

On the Policies of the Communist Party of China for National Capitalism (1940-1956)

【作者】 慕向斌

【导师】 张秀华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中共党史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民族资本主义,是在外国帝国主义、本国封建主义和官僚资本主义的夹缝中生存,没有得到充分发展。它是中国近代社会经济结构中的一种新的成份。中国共产党在为实现共产主义的目标而奋斗的过程中,必须处理好同民族资产阶级的关系。在新民主主义革命和建设时期,中国共产党对民族资本主义的政策经历了一个保护、奖励、广泛发展到利用、限制、改造直至使其“绝种”、再发展的曲折过程。 党对民族资本主义的政策的变化,是同党对新民主主义革命和社会主义建设道路的探索相伴而行的。党对资本主义的政策从保护发展到广泛地发展,再到利用、限制以及改造是符合当时的实际需要的,但也存在一些问题,那就是对资本主义改造的时间过于提前,改造的进程过于急促,并最终要使资本主义绝种,小生产者绝种,从而使国家的经济建设陷入了长期缓慢发展甚至停滞的局面。 分析党对资本主义政策发生的急剧变化,有其深刻的原因:既有发展国民经济的现实需要,又有争取同盟者的政治因素,既有中国共产党人对经典社会主义的理论认识,又有对不同阶段社会矛盾的分析上的偏差,直到最后表现为急于实现社会主义,犯了超越阶段的错误。同时在特殊历史条件下个别领导人地位的特殊性也成为对资本主义政策变化的一个因素。而这些因素又是和国内国际的大背景紧密相联的。 今天,回顾党在这一历史时期对资本主义的政策,并不是苛求前人,而是要反思其变化的原因,也不是去埋怨历史,而是要总结经验,从中得到启示,以便在新的形势下处理好同社会各个阶层之间的关系。这就要求我们:一、必须正确认识社会主义和资本主义;二、必须明确生产力标准是衡量社会更替的根本标准;三、充分认识到经济文化落后国家跨越社会形态的条件性;四、党的决策程序要实现民主化、科学化、制度化;五、要正确处理拒绝资本主义发展道路同利用资本主义生产方式的关系;六、正<WP=57>确处理同资本主义的关系是经济文化落后国家革命和建设的一个重大而特殊的课题。同时在实践中坚持以下原则:一是保证社会主义方向,不放弃自己的政治优势;二是不照抄照搬,搞全盘西化;三是对资本主义腐朽丑恶的东西要坚决抵制;四是以“三个有利于”为标准,大胆学习借鉴资本主义在经济、政治、文化等方面的积极成果,为我所用。在思想方法上,要坚持解放思想,实事求是,打破教条主义的束缚。要与时俱进,不断创新。在现阶段则要对私营企业主进行界定,无论是定为阶级还是阶层,都要充分认识他们是社会主义事业的建设者。明确各种形式的私营经济的发展也是我国的现代化建设过程中不可缺少的重要部分。

【Abstract】 National capitalism didn’t develop to the fullest extent in the narrow space between foreign imperialism and native feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism. It was a new component part in social economic structure of china. The communist Party of China must get along well with national capitalism while struggling for the realization of communism During New Democratic revolution and construction, CPC’s policies for national capitalism had been varied from protecting it, encouraging it, making use of it to restricting it, transforming if, "eliminating" it, and then redeveloping it. The modification of CPC’s policies for national capitalism went with the exploration of the new democratic revolution and socialism construction. The modification of policies was consistent with the practical situation at the time. However, it had some defects and problems, too. The course of transforming was too early and pressing, finally resulting in the extinction of capitalism and small producers, which in turn caused the slow development, even a standstill of the national economy.There were profound reasons for the rapid change of CPC’s policies for national capitalism: not only because of the practical need of developing national economy, but also because of the political factor to win over alliances; the party was over anxious for socialism and over stepped stages. In addition, in the special historical phase some exception leader had special position, which also contributed to the sharp changes of policies. All those factors were related with national and international situation.Now, looking back upon those policies during this historical period doesn’t mean complaining history and predecessors, but to sum up experience and gain enlightenment in order to handle properly the relation with various social strata in new situation. This demands us:Ⅰ, to understand socialism and capitalism correctly; Ⅱ, to make clear <WP=59>that productive forces are fundamental standards to judge the history of social development; Ⅲ, to fully understand that backward economy and culture caused the party to overstep social formation; Ⅳ, to decide policy democratically, scientifically and systematically. Ⅴ, to reject capitalism road and make use of capitalism’s mode of production; Ⅵ, to understand it is significant to deal with the relation with capitalism appropriately in a backward country .In practice we should uphold the following principles: Ⅰ, stick to the socialist road, and don’t give up the political superiority; Ⅱ, Don’t indiscriminately imitate the occident completely; Ⅲ, Resolutely resist decadence in capitalism; Ⅳ, According to the policy of "three advantage’s" from capitalism on economy, politics and culture to develop our own country.As for method for thinking, we should not only be practical and realistic, but also free ourselves from old ideas and dogmatism. Meanwhile we should keep up with the times and bring forth new ideas continually. At present we should be aware that whether private enterprises are defined as a class or a stratum, they are socialism constructors. In a word, various forms of private enterprises are indispensable parts in our socialist modernization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D232
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】227