

On Several Legal Questions of Bill Hypothecation

【作者】 佟胜奇

【导师】 赵新华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 票据质押作为一种权利质押形式,由于其强流通性、高安全性而在实务中倍受青睐。但是由于我国《票据法》、《担保法》等法律对权利质押的规定缺乏操作性,加之担保法和票据法相关的规定存在一定的冲突,使得在票据质押实际操作过程中的一些问题无法获得理论层面的解决。在文章的第一部分,主要通过以下六个问题,从两个层面对票据质押的涵义给以初步界定。首先对票据质押的概念、意义、特征、功能做全面详尽的论述。阐明票据质押的概念,确定了票据质押是一种权利质押形式,以及票据作为权利质权的标的所应具有的属性和票据设质的现实意义。介绍了票据质押作为一种特殊的权利质押的重要特征,指出了票据质押作为间接保障交易安全促进市场繁荣的重要工具的功能。其次是对票据质押是否属于票据行为,票据质押行为的特殊性,以及票据质押与一般债权质押的区别分别做出讨论。票据质押是不是一种票据行为,这是理顺票据质押内部关系的关键,定性不同就会引起法律效力和质权实现途径的差异。既然票据质押行为从法律性质上说是属于票据行为,那么他就应具有票据行为应具有的特殊性。票据质押法律特点也是其与一般债权质押的不同之处。例如在票据质押的设定当事人是否承担对其他关系人的通知义务、票据质押能否转质等问题上,也区别于一般债权。文章的第二部分,我国担保法和票据法在票据质押的设定和转让上的相关规定冲突较多,在理论界也存在较大的分歧。<WP=41>本文以三部分来解释和分析票据质权的设定和转让等问题。第一,票据法上的票据质押和担保法上的票据质押的关系,我国《票据法》和《担保法》对票据质押的生效条件的规定有差异,二者间的问题是,作为原因关系的票据质押合同与体现票据质押关系的票据设质背书之间是什么关系,二者的地位、效力、责任如何,实践中如果出现冲突该怎样解决。第二,票据质权的设定,根据现行法律的规定,票据质权的设定必须由出质人在票据背书栏内记载“质押”字样,并将票据交付于质权人,方才完成票据质权设定行为。但有几个问题值得研究。1、关于票据质押背书应当以何种形式进行的问题。2、关于票据质押是否还需要签订担保合同问题。3、签订质押合同但出质人进行的是转让背书而未记载质押字句是否构成质押的问题。第三,不得转让的票据的质押和票据部分金额质押的问题。实践中不得转让的票据主要有以下几种,1、出票人或背书人在票据上记载有“不得转让”及相似内容的票据是否具有禁止转让的效力,实践中存在争议较大,本文提一个相关案例来来帮助我们解释和分析这一问题。2、票据法规定不得转让的票据的质押问题。3、《支付结算办法》规定的不得转让的票据的质押问题。4、区域内的票据不能超出规定的区域进行转让。5、能否将票据金额部分质押。文章第三部分,是票据质押的法律效力问题。票据经设质程序后,并完成交付,主债权质权就此产生,质权人和出质人之间依票据法规定开始产生一系列的权利义务,也就是票据质押的法律效力问题。1、权利证明效力,是对票据质权人取得<WP=42>票据后,依背书的连续性证明自己的票据权利的问题的分析。2、切断人的抗辩,是对票据义务人与特定的票据权利人之间所存在的一定关系而发生的抗辩,票据债务人不得以其与背书人(出质人)之间存有的抗辩事由对抗质权人的问题的分析。3、背书转让的效力,是分析票据质权人再在票据上进行的转让背书是否有效的问题。4、行使票据上的所有权利,根据我国担保法的有关规定,行使质权须以主债权到期未受清偿为前提,而我国票据法第35条规定,被背书人依法实现其质权时,可以行使汇票权利。这样产生了一个问题,票据质权人行使质权时是否需要证明其主债权到期未受清偿。5、票据责任的担保力,是对设质背书的意义和票据责任担保效力问题的分析。文章的第四部分,对票据质押权人实现质权的方式做出解释和分析,1、向付款人请求付款,是主债务未到期而票据已到期时,票据质押人作为主债权人,即可以依背书的连续性证明自己权利的存在,持票据提示付款人付款的问题。2、行使票据追索权,是付款请求权的一种补充或保障性的权利,作为第二次请求权有效地起到了保障票据债权流通、票据制度规范运行的作用。3、票据届期与其所担保的债权的届期问题,由于票据的到期日与其所担保的债权的期限有所不同,所以在票据债权的实现上有异,现实中票据的到期日与其所担保的债权的期限的不同,本文就票据所担保的债权与票据的到期日同时届期、票据的到期日先于被担保债权的期限到达、票据到期日后于被担保债权的清偿期到达,这样三种情况进行分析。

