

Design and Develop of Hospital Information System

【作者】 孙学文

【导师】 李雄飞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 医院管理信息系统以卫生部制定的《医院信息系统基本功能规范》为依据进行设计与开发,以方便病人,提高医疗质量、提高工作效率和改善管理为目标,系统设计力求科学性、实用性相结合。本系统符合现有医院体系结构,能较好地适应医院现行的工作模式,能满足医院对信息系统的基本需求。 本系统采用星形拓扑结构,服务器和交换机放在控制中心,各个客户机通过双绞线与集线器相连,这种拓扑结构保障了系统的安全性,不至于由一条线路的故障影响到其它计算机的运行。服务器采用1000M网卡,客户机采用10M/100M自适应网卡,这样可以满足用户日益增长的图像传输要求和连接互联网的需要。 在系统的软件环境方面,网络操作系统为Windows 2000 Server,关系数据库系统为SQL Server 2000,工作站操作系统为Windows95/98/ME/2000/XP。 数据库设计是信息系统开发的关键,数据库设计遵循以下原则:一致性原则、完整性原则、安全性原则、可伸缩性原则、规范化原则。 系统采用C/S和B/S模式相结合的方式,由于行政管理计算机组的主要工作是查询和决策,录入工作比较少,所以采用B/S模式比较合适,而对于其它工作组需要较快的存储速度和较多的录入,交互性比较强,所以决定采用C/S模式。 程序开发语言在C/S模式下选择面向对象的Delphi,在B/S模式下选择ASP。对于数据库的访问,采用ADO数据访问技术。 按照软件工程的思想开发信息系统,在开发方法上采用成熟的增长法,它是生命周期法和原型法融为一体的先进实用的设计方摘要法。信息系统开发分为系统分析阶段、系统求精模型设计阶段、完成系统产品阶段、维护与评价阶段。采用这种系统设计方法,有助于增强系统的适应能力,缩短了系统开发周期,便于系统维护,显著地提高了软件设计阶段的效率。 系统实现的主要功能有:门急诊管理模块包括门诊挂号、划价收费、门诊药房等功能;住院管理模块包括住院病人入出转院和床位管理、住院病人费用核算等功能;药品管理模块包括各类药品库存管理、门诊药品管理、住院药房管理、中西药房、药库管理等功能;物资管理模块包括消耗材料管理、低值易耗品管理、大型仪器、设备管理和固定资产管理;院长信息综合查询模块包括信息查询,并以图表方式直观的显示医院管理、医疗服务、经济运行等各种统计信息:系统维护包括人员口令设置、人员权限设置、用户注销、退出等四个功能模块。系统设置包括:系统参数设置、人员设置、费用设置、科室设置、科室分类设置、费用分类设置、发票归类设置、床位设置、护理等级颜色设置九个功能模块;病案管理模块主要完成病案首页数据的登录、存储、检索与查询,病案的入库、出库、借阅管理。医保接口模块能够接收与传送数据到医保数据库,并且只上传与社保有关的收费项目,加强了医院内部的数据保密性,支持打印医保个人帐户支付表与住院统筹支付表。 在系统的安全性方面,使用双服务器系统,增强系统的稳定性,利用SQL Server提供的一套功能强大的、安全的数据备份工具对SQL Server数据库或事务日志进行备份,可以在系统发生错误的时候抢修恢复以前的数据。利用RAID硬盘阵列,将其直接连接到网络服务器上进行数据备份,同时将备份的数据刻录光盘或复制磁带,这是医院确保数据安全性、一致性和灾难恢复的重要措施。摘要 充分利用WindowS 2000与SQL Server的安全机制和可靠性机制,防止非授权人员读写,采用口令、各种级别的封锁等,保证数据读写、传输过程的正确性和一致性。 通过安装防火墙、防病毒软件,可以预防黑客、计算机病毒的侵袭。医院信息系统的不断升级可以满足医院业务的不断变化的需求,作为开发平台的操作系统、数据库系统从安全的角度也要不断完善,要及时到微软网站下载操作系统、数据库系统的补丁程序、修复程序并进行安装,保证信息系统的正常、安全运行。医院还应制订严密的安全规章制度,并对每个系统操作及管理人员进行严格的安全性教育与训练,保证系统运行的可靠性,数据的安全性。 系统的各模块功能完整,流程设计合理,系统数据处理准确,保持了数据的完整性和一致性,实现了在医院一定范围内的信息互通和共享。系统支持信息查询和多种统计报表的生成,系统设置具备灵活和可扩充性,系统具有一定的安全防范措施,能较好地保证系统正常运行。本系统用户界面友好,操作和维护方便,通过使用本系统,有利于提高医院管理水平、运行效率和医疗质旦1。 在医院管理体制改革与同行业竞争不断加剧的情况下,如何增强医院的竞争优势己经成为医院生存与发展的重要课题。通过医院信息管理系统的使用,能最大限度地提高医院的运行效率和医院管理水平,给医院带来了显著的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Hospital Information System is based on " basic function norm of information system of the hospital" which Ministry of Public Health makes to design and develop, In order to facilitate patients , improve medical quality , improve working efficiency and improve managing for the goal, the system is designed to strive to make the science , practicability to combine together. This system accords with the existing hospital system structure, can meet the current work pattern of the hospital well, can meet the basic demand to the information system of hospital.This system adopts the topological structure of star, server and exchanger are put in the control centre, Clients entangle line link with concentrator, this topological structure ensure the systematic security through one, Unlikely to influence the function of other computers from the trouble of a circuit. The server adopts 1000 M network cards , the client adopts 10 M/100M adaptive network cards , Satisfy picture who user increase day by