

Study on Control Technology for Automated Manual Transmission of JieFang Truck

【作者】 郑磊

【导师】 葛安林;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 车辆工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车自动换档系统是在手动变速箱和干式离合器的基础上,应用自动变速理论,由电控单元(TCU)控制液压执行机构实现车辆起步、换档自动操纵。电控机械式自动变速器以其传动效率高、成本低和易于制造等优点在自动变速器家族中占有重要的位置。鉴于机械式自动变速器的优点,在当今对车辆燃油经济性和排放要求越来越高的国际形势下,该系统已成为世界各国汽车零部件供应商和整车生产厂家竞相开发的热点,并相继在各种车型上推出了系列产品。自动变速器的市场在世界范围内不断的扩大。AMT技术适合中国国情,同样有着广阔的市场和发展前景。在我国,主要是吉林大学液力研究所开展了AMT的开发和研制工作。该所自主开发的桑塔纳2000型AMT样车已经在1998年9月通过了国家鉴定,鉴定专家一致认为该研究达到了国际先进水平。这标志着AMT的发展已经进入了产品化的阶段。目前,我国的汽车生产企业也正在开展自动变速器的研制工作,只是技术还不够成熟,还没有形成自主产权的产品。但可以相信不久的将来我国的自动变速车辆就会诞生。本文就是结合中国一汽集团公司技术中心课题:“解放卡车自动变速器研制开发”,这是国内首次就AMT系统在载货车的应用进行研究。通过对自动变速控制技术研究分析,就以下几个方面的内容进行了研究:1、首先简要分析了自动变速器的发展过程和国内外现状,指出了该项技术是车辆自动控制技术的重要内容;对目前我们开发的AMT系统进行了简要的介绍,分析了AMT系统的优缺点;最后提出了开发自动变速器的关键技术,从而也确定了本文的主要研究内容。2、动力传动系特性研究。通过试验得到了发动机的稳态特性,并对发动机的动态特性进行了分析,这是对发动机控制研究的基础;通过试验研究离合器的分离、接合特性和磨损特性,经计算获得了离合器传递特性,这是制定离合器控制规律的基础;对变速器操纵力的大小及操纵行程的进行了详细的试验研究,为执行器的设计提供了依据。总之这一部分系统研究了与AMT系统开发相关的传动系性能,为传动系的控制研究打下了坚实基础,也是获取传动系及整车良好控制性能的保证。 <WP=77>3、离合器控制研究。在AMT技术中,最为困难的是离合器控制,离合器控制技术已经成为实现机械传动变速自动操纵的关键技术。在研究过程中,首先深入分析了离合器接合过程中的车辆动力学原理,建立了评价离合器接合特性的评价指标:冲击度和滑摩功;为了获得良好的性能,系统分析了离合器接合过程及对两指标的影响,获得了理想的离合器接合控制规律;通过传动系整体分析研究了具体实现离合器的接合控制的策略,选取了合适的控制算法实现对离合器的精确控制,并对离合器执行器的控制进行了仿真分析;根据以上的理论分析编制了实际的换挡过程离合器控制程序;最后理论分析了对离合器接合控制有直接影响的离合器特性识别问题。这一部分对离合器的控制进行了较全面的研究与分析,是本文的重要内容。4、发动机控制研究。对于装有AMT柴油机汽车而言,油门控制是我们目前发动机与离合器协调控制的主要方法。这一部分系统研究了车辆正常运行状态下、起步状态下和换挡过渡过程的传动系状态,制定了油门的基本控制策略。并通过试验对发动机、变速器和离合器的共同控制进行了实车试验验证,结果基本达到了控制的要求。发动机控制除了降低油耗和排放外,还有减少振动噪声、减轻换挡冲击等多种控制目的,本身控制复杂,对发动机控制我们目前水平还很低,需要做进一步的研究。5、电控软件的设计。电控软件是自动换挡系统的核心内容。电控单元选择了Intel公司生产的80C196KC单片机,利用对应于该型机的汇编语言编制程序。首先简要介绍了80C196KC单片机的特点;分析了电控软件的组成,对每一组成部分进行了研究并给出了较详细的控制框图,总体上简要介绍了整个软件的设计。对电控软件的设计采用模块化的结构设计方法,应用实时多任务的软件控制技术,以中断控制为核心,保证了软件的可扩充性与重组性。6、最后一章作为全文总结,阐述了论文的主要工作。本文在借鉴前人研究的成果基础上对AMT系统控制技术进行了系统的研究。由于AMT系统本身控制难度较大,而论文时间有限,仅做了上述工作,为提高AMT系统性能及整车性能还需进行进一步深入的研究。

【Abstract】 Automated Mechanical Transmission (AMT) designed on the ground of Manual Transmission and dry clutch, is able to realize automotive starting and shifting of the vehicle by electro-hydraulic actuator which is controlled by Transmission Control Unit(TCU). Automated Mechanical Transmission (AMT) takes an important role in the family of Automatic Transmission, due to its high transferring efficiency, low cost and easiness to manufacture. The system has been a topic of general interest to be developed because of its excellence properties and the demands of improving vehicle oil efficiency and decreasing vehicle exhausted gas in the world. Series of the products have been found on some types of vehicles in the world in last few years. The market of AMT becomes larger and larger.AMT is suitable to our Chinese situation, at the same time it has a large market and developing foreground. In China, the development and research of AMT is mainly carried out by the Hydraulic Mechanical Transmission Institute (HMTI), Jilin University. In August,1998, Santana 2000 with AMT developed by HMTI passed the national appraisal. The experts concluded that this research was advanced internationally. This symbolized that AMT has been fully developed into the merchandising stage. Now, some vehicle corporations are developing the AMT technology in our country, the technology isn’t very mature and they aren’t able to provide a real product. but we believe they can provide product in few years in future. This paper is carried out combining the project“The research on technology of Automated Mechanical Transmission on JIEFANG truck” of Technology Center of First Automobile Corporation of china. The research is first carried out on truck in China. With the research of technology about AMT, the paper’s main investigative contents include several questions which shall be analyzed followed.1、Firstly, In chapter one, the development process and the current status internationally of AMT are introduced briefly. AMT is an important technology in the controlling field of vehicle. Secondly, the general structure of AMT is introduced briefly and the merits and shortcomings of the automatic gearbox are analyzed in general. At last, The main investigative contents are confirmed .2、The research on power train properties. The work of obtaining the stable property of diesel engine by experiment, and analyzing the dynamic property of engine are the bases of the design of engine controlling system; The clutch’s breakaway and engagement properties obtained by experiment, and the torque transfer property which can be calculated by using the experiment results are the <WP=79>bases of the building of clutch controlling regulations; the manipulating force and distance of the transmission are acquired by experiments, The results provide some basic parameters to actuator’s design. In conclusion, the part provide the power train properties systematically with respect to AMT system, The work not only provide the foundation of controlling research the power train but also guarantee the controlling properties of power train and the vehicle.3、The research on clutch control strategies. The most difficult issue is cutch controlling in the AMT system and the clutch controlling technology is the key technology of realizing the automatic gearbox. Firstly, the vehicle dynamic principles of clutch engagement process are deeply analyzed, Then the evaluating indicators of the clutch performance which are the friction work and the jerk are discussed; Clutch engagement process and the influence to the evaluating indicators of the process has been analyzed systematically in order to obtain high performance, Then ideal clutch engagement controlling strategies are established. Secondly, the way to realize the clutch engagement controlling strategies is discussed, The proper controlling logic for clutch precise control is selected, the simulation of clutch actuator motion has been done. Computer programs of clutch control are edited according to the analysis. Finally,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U469
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】672