

Study on Legislation of Cooperative Joint-stock Enterprises

【作者】 王娟

【导师】 马新彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是在我国股份合作制企业大量存在并快速发展的情况下,针对目前股份合作制企业立法滞后,严重阻碍股份合作制企业健康发展的问题,就如何进一步发展和完善股份合作制企业立法,促进股份合作经济健康有序发展进行研究而完成的。该文力求通过对股份合作制企业立法问题的研究,弥补现行法律制度上的不足和缺陷,从而推动全国统一的股份合作企业法早日出台,使社会上众多的股份合作制企业尽快走上规范化、法制化健康发展的轨道。全文由五大部分构成。第一部分主要论述了股份合作制的含义、性质、法律特征以及股份合作制与相关企业制度的区别。首先,对股份合作制的含义、性质和法律特征进行了论述,指出股份合作制是采取了股份制一些做法的合作经济,是社会主义市场经济中集体经济的一种新的组织形式。针对股份合作制企业属集体所有制性质的提法,提出并不是所有的股份合作制企业都具有集体所有制性质,有些股份合作制企业是建立在私有制基础上的。劳动合作与资本合作相结合、劳动民主与股份民主相结合、按劳分配与按股分红相结合是股份合作制企业最基本的法律征。其次,对股份合作制与合作制企业、股份制企业、合伙制企业以及西方国家正在推行的职工持股计划进行了比较,指出了股份合作制与这些企业制度之间的联系和区别,其中对人们不太熟悉的合作制及西方国家职工持股计划作了较为详细的介绍,目的在于加深对股份合作制基本理论的了解和把握。第二部分阐述了股份合作制企业的立法价值。主要从我国股份合作制企业的快速发展需要法律引导和规范以及股份合作制的制度优势两个方面论述了加快股份合作企业立法的必要性和重要意义。股份合作制自八十年代初在我国诞生以后得到了巨大发展,在其发展过程中也出现了一些新的问题和情况,主要是由于缺乏统一法律的规制造成的。股份合作制符合我国的基本国情和现阶段生产力发展水平,为中小企业开辟了一条新的融资渠道,有利于调动干部职工的积极性和创造性,符合现代企业制度发展方向,其制度优势需要从法律上加以确认和推广。第三部分阐述了我国股份合作制企业的立法现状。我国股份合作制企业现行法律依据可分为两大类:一类是全国性的立法文件,另一类是地方性的立法文件。这些立法文件的主要缺陷是:层次和效力低,内容陈旧,基本内容不一致,股份合作制企业的法律地位不明确,过多强调国家计划的指导,股东的权利义务规定也不明确,这些已与股份合作制企业的发展不相适应,必须尽快更新和完善。第四部分论述了股份合作制企业立法的技术难题及解决对策。我国股份合作制企业在发展运行中遇到了一些新的矛盾和问题,如职工平均持股与经营者持大股的矛盾、一人一票与一股一票的矛盾、资本的封闭性与资本扩张需求的矛盾、职工股东与非股东职工并存的矛盾、国有和集体资产流失问题、职工集体股主体虚位问题等,这些也是我国股份合作制企业立法面临的技术难题。通过对股份合作制企业的研究和考察,笔者认为在立法上采取引入优先股和有限加权投票制度,使集体股收益的利用与其成员的社会保障利益挂钩的办法,取消对非股东职工人数比例的限制,同时引入按劳分红的分配机制,加强对国有和集体财产的监管等立法措施,可以有效地破解这些技术难题。第五部分是对股份合作制企业立法设计的思考。主要从股份合作制企业的立法形式、立法目的、指导思想、基本框架、立法的基本内容等方面阐述了股份合作企业法的总体轮廓。提出了我国股份合作制企业应实行专门的统一立法,并应制定成一部企业组织法和活动法,要有较强的操作性和实用性,同时在股份合作企业的设立条件、股权设置、组织机构、分配制度等方面提出了一些创新性观点。

【Abstract】 The thesis is composed based on study of further development and perfection of legislation of cooperative joint-stock enterprises to boost the cooperative joint-stock economy healthily and orderly, with regard to the present uncultured legislation of cooperative join-stock enterprises, under the condition in which there are large number of cooperative joint-stock enterprises, which are developing rapidly. This thesis manages to, through the study of the issues in the legislation of cooperative join-stock enterprise, remedy the deficiency and defects in the current legal system, so that a law of cooperative joint-stock enterprises which is applicable nation-wide can be enacted as early as possible, in order to make the large number of cooperative joint-stock enterprises go towards a normalized and institutionalized development way as soon as possible.The thesis consists of five parts.Part one mainly discusses the signification, nature and legal characters of cooperative joint-stock system, and its distinctions from other related enterprise systems. First, it discusses the signification, nature and legal characters of cooperative joint-stock system, pointing out that cooperative joint-stock system is a kind of cooperative economy adopting some practices of joint-stock system and is a new form of organization of collective economy in socialist market economy. With regard to the proposal that the nature of a cooperative joint-stock enterprise is collective ownership, it sets forth that not all cooperative joint-stock enterprises have the nature of collective ownership, and some of the cooperative joint-stock enterprises are based on private ownership. The basic legal characters of a cooperative joint-stock enterprise is the combination of labor cooperation and capital cooperation, the combination of labor democracy and share democracy, and the combination of distribution according to work and dividend distribution according to share. In addition, comparing cooperative joint-stock system with cooperative enterprise, joint-stock enterprise, partnership enterprise and the employee share-holding program being promoted currently in the western countries, it points out the relations and distinctions between cooperative joint-stock system and these enterprise systems, including detailed introduction of cooperative system, which is not familiar to people, and of the employee share-holding program in the western countries, aiming at further understanding and mastering the basic theory of cooperative joint-stock system.Part two discusses the value of legislation of cooperative joint-stock system. It states that the rapid development of cooperative joint-stock enterprises in our country needs legal guidance and normalization, and the cooperative joint-stock system have some systematic advantages; accordingly it discusses the necessity and significance to speed up the legislation of cooperative joint-stock enterprises. Since generation at the beginning of 1980’s in our country, cooperative joint-stock system has developed greatly. During the development, some new problems and condition appear, which are mainly caused by the lack of unified legal regulatory framework. Cooperative joint-stock system conform to the basic conditions of our country and the current development level of productivity, opening up a new way of financing for medium and small enterprises, facilitating the mobilization of employees’ enthusiasm and creativity, and consistent with the development direction of modern enterprises. The systematic advantages need to be confirmed and popularized legally. Part three discusses the present condition of legislation of cooperative joint-stock enterprises in our country. The current legal bases of cooperative joint-stock enterprises of our country can be classified into two categories – one is nation-wide legislative documents and the other, regional legislative document. The main defects of these documents are low level and validity, old content, inconsistent in basic contents, ambiguous legal status of cooperative

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【下载频次】204