

The Study of Highway Toll Collection System

【作者】 张晓红

【导师】 王树勋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 电子与信息工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于计算机的发展异常迅猛,性能不断增强,而价格却越来越低,其应用的推广已经远远超过了科学计算的范畴,渗透到人类社会活动的一切领域,在公路交通领域更是得到广泛的应用。  高等级公路收费系统一般是由计算机收费系统和视频监控系统两大部分组成。从制式上,计算机收费系统可分为开放式收费系统和封闭式收费系统两大类。从收费方式上,可分为半自动收费方式和全自动收费方式。我国的公路建设起步较晚,收费方式多以开放式半自动收费为主,且公路建设大都是由国家投资贷款,因此还贷工作是公路收费工作的主要任务。在具体的收费工作中要针对不同等级的公路、行驶在公路上不同的车辆收取不同的费率以及相应的减免收费种类等,所以收费软件要适应不同收费费率与收费种类的变化,在费率与收费种类变化的同时,声光电提示也应该做相应的变化。为了减少收费工作中人为因素的弊端,不使收费金额流失,充分利用图像、声音监控与外部设备控制技术,尽可能做到使收费亭内外以及收费广场的图像质量清晰,在此基础之上,图像不仅要有连续动态的,也要有单个静态的,而且应叠加上相应的收费信息,其质量与保存期达到有关部门规定标准。收费系统应具有指引行驶至收费区的车辆如何通过收费区的功能,因此报警装置、通行灯、挡车器的控制都应在系统的功能之中。以上所叙述的几个方面最终目的都是为了使收费系统朝更先进的方向发展。至此,该系统不仅要有外部设备控制功能,也要有对收费数据的收集、整理功能,最终形成与收费结果一致的收费报告文件。该高等级公路收费系统经历了十余年的历程,其中的监控系统基本成型,其关键点是设备的选型和施工质量,技术核心部分是在计算机收费系统部分。而车道收费系统是计算机收费系统的核心,所以车道收费系统是重中之重。该车道收费系统从汇编语言到可视化语言、数据存储从数据文件到小型数据库直<WP=54>至目前的大型数据库、编程由手工作坊到有质量控制的工程方法,从停车收费到半自动收费,其技术都随最新的公路交通理念、最新的计算机与监控技术来更新。车道控制系统是可以根据用户需要进行不断改变、扩充的模块。笔者这十余年来,一直致力于车道收费系统的研究。在实际的应用中,笔者亲眼目睹初期车道系统的不足之处:外设接线困难、车辆计数不准确、不能灵活控制外设、车道机易死机等,针对上述问题一一解决。在此基础上依用户要求笔者又为单位完成集成车型分类装置、非接触IC卡(应用于月票管理、高速公路封闭式收费的进出口收费)等工作。整个收费系统不仅可以用于公路收费工作中,而且经过微小的变化,可以应用于诸如楼宇自动化、停车场收费、商业网点及公共场所监控等的很多行业,在监控与收费行业有着广泛的发展前途。该系统所获成果有:1、LCM-2型车道控制计算机被确认为省级、市级科学技术研究成果;2、GLS-2高等级公路收费系统评为辽宁省政府科学进步奖、丹东市科技进步一等奖;3、DG4自动抗撞栏杆获丹东市人民政府科学技术进步奖、市级科学技术研究成果;4、路峰高等级公路收费系统软件获辽宁省优秀软件产品奖等。其中,1、3、4项笔者均获排名。随着经济的发展,汽车运输量大幅度提高,在路车辆也越来越多,从而使传统的人工收费和半自动收费方式将越来越难以满足收费公路运营和管理的要求,在收费出入口处经常因收费效率低下而引起严重的交通阻塞和车辆延误,造成惊人的经济损失。为了适应这一市场潮流,我们正积极开发不停车电子收费系统(ETC),本篇论文对此进行了论述。其关键子系统:自动车辆识别系统AVI(Automatic Vehicle Identification)与一个被称为“车道控制器(lane controller)”的装置相联结。每个车道装备一个车道控制器,并与车道所有其他装置配合使用,共同完成收费业务。车道控制器可以是一个支持有效标识卡清单的设备,以辨别由AVI提供的信息的有效性。将这些技术集成在一起是一项非常艰巨复杂的工作,将这些技术集成到现存的收费环境中,或研制包括ETC在内的全新收费系统可以有效地缓解由于停车收费而造成的交通堵塞状<WP=55>况,减少收费成本,杜绝征费过程中产生的营私舞弊现象,以及减少车辆油耗,减轻空气污染,从而产生显著的社会、经济效益。但目前缺乏规模,这将扼杀电子不停车收费的优势和发展前途,其面临主要问题如下:路网规模大,导致ETC系统规模庞大,一次性投资高,建设周期长,风险大;大多数入口收费站和出口收费站的交通量小,车道数量少,单独辟出一条专用ETC车道在土建上既困难,在利用率上又不经济;由于各收费站缺乏备份ETC车道,整个电子收费系统的可靠性和健壮性将无法得到保障。与半自动收费方式相比,电子收费系统的运行市场化特色更浓一些,要求运营公司有很高的商业运作能力。另外由于实施ETC收费可能导致的收费员下岗问题和并未明显体会到的ETC经济效益,大多数公路公司实施ETC收费的热情还不够。在现阶段,各方面的精力主要集中在人工半自动的区域联网收费工作上。本篇论文立足目前市场行情,以半自动系统中计算机网络收费为主,介绍计算机系统在公路收费管理过程中充分