day transmit request and join the needs of Internet.Systematic software running environment, the operating system of the network , for 2000 Servers of Windows, is Server 2000 of SQL to the relational database management system, The operating system of the workstation is Windows95/98/ME/2000/XP.The database is designed to be key what information system develop, data base design want and follow following principles: Consistencies principle, Integrality principle, securities principle, elasticity principle, Standardized principle.This system adopts the way in which C/S combines with B/S mode. Because the groundwork of the computer group of administration is inquiring about and make policy, Input and work and relatively lack , so it is relatively suitable to adopt B/S mode, and need the relatively quick to other work groups, The interaction is relatively strong, so determine to adopt C/S mode.Under C/S mode choose and the Delphi of object oriented languageprocedure making, under B/S mode choose ASP. To the visit of the data base, we adopt ADO data and visit technology.Develop the information system according to the thought of the software engineering , adopt the ripe growth law on the development approach, It is the life period law and advanced and practical design method which prototype law combine together. The information system can divide into for system analysis stage and finish the stage of the products systematically, maintain and appraise stage . Adopt the systematic design method, contribute to strengthenning systematic adaptive capacity , Having shortenned construction cycle systematically, the convenient system is maintained, improved the efficiency of software design phase remarkably.There are the main function that the system realizeses: Emergency call manages the module including clinic and registers, row the functions, such as price charging, clinic drugstore on the door; Manage including impatient enter and publish function of transfering from one hospital to another module and, impatient expenses adjust management berth etc in hospital; Function of managing including, clinic medicines manage all kinds of medicines stock controls, in hospital,, medicine storehouse manage drugstore Chinese and Western drugstore management module by medicines etc; Handing of goods and materials module including consumable material manage, low easy to dawdle and sample and manage ?equipment control manage large-scale instruments with the fixed assets values; Inquiring about the module including information to inquire about synthetically in president’s information, the ones that and directly perceived through the senses by way of chart show various kinds of statistical informations, such as management, the medical care, economical operation of the hospital,etc; System maintain including personnel password set up, personnel authority set up, user cancel, 4 pieces of function module of withdrawing etc. The system is set up and includes: Systematic parameter set up, Personnel set up, The expenses are set up , the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1274