

The Design of Stock Management System Based on UML Technology

【作者】 刘鹤鸣

【导师】 张长海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,企业的竞争是综合实力的竞争,物流职能是企业主要职能之一,因此被誉为“第三方利润源泉”,也受到了越来越多企业的关注。物流过程实质上是“物流、资金流和信息流”的“三流一体化”过程,只有将三者有效地结合,才能真正达到降低流通成本、提高物流工作效率的目的。因此,信息化管理已成为现代企业的基本模式,企业的物流管理信息化已大势所趋。 本文阐述了一套基本的库存管理系统的设计,其中重点阐述了我在系统开发中所承担的库存基本信息管理模块的设计,以及主要功能的实现。进货库存管理系统的特点是信息处理量比较大,所管理的物资种类繁多,而且由于入库单、出库单、需求单等数据发生量特别大,关联信息多,查询与统计的方式各不相同,所以管理和实现有很大的困难。本系统设计只是实现了物流中的基本环节的管理的设计,与企业信息化的其它环节结合得不够紧密。由于信息量的巨大,所以本次设计采用 c/s结构为主。 本文首先讲述了物流管理信息系统发展现状与研究并且介绍了本次设计所遵循的开发规范CMM2。CMM(CapabilityMaturityModel,能力成熟度模型)是由美国卡内基-梅隆大学软件工程研究所推出的评估软件能力与成熟度的一套标准。该标准将能力成熟度分为5级标准:初始级,可重复级,已定义级,已管理级,优化级,文中详细讲解了每一级别的特点。本次设计所遵循的2级标准有6个关键过程域:需求管理、软件项目规划、软件项目跟踪与监督、软件子合同管理、软件质量保证、软件配置管理。其中在本次开发中我负责软件的配置管理。 接着本文着重讲解了本次设计所使用的建模技术 UML。UML(UnifiedModelingLanguage,统一建模语言)是一套用来设计软件蓝图的标准建模语言,也是一种可视化的面向对象模型分析语言,从系统工程的角度来看,UML 可说是一种软件结构的分析工具。它将系统的建模分为静态和动态两种方式,共8种常见视图。其中静态视图有用例图、类图、组件图、部署图;动态视图有顺序图、合作图、状态图、活动图。文中详细介绍了每种视图的作用和特点。 I<WP=58>摘 要本文第三章陈述了本次设计的系统概要设计。这个阶段应用 UML技术建模了企业的业务流程,分离出本系统的基本业务模块,按照业务需求将系统分为了四个功能模块:基本信息管理,进货入库管理,库存信息管理,统计查询。基本信息管理主要负责系统的初始化设置工作,需要维护仓库、物料主文件信息、库存储备定额信息等。进货入库模块则由小组其他成员设计。库存信息管理是我主要负责的模块,其中重点实现了盘点和一般出库处理功能。统计查询模块则实现了出入库流水账查询、库存台帐统计查询等业务功能。每个模块的功能需求将在下一阶段被建模成用例作详细设计。最后是系统的详细设计部分。详细设计首先分析了库存管理过程中的基本业务流程,接着需要细化概要设计阶段的用例,对于用例的细化是这一阶段的主要工作。系统按照功能模块分为4个主要用例图,其中本文详细分析了基本信息管理和库存管理及统计查询的用例。将系统的模块用例细化到了基本操作单元,并对主要的用例执行过程进行了分析。对业务流程和用例执行过程的分析可完成所需静态类图的设计,静态类图不涉及业务行为,多为系统支持类,本系统中主要用于建模系统角色和数据库。静态类可视作数据库表的架构,可根据静态类图实现基本数据库的表结构。系统以库存基本信息和盘点查询业务为主讲解了静态类的设计,并根据静态类随后实现了数据库的实体设计,本文也只列出了与前面静态类相关的数据表结构。最后以库存盘点的流程(设置盘点周期、形成盘点清单、录入实盘数)为例显示了实现类图的设计。库存管理系统很复杂,有待开发设计的环节还有很多,尤其是与其它系统的耦合部分,现在只局限于物流管理,对于与财务和人力的信息管理还没有形成,这在现代企业管理中是很不够的,还有待于进一步开发。本次实习设计使我学到了很多实际开发经验,对软件开发流程有了更好的掌握。

【Abstract】 Now days, the competition of enterprise is about thecomprehensive ability. The materials flow function is one of the mainenterprise functions, so it’s known as “the third source of profit” and it’sconcerned by more and more enterprises. The material flow courseis the course of “integrating third-classily " of " material flow, funds andinformation flow " in fact .Only combine the three sides effectively, wecan realize the aim of decreasing the circulation cost and improvingthe effect of material flow work. So the management with informationhas been the base model of modern enterprise. The dissertation expound the design of a basic stockmanagement system and emphasize expound the design of stockbase information component which I am responsible for and therealization of main functions.The characteristic of the stockmanagement system is that the handling capacity of the information islarger, the goods and materials managed are various in style,furthermore, delivery of cargo from storage bill, demand bill,etc.person who take place very heavy data in storage, there is manyrelated information, the way that inquire and count has nothing incommon with each other, so there is very heavy difficulty inmanagement and realization. This system only design and realizebasic design of management of link of material flow, does not combinewith other links of enterprise’s informationization closely enough.Because the amount of information is enormous, it adopts and designswith c/s structure this time. This dissertation told the current situation of the developmentand research of the management information system of material flowfirst of all, but also introduced the development norm followed thistime-CMM2.CMM(Capability Maturity Model) is a standard whichstudied the assessment software ability and the maturity of softwareby American Carnegie- soft project, university of Mellon. The CMM iscomposed of five maturity levels as follows:lever1-the initiallever,lever2-the repeatable level,lever3-the defined level,lever4-themanaged level and lever5-the optimizing level .And the character of I<WP=60>Abstracteach level is explained in detail in this dissertation. The maturity lever2that followed by this dissertation has six key progress area whichinclude software configuration management, software qualityassurance, software subcontract management, software projecttracking and oversight, software project planning, requirementsmanagement and in this development I am responsible for thesoftware configuration management. Continued this text explained the modeling technological UMLused this time emphatically. UML(Unified Modeling Language) is akind of standard modeling language to design software blueprint andalso a kind of object oriented and viewed modeling analysis language,the point of view from system engineering ,UML is also a kind ofanalysis tool of software structure. It divides systematic modeling intostatic behavior and dynamic behavior two ways of trends , amounts to8 kinds of common views. The static diagrams include use casediagram, class diagram, component diagram, deployment diagramand the dynamic diagrams include sequence diagram, collaboratediagram, status diagram, activity diagram. The character and further ofeach diagram is explained in detail in this dissertation. The third chapter of this dissertation is about the systemgeneral designing. In this phase I model the operation flow of theenterprise applying the UML technology and separate the baseoperation component of this system. According to the operationrequirement ,the system can be divided into four function componentsincluded with the base information management component, Stock upand put in storage management component , stock informationmanagement component and count and query component. Basicinformation management responsible for system initializing mainly ,need maintain warehouse, suppli

【关键词】 库存管理UMLCMM
【Key words】 stock managementUMLCMM
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1132