【Abstract】 According to its rapid development in recent years, the computer has developed very fast into greater capability with the price getting lower and lower. The extended application has achieved far more than calculated. It has infiltrated into all the areas of social activities and has widely been used in the field of road transportation systems.The highway toll collection system is generally composed of two main parts: the computing toll collection system and the visual supervision system. From the way of operating it can be divided into the open toll collection system and the close toll collection system, and from the way of toll collection, the semi-auto way and the auto way. On the basis of late-started road systems in China, most roads depend on the open semi-auto system. In the fact of nation’s constructing roads, the main task of toll collection is to repay the loans. In practice the software is required to be adapted to all the differences in the toll collection rates and categories, for the different classes of roads and automobiles with different rates of toll collection and the corresponding deductions. Meanwhile, the software is also required to have the correspond changes at the warnings of sound and light to prevent the disadvantages of handcraft toll collection. With the technical purposes of pictures, sounds and outer control of the equipments fully used, the clear pictures need to be both animated and static, characters-spliced and qualification standards met. The toll collection system needs to be equipped with warning devices, passage lights and the barrier <WP=57>controllers so as to guide the automobiles to pass. In all, this system is needed to own the functions of not only outer controlling but also the data collecting and analyzing with the final agreement report produced to the toll collection.The Highway Toll Collection system has come into being used over ten years. The monitoring system is basically used very well and the key factor is the equipment ’s shaping and quality of constructing. The core of this technique exists in the lane control of the highway toll collection system. The Lane control system is from the compile language to the visual language, from the data storage, the small database to the present large database. The whole program is from the handcraft ways to the quality-controlled project techniques, from the parking toll collection to the semi-auto toll collection , is complied with the newest road building perception and the updated monitor techniques of the computer. The lane control system in the toll collection system is possible to be frequently implemented according to the user’s needs and amplify the module.In this over ten years,I have made my best to the study of lane control.I saw the initial weakness,such as the difficulty of line connection,the unsafety of vehicle count,the unflexible control of peripheral equipments,etc.I solve these questions one by one.In the realistic application, it has been used on the assembled cars’ classification and the untouched IC card technique (being used in the administration of communication tickets and the freeway’s closed entry and exit toll collection), the whole toll collection system not only takes effects in the highway toll collection system but also, through the minimum changes, shows its prospective in the building automatics, <WP=58>parking lots, business nets, public supervisions and many other lines of monitoring and toll collection. What we have acquired are as below: The computer of LCM-2 model, which is used to control the carriageway, has been confirmed as the provincial and city’s science technique research. GLS-2 highway toll collection system has gained the praise from the science advancement from Liaoning province and Dandong government. DG4 automatic hit-resistance bar has gained the praise from the science technique and the research results of Dandong city government.4. LuFeng highway toll collection system has acquired the praise of being an excellent software product from Liaoni

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】375