

Blog: The Rebellion of Traditions or the Expansion of Traditions?--The Relationship between Blog and Traditional Mediums from Communication Meanings

【作者】 王寒

【导师】 韩向东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 新闻学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要介绍作为在传统的网络传播基础之上产生的新媒介形式Blog,尽管有着自己新颖的与众不同的传播特点和方式,可是依然是对于传统媒体形式的一种延伸和补充。同时这种延伸和补充也带给了我们对传统的传播学理论如“把关人”理论,麦克卢汉的一些媒介分析观点的重新审视,以及使我们认识到这种新的媒介形式在受众身上真正实现了传播权、知情权和话语权的统一,它是真正属于大众自己的具有积极意义的新媒介形式。但是,尽管如此,传统媒体依然有自己生存的理由和价值,Blog出现的意义也并不在于把传统媒体彻底地颠覆然后取代之,而是在与传统媒体相互配合的平衡体系中取长补短的共同发展,共同缔造大众媒介发展的明天。第一部分 Blog的含义和特点Blog是Web和Log两个英文单词的合并,字面上的意思就是网络日志。撰写Blog的人叫做Blogger或Blog writer。中文词汇博客是由方兴东和王俊秀两个人将Blog翻译成的汉语名称。从不同角度划分Blog有很多的分类,其中在媒介传播上比较有影响力的是新闻博客、专家博客和知识博客,新闻博客将是本文的研究对象。Blog的核心特征有时间性、个人性、开放性以及互动性。第一、时间性主要体现在排列顺序和更新速度上。排列顺序的时间性是指Blog注重按时间顺序进行记录,最新发表的帖子会放在网站的最上面;更新的即时性是指博客经常频繁地更新和发布信息。第二、个人性指博客的作者是一种个人性的行为,个人性的视角,个人性的思想,个人性的爱好和兴趣。第三、开放性的特点体现了博客的利他主义,<WP=48>博客把自己觉得有价值的信息用超链接的形式表达出来,使信息共享最大化。Blog作为个人性与公共性的结合体,强调和关注的是以个人的视角,以整个互联网为视野,精选自己在互联网上看见的精彩的内容,并主动为他人提供帮助,这体现了利他的共享精神。第四、互动性来源于Blog与读者间的交流,博客的作者是博客网站的核心,而围绕着博客与博客,博客与读者,读者与读者间多重交互的沟通,是关键。博客有着自己一些很鲜明的特征,与传统媒体也有这样那样的区别。其中个人网站、门户网站和BBS是最不容易和Blog区分开来的传统媒体。第二部分 Blog是对于传统的大众媒体的延伸和补充在关于Blog文本的解释和核心特征我们可以很明显的看出Blog作为新媒介形式的独特特性——超链接的表达方式、个性化的自由书写方式、内容更新上的及时性、运行技术的低成本以及交流双方的即时互动性等等。这些也正是Blog与传统媒体的最大区别。可是这并不代表着Blog就是一种完全和以往传统媒体相隔绝的媒介形式,也并不意味着它是对于传统媒体的反叛和颠覆。只有在与传统媒介前后一致的联系和互相融合的过程中,Blog才能够获得发展和延续的更大空间,也才可以在媒介传播上拥有更大的生命力。无论是在内容还是在表达模式上,作为网络媒体之新媒介的Blog都是对于传统媒体形式的一种延伸和补充,尤其在现阶段Blog还只是刚刚经历了萌芽之后的发展期。这种延伸和补充归结起来主要体现在这三方面:在表达方式上超链接方式是对于传统网络媒体的延伸和强化;在媒介内容上对于传统媒体的延伸和补充;从媒介主体的报道角度和视角上对于传统媒体的补充。尽管互联网一诞生就把链接<WP=49>作为其主要特点,可是它的链接仅仅是形式上的一种链接。博客写作告诉我们链接不仅仅只是一种技术上的表达方式,更是内容本身。Blog将形式上的链接延伸到内容层面上,它真正以链接为武器,将链接指向互联网的任何一个地方。于是传统网络媒体的封闭的信息含量结束于Blog时代,链接开始由技术层面延伸到内容层面。而在媒介的内容上来看,无论Blog是作为传统媒体报道内容有选择有倾向的链接组合,还是对于传统媒体由于某些集团利益而不能报道的信息的补充,再或者是专门作为传统媒体的监督和预警系统,都体现了对于传统媒体在内容层面上的一种延伸和补充。Blog中的大部分信息都是来自传统媒体上的内容,用超链接的方式将这些信息有效有序的组合在一起。另外,Blog在报道视角上也是对于大众传统媒体很好的补充。众所周知,Blog是个性化的写作,是庶民的写作方式。这种庶民的主体角色决定了Blog在报道新闻的时候其视野和角度势必要迥然相异于传统的有倾向性的媒体集团。于是在传统媒体的报道之外,Blog又给我们提供了这样一种大众自己的视角和体验,大大延伸了传统媒体的报道面以及扩展了其由于利益集团的倾向时而略显片面的新闻报道。我们可以看出来,不管是从表达方式还是传播的信息层面,以及报道所关注的角度和视野上来看,Blog都体现了对于传统媒体的一种延伸和补充,而不仅仅是标新立异的与众不同和另类。从这种意义上来说,Blog不是对于传统媒体的反叛和颠覆,而是更好的延伸和补充了传统的大众媒体。第三部分 Blog带来的传播学上的意义这部分从传播者、传播媒介以及接受者这三个环节上面来看看Blog作为传统媒体延伸和补充的新媒介形式给我们所带来的传播学<WP=50>意义上的启示:一是从传播者角度来修正传统媒体的“把关人”理论。在博客的写作中,每个作者都是把关人,都相对?

