。 本规划研究以2000年为基础年,以《港口法》为依据,对流域内各地区社会经济发展进行深入的调查,重点分析流域内主要城市长春市、吉林市、松原市、白城市的经济发展现状和产业结构调整方向,综合黑龙江水系航运网的发展建设,以一城一港为规划原则,提出了在2010年、2015年、2020年规划特征年内各城市港口吞吐量的发展趋势及建设规模,主要研究内容如下:1.通过港口主要货种的调查与分析经过对流域内各地区大宗散货的流量、流向调查,确定地区之间适合水路运输的货物种类,在此基础上,对综合运输体系中的各种运输方式所分担的运量比例进行统计、分析,确定通过港口的主要货种。分析结果为,通过流域港口的大宗散货种类有煤炭、砂石、粮食,其它货种主要有水泥、化肥、钢、饲料等。2.港口吞吐量预测吉林港根据社会需求和航道规划目标采用产需平衡法和弹性系数法预测港口吞吐量;松原港根据经济发展的特点及货运量现状,采用一元回归方法、时间序列法预测港口吞吐量;鉴于大安港外部运输条件比较成熟,港内配套设备齐全,但历年港口吞吐量和国内生产总值及工业总产值线性关系均不显著,因此预测大安港吞吐量采用弹性系数法与运量递增率法;其它港口采用产需平衡法预测吞吐量。3.枢纽港的定位和布局在调查流域内主要地区经济发展和产业结构调整的基础上,分析了经济发展对航运的要求,确定流域内的枢纽港为吉林港、松原港、大安港。其中,吉<WP=63>林港进口货物以煤炭、砂石、粮食等散货为主,出口货物以饲料、水泥、化肥、钢等件杂货为主。,港口规划布局中,因吉林港吞吐量预测值较大,泊位密度高,因此设置了哈达湾和九站两个作业区,而且需要重点建设,泊位为500吨级;松原港以煤炭和砂石进口为主,重点建设下六家子作业区,在作枢纽港同时作为连接第二松花江、嫩江、松花江干流的中转港,中期规划泊位吨级为500吨级,长期规划泊位吨级为1000吨级;大安港在规划水平年内保持现有港口吞吐能力。4.区域港口的定位和布局通过对流域内各县级以上地区的经济调查,能够在整体港口布局规划中起补充作用的港口有靖宇港、白山港,以进出口煤炭为主;五棵树港、德惠港以出口粮食进口砂石和煤炭为主。港口布局中,位置选择在靠近江边且集疏运条件好的乡镇,泊位为300和500吨级。5.结论经过本文对松花江流域吉林省境内港口布局的初步探析,可以对原水系港口布局规划的修订工作起到一定的借鉴作用。通过对港口布局结构调整,有利于港口腹地经济发展,适合产业结构调整方向。

【Abstract】 With several decades’ developments,Jilin province ports’feature took place the very much variety .port’s throughput capacity has got great increasing , has promoted the fast increase of port’s throughput maximumly ,To the 2000, Jilin province port’s throughput capacity have reached 1,550,000 tons . Port is the hub that joins the transportation of land and water , for promote its continued development, adapt to the province of Jilin to realize completely middle-class family society to the new request of the port. make port with the relation of the society development to get the improvement by the root, the province of Jilin gave to the programming work of the port enough valuing. This program study is that the socioeconomy development of various places in basis and convection region carries out thoroughinvestigation with 2000 as basic year, with “port law”, key analysis the economy situation and the industrial direction of structural adjustment of major city Changchun city, Jilin city, Songyuan city and Baicheng city in river valley. develops present, synthesize Heilongjiang water department, shipping net develop construction, is program principle with a city a port, have put forward plan feature year in 2010 years, 2015 years and 2020 years each city port’s throughput develop tendency and construction scale, The main research contents is as follows1.Major goods investigate and analyse through port Via the investigation of flow direction and the rate of flow of the large amount bulk cargo of various places in convection region, between definite region, the goods kind of suitable carrier and cargo owner is shared on this foundation, for the various transportation waies in <WP=65>comprehensive transportation system volume proportion make statistics and analyse , the definite major goods that pass through port are grown. Analysis result is , have coal, sand stone, grain and other goods through the large amount kind of bulk cargo of valley port grow have cement, chemical fertilizer, steel and forage etc. mainly. 2.The forecast of port’s throughputAccording to social demand and channel program goal , Jilin port adopts to produce— need balanced Method and flexible coefficient Method forecast port’s throughput; According to freight transport and the characteristic of economic development, Songyuan port adopt a first regression method and time forecast port’s throughput of ranking method;Daan port’ external traffic condition ripen fairly, form a complete set in port equipment complete, but the port’s throughput over the years and gross domestic product and the linear relation of gross value of industrial output do not foresee apparently, therefore forecast port’s throughput increase progressively with flexible coefficient method and volume lead method; other ports adopt produce— need balanced method forecast port’s throughput. 3.layout and the location of hub port With investigation valley on the foundation of industrial structural adjustment and major region economic development, have analysed economic development, determine the hub port in valley for the requirement of shipping, for Jilin port, Song Yuan port and Da An port . import goods in which, Jilin port with coal, sand stone and grain etc. bulk cargo mainly with, export goods with forage, cement, chemical fertilizer, steel and such groceries mainly with. port program layout in, worth greater, berth density because of the Jilin port’s forecast of handling capacity is hada gulf and 9 stations therefore high , have <WP=66>installed two operation areas, also need key construction, berth for 500 tons of level; loosen port import with coal and sand stone mainly with, key construction take off 6 son operation areas, in make hub port is at the same time connection the transfer port of second the SongHua River, Nenjiang River and the main stream of the SongHua River, mid-term program berth ton level is 500 tons of level, long-term program berth ton level is 1000 tons of level; install port maintain existing port in program horiz

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U651
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】252