

The Design and Programming of Device Security Framework

【作者】 周博

【导师】 胡成全;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,电子商务正面临着前所未有的挑战。“网络世界”使得它们的系统和数据面临安全威胁,而且这种安全威胁在日益增长。网络安全专家们被迫去保护自己的数据和程序不被网络黑客和商业间谍所窃取。但是尽管如此,很多数据失窃的新闻仍然上了头版头条,造成了经济损失和社会的负面影响。因此我们需要一个低成本、高效率、易整合、易使用的网络安全框架来保护数据和程序的安全。设备端安全架构就是以此目的产生的。设备端安全架构(Device Security Framework)简称DSF,是为开发有安全需要的应用程序提供开发类库和安全架构。使用设备端安全架构(DSF)开发的应用程序是设备敏感(Device-Aware)的,它可以将自己的数据与特定应用程序绑定在一台特定设备上。绑定后,只有在此设备上才可以运行使用,非授权的拷贝和窃取到数据都是无法使用的。一个设备敏感的应用程序具有如下特点: 一个是应用程序数据不能被同一台机器上的其他应用程序访问;另一个是应用程序数据不能被其他机器上的应用程序访问。DSF框架包涵如下组件:设备安全客户端(Device Security Client,DSC)设备驱动程序(如果包含SD)或动态链接库(不包含SD),工作于操作系统内核。它负责为有安全需要的应用程序提供安全服务API。设备安全客户端(DSC)的主要作用是和服务器通信,产生DMK。在有安全设备(SD)的情况下,从安全设备(SD)中读取DMK或将DMK保存到SD中,没有安全设备时,可以从硬盘的制定位置读取DMK或将DMK保存到客户端硬盘的特定位置。 <WP=64>设备认证服务器(Device Authentication Server,DAS)。该服务器通过和DSS合作,来登记新的终端客户设备或者注册设备敏感的应用程序。该模块可以安装在一台独立的服务器上,放在企业内部或者企业外部的安全中心(第三方中心)。设立此服务器是出于安全考虑的,主要原因包括:在DSS受到攻击后,仍然可以通过DAS进行设备认证;可以确保在电子商务中的不可否认性,即任何私人企业自己不能修改DAS的数据;还可以保证授权管理的统一性。设备安全服务器(Device Security Server,DSS)。运行于企业内部,为企业客户提供安全服务,如作为VPN网关的认证服务器,以及许可证购买和发放中心。该模块可以安装在一台独立的服务器上,也可以和设备认证服务器(DAS)安装在同一台机器上。如果应用于局域网内,认为局域网内是安全可靠时,可以将DAS和DSS合并为一个SERVER。这时候DSF框架就是一个最小型的应用。

【Abstract】 Today, businesses face their greatest security challenge. The “networked world” exposes their systemsand data to security breaches more than ever before and this threat increases daily. Security administrators are scrambling to protect their infrastructure and data from network abuse, publicity seeking hackers, corporate espionage, and theft of confidential or proprietary information. Despitethese efforts, high-profile security breaches continue to make headlines?often with significant financial loss and negative publicity.What’s needed is a cost effective, easily integrated, easy-to-use solution for rock-solid enterprise network and Internet security. With the DSF(Device Security Framework) Infrastructure and SDK, applications can now be made “Device-Aware”. A device aware application can tie its data to a specific instance of the application on a specific device. This allows for new products to be created that can confidently runon a device. DSF applications have the following two traits:One is application data can not be opened by other applications on the same machine;The other is application data can not be opened on any other machine.The Device Security Framework is an integrated suite of products, consisting of:Central Device Authority (CDA). The CDA manages and <WP=66>administers trust to secondary authorities, known as Regional Device Authorities. The CDA also evaluates and certifies security-enabled, device-aware applications that communicate with the security network and are used on client devices. The CDA is owned and administered by Third Party.Device Authentication Server (DAS). The DASs enroll new end-user client devices and manage and authorize enterprises running device authentication servers, called Device Security Servers. The Regional Device Authority works with the enterprise Device Security Server to register (authorize) individual end-user devices so they can run the security-enabled, device-aware applications. Device Security Server (DSS). These servers are installed inside the perimeter of an enterprise. They act as a central repository to provide cryptographic functionality to enterprise clients. For example, a DSS can act as an authentication server for an enterprise VPN Gateway. They are typically purchased/licensed by the enterprise, and the system administrator of the company maintains them.Device Security Client and software. This software runs in end-user clients, who can then communicate with the other components of the infrastructure to usecryptographic services.The DSF SDK facilitates writing applications that can use the DSF framework.Typically, an application written with the SDK consists of some functionality in a DSS and some functionality in end-user clients. The product ships as these two components. <WP=67>When they are installed,they interact with DASs to initialize themselves, get the appropriate licenses, register new clients,request App Containers, etc.mechanism based on a shared secret stored in an App Container in the client).The following sections examine each component in detail.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【下载频次】94