

On the Safeguarding System of the Imperial Palace in Donghan Dynasty

【作者】 张云华

【导师】 张鹤泉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 皇宫宿卫制度是中国古代强化皇权、维护以皇帝为核心的国家统治秩序的重要制度之一,同时也是研究中国古代中央集权的政治制度和军事制度不可或缺的重要组成部分。东汉的皇宫宿卫制度作为这一课题中的一个重要环节,值得我们对它全面系统地进行探讨。本文共分六部分对东汉皇宫宿卫制度进行考察。第一部分,对东汉皇宫布局与皇宫宿卫体系的形成加以阐述。东汉皇宫布局层次分明,京城洛阳是其外围屏障,皇宫主体自外而内分别由皇宫宫城、省外宫殿、省中等部分构成。与此相适应,东汉皇宫宿卫体系自外而内主要由四个层次组成:城门校尉、北军中候监领下的北军五校尉和执金吾负责宿卫皇宫外围;卫尉负责宿卫皇宫宫城;光禄勋负责宿卫省外宫殿;文属少府的宦官负责宿卫省中。它们之间彼此独立,相互牵制又互相协作,构成东汉皇宫较为严密的多层宿卫体系。这种皇宫多层宿卫体系实际是对前代皇宫多重宿卫体系的继承和发展。第二部分:重点论述了东汉皇宫宿卫职官制度。力图从东汉皇宫宿卫职官的构成体系、选拔标准、仕进途径等方面展现东汉皇宫宿卫职官的整体风貌。东汉皇宫宿卫职官依其宿卫层次分皇宫外围宿卫职官、皇宫宫城宿卫职官、省外宫殿宿卫职官和省中宿卫职官。其中皇宫外围宿卫职官包括直接警卫皇宫外周的执金吾及其属官;守卫京城,即保卫皇宫的北军中候监领的北军五校尉及其属官和城门校尉及其属官。宫城宿卫职官主要由卫尉及其下属南、北宫卫士令;宫掖门司马;左右都候等构成。省外宫殿宿卫职官为光禄勋名下的三署中郎将、虎贲中郎将、羽林中郎将和羽林左右监等。省中宿卫职官为少府名下的黄门令、中黄门冗从仆射等。东汉皇宫宿卫职官的选拔标准基本遵循东汉选官的一般标准,如,至孝清廉、德高行正、博雅笃学、忠勇大略等。但同时它也具有自身特点:一是格外重视忠亲和勇略等素质;二是外戚在宿卫职官中占的比例非常大。东汉皇宫宿卫职官与其他职官的仕进途径也基本相同,即主要通过察举、征召、辟除、任子、荫亲等途径进身,其中以察举、<WP=74>征召和荫亲之途任宿卫职官者为多。总体而论,东汉皇宫各层最高宿卫职官的军事权力十分有限,他们更多的是作为各自宿卫军队的管理者而不是统帅,同时,他们秩级基本相平,既便于他们之间相互协作又利于他们之间相互牵制。这正是东汉皇权集中在宿卫职官制度方面的具体体现。第三部分:主要探讨了东汉皇宫宿卫军士制度。东汉皇宫宿卫军士主要包括文属少府的部分宦官、属光禄勋的宿卫诸郎、属卫尉的卫士、属执金吾的缇骑和持戟士、属五校尉的五营营士、属城门校尉的城门兵等。从宿卫军队的基本兵力、宿卫军士的主要来源和组织管理等方面考察,可以发现,东汉皇宫宿卫军作为国家重兵,来源复杂,组织严密,管理严格。据粗略统计,东汉皇宫宿卫军约12600人,比西汉时大为减少,但在东汉罢郡国兵的情势下,它仍是国家的重兵,担负着宿卫皇宫、止息叛乱、反击侵扰等多方面任务。宿卫军士主要来自特选、征调、招募等途径,并在其中萌生了世兵制因素。东汉皇宫宿卫军作为步兵、骑兵、弓弩兵等多兵种的联合部队,主要处于皇权的统一管理之下,是东汉强化皇权的重要强力保障。第四部分:考察了东汉皇宫宿卫运作制度。其中包括宫省制度、符籍制度、更值制度、警跸制度和静室制度。这些具体的规章制度成了规范皇宫宿卫,保障皇权安全的重要制度保障。第五部分:对东汉皇宫宿卫后勤保障制度略加阐述。主要从宿卫军队的军事装备和生活消费等方面加以叙述,这是东汉皇宫宿卫机制能够正常发挥效能的物质基础。第六部分:归纳并分析了东汉皇宫宿卫制度的主要特点。其一,东汉皇宫宿卫制度具有较强的严密性;其二,东汉皇宫宿卫制度具有浓重的政治性;其三,东汉皇宫宿卫制度具有明显的过渡性。