【Abstract】 This paper mainly introduces Blog to readers, which is a new medium based on Internet Communication. Though it has some innovative and fresh characters and ways different from Traditional Mediums to communicate, it is still an addition and expansion to traditions, but not just a revolution of them. Meantime this addition and expansion has brought us to review and re-evaluate some traditional theories of Mass Communication such as Gatekeepers and some theories of McLuhan, realizing the true union of the right to speak, the right to know as well as the right to communicate on the Mass. We all know Blog is the true medium different from traditions, belonging to Mass themselves. However we must realize that Traditional Mediums would still exist because the appearance of Blog does not aim to defeat old ones and replace them. The future of Blog is a fresh balance of media including not only old ones but also newborns, which would learn from each other to develop this balance.Part One: The Definition of Blog and Its Core CharactersBlog is the abbreviation of Web plus Log, a Web Diary on Internet. People who write Blogs are called Bloggers or Blog writers. There are many categories of Blogs from different views, of which News-Blog, Expertise-Blog as well as Knowledge-Blog are three most important Blogs. News-Blog is the subject of this paper.The core characters of Blogs are Timeliness, Personality, Openness as well as Instantaneous- Exchanging. Timeliness has two meanings: one means that <WP=53>Blog uses the date to record its posts. The most lately- posted thread is placed on the top of a Blog. The other means the aptness and instantaneousness of Blogging. The writer of a Blog visits his Blog almost every day, reading and posting new information. Personality stresses the personality of its writer. We all know a Blogger is the central part of a Blog, so s/he shows his/her own interests, thoughts, hobbies as well as his own actions on his/her Blog. Openness means that Blog is open to everybody as long as s/he is on Internet. All the information including not only the original writings but some information linked to elsewhere are both open. So from this view Blog is selfless, which has won itself abundance of trust from Mass because of this. Exchanging comes from the instantaneous communication between the Blogger and his/her readers. This communication is immediate and instant. Blogger is the core of a Blog and consequently the multi-communication between Blogs and Blogs, Bloggers and readers as well as readers and readers is another core. Blog has its remarkable characters and are different from traditional media such as Personal Websites and BBS in these parts.Part Two: Blog Is the Addition and Expansion of Traditional MediumsWe can summarize characters of a Blog from Part One, such as use of links to gather and post information, personal views of writings, the instantaneous and direct communication between Bloggers and readers as well as the low cost included. And these characters are the main distinctions of Blogs when compared with Traditional Media. However Blogs are not the rebellion and revolution of them; on the contrary it is <WP=54>just the expansion and advance of them. Only from this point of view can Blog own more space to further itself. This expansion is demonstrated in these three areas: the communicative ways and the information itself as well as the visions of Mass who are communicating. Though Internet also uses links, these links are limited in a small circle. And they are totally enclosed. So writings of Blog tell us links are the lives of a Blog. An excellent writer should use links as a weapon in this new era. And the information gathered in a Blog is still an expansion and addition to Traditional Media. A Blog gathers most of its information from other Traditional Media through links. And a good Blog would post some tricky and thorny information, which Traditional Media would not broadcast for some reasons. Also some Blogs purely aim at examining Traditional Media to find out errors,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1425