【Abstract】 Bill hypothecation as a form of pledge is very popular in practice because of its character of circulation and security. But because the regulation of the bill hypothecation in security law and negotiable instrument law lacks practical function, and because there is confliction between the two regulations, there are still some problems lefts to be solved.In the first part, the author discusses six problems, and defines the concept of the bill hypothecation. First, the author discusses the concept, significant, character and function of the bill hypothecation. Making clear the concept, the author thinks the bill hypothecation is a pledge of right, the character that the bill as the object of the right pledge should has, and the practical significance of the bill hypothecation. Based on the character of the bill hypothecation, the author thinks the bill hypothecation functions as an important role as the relative protection of the deal security and the promotion of the market. Second, the author discusses whether the bill hypothecation belongs to bill act, the special character of the bill hypothecation, and the difference between the bill hypothecation and the pledge of obligation. Whether the bill hypothecation is bill act is the key to make clear the inner relation of the bill hypothecation. Different definition about this will lead to different legal effect and different way of realization of the bill hypothecation. The author thinks the bill hypothecation is bill act, so bill hypothecation should have the <WP=44>character of the bill act. There are many character of bill hypothecation that makes it differ from the pledge of the obligation, such as whether the party of the bill hypothecation assumes the informing obligation, whether the bill hypothecation can be transferred, etc.In the second part, there are many divergences, both in legislation and theory, on the creation and transference of the bill hypothecation. The author explains the problem in three aspects. First, the author discusses the relationship between the legislation of bill hypothecation in negotiable instrument law and bill hypothecation in security law. The divergence is what is the relationship between the contract as the reason of the bill hypothecation and the transfer endorsement, what are the situation, effect and liability of them, and how to settle the dispute. Second, according to the current law, the creation of the bill hypothecation must meet the requirement below: the pledger should make the transfer endorsement on the bill, and make the delivery of the bill. But these question needs to be discussed: the form of the transfer endorsement; whether the pledge contract is needed; the pledger makes the pledge contract, but makes transfer endorsement not the pledge endorsement, whether the bill hypothecation is established under this condition. Third, the author discusses the problem of the hypothecation of non-transfer bill and partial hypothecation of bill; in practice, the non-transfer bill includes the drawer or the holder of the bill makes the endorsement of non-transfer. There are divergences about the effect of the transference this kind of <WP=45>bill. The author takes a case as example; another problem is about the non-transfer bill regulated in the negotiable instrument law and method of settling accounts; bill cannot be transferred beyond the region; and the problem of partial hypothecation of bill. The third part is about the effect of the bill hypothecation. After the creation process and the delivery, pledge over main obligation is created. According to the negotiable instrument law, a series of rights and duties are established. The effects of bill hypothecation include: the proving effects of right, it is the analyses about the way that the holder proves that he is the owner of the right according to the endorsement; the effect of stopping the countervailing power, it is the analyses about the way of stopping the apply of the obligator’s right of defense against the pledger; the effect of transfer endorsement, i

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.287;D923
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】353