【Abstract】 The safeguarding system of the imperial palace was one of the significant systems that it intensified imperial power and protect the ruling order under the imperial power in ancient China. At the same time it also is indispensable component as studying archaic military system and political system of centralization in China. The safeguarding system of the imperial palace in Donghan Dynasty is a very important part in this task, and therefore it deserves careful study.This thesis is divided into six chapters to discuss the safeguarding system of the imperial palace in Donghan Dynasty. In the first chapter it is discussed to the layout and arrangement of the imperial palace in Donghan Dynasty. It is clear in the layout that the capital of Luoyang is periphery barrier, and the main body of the imperial palace is made up of imperial city, common palaces and nuclear palaces from outer part to inner . And like so, the arrangement of the safeguarding imperial palace is mainly composed of four parts that the periphery of the imperial palace is controlled by Five Xiaowei and Zhijinwu, the imperial city is charged by Weiwei, the common palaces are guarded by Guangluxun and the nuclear palaces are protected by the eunuchs. Being independent each other ,they are made up into the multilayer levels in safeguarding imperial palace of Donghan Dynasty because of their cooperation. The second chapter discusses the official system of safeguarding imperial palace from the aspects of its organizing structure, its selecting standard and its being-an-official approach, through which we try hard to explain its integer character. According to its administrative levels ,the official system was divided into the officials of outer safeguarding imperial palace, safeguarding imperial city, common palaces and nuclear palaces in the arrangement. The officials of outer safeguarding imperial palace included <WP=76>Zhijinwu, Five Xiaowei and Xiaowei taking charge of the city gate, who directly guarded the periphery of the imperial palace. The officials of safeguarding imperial city were consisted of Weiwei and guarder’s chiefs of Southern palace and Northern palace. The officials of the common palaces were mainly made up of the generals of Sanshu, Huben and Yulin. The officials of the nuclear palaces, who belonged to Shaofu on the surface, basically were occupied by the powerful eunuchs. The selecting standard of the safeguarding officials, which approximately was in accord with the universal standard of Donghan Dynasty’s choosing official such as fealty, probity, braveness, erudition and so on, has some obvious characters on its self. Firstly, it was especially emphasized to the diathesis such as fealty and braveness. Secondly, emperor’s kinfolks was a large proportion in the officials of the safeguarding imperial palace. The being-an-official approach of the safeguarding officials, which was similar to other official’s, was mainly scrutinizing recommendation, emperor’s instatement and appointing kinsfolk. On the whole, the military power of the toppest officials in each level was very restricted, because they were not captain, but supervisor. And, the official’s rank was basically uniform in order to retain their balance. These are just the evident exhibition of Donghan’s imperial power. The third chapter is about the soldiery system of safeguarding imperial palace in Donghan Dynasty. The soldiers were mostly made up of a part of eunuch belonged to Shaofu, most of the Lang belonged to Guangluxun, guardsmen belonged to Weiwei, Tiji and Chijishi belonged to Zhijinwu, guarders belonged to Five Xiaowei and the gate-soldiers belonged to the City gate –Xiaowei. Seeing about from the military strength, primary source, organizing management of the soldiers, we found that, as the important force of Donghan Dynasty, it was complex for the soldiers to source, strict to manage and rigorous to administer. Approximately calculated, the number of the army, which was less than Xihan Dynasty’s, only was about 12600, but <WP=77>because of canc

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K234.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】450