

The Protection of Human Rights and the Income Tax Law of Our Country

【作者】 张英欣

【导师】 那力;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着商品经济的深入发展,人们的规则意识显著增强,对规则的合理性、确定性、稳定性和可预测性也提出了更高的要求,人们在关心税收行为经济作用的同时,更关心如何通过完备的法律制度和措施保证纳税人的合法权利不受侵害。即我们期望的税法的功能不仅在于保障政府高效率的行使职权,也在于以法律的形式对相关主体的行为进行必要的约束和监督,使其在既定的框架中运转,不至于侵犯纳税人的权利和利益;同时,随着中国加入WTO,世界范围内的商务交流对中国政府的组织和行为原则产生了重大的影响,这种影响最先体现在和商务联系最密切的部门中(比如税务),并最终引起一场政府行为上的革命,其中的重点就是个人的权利保障。但是因为中国漫长的封建史,对权利要求产生抑制的文化对很多人的影响根深蒂固,造成了在税收实践层面上树立了以确保国家的财政收入和经济的高速发展为中心,同时兼顾纳税人权利的保护的指导思想。在这种思想的指导下,税法学的研究重点不在如何控制立法和法律解释的权力、如何规范征收管理行为、如何加强司法和行政救济等,相反,税法研究过多的关心设计各种理论和制度,缩小税收执法人员和纳税人的自由空间,便于各种税种的开征和税款的征收。面对人们对人权保护的迫切要求,分析我国在税收实践和税法研究层面对纳税人权利保护不足的现状,如何能解决这一突出的矛盾?笔者认为:1、把人权保护原则作为我国税法的一项基本原则把人权保护作为立法等税法研究工作的出发点和主要目标,即用人权原则评析我国税收制度的各个方面,作为改进我国税制的重要依据。2、实体法应为税法研究的主要对象在人权保护基本原则之后,我们还需要明确税收法律关系的性质,本文赞同税收债务关系说,即税收法律关系在性质上属于公法的债权债务关<WP=39>系,其给付内容和范围只能根据法律成立,不允许债权债务人自行变更,行政机关不应该在这种关系中具有优越性。税收债务关系说的一个必然后果是把税收法律关系中税务机关和纳税人之间的对等性法理化,也就是税收法律是以税收实体法律关系为中心的实体法体系,而不象传统的行政法学认为的那样,以税务机关为中心的程序法体系。同时,由于实体法规模的不断膨胀和混乱,造成侵犯纳税人权利的事件不断的涌现,加之税收实体法研究需要会计和法律跨学科的知识,研究者本身知识体系的限制,也是税收实体法研究不足的一个重要原因。所以本文认为,现在税法的研究应该围绕着税收实体法展开。实体法的研究应该从宏观和微观两个层面入手,应用现代法学的指导原则,把经济学、会计学的方法应用于其中,把结果通过权利义务的模式表现出来。同时保持税法研究的民间立场,把实现纳税人的基本权利作为税法研究的最终课题。3、由普遍人权演绎出的纳税人基本权利必需得到切实的保障 什么是我们需要保护的纳税人基本权利呢?我们知道,人权既有普遍性的一面,又有相对性的一面。人权的普遍性根据在于,人权是人基于人的本质即其社会属性而理应享有的权利。人权的相对性根据在于,人权都是和个别民族、国家及其特定的历史、文化、传统而独立存在的,人权总是具体的、历史的存在和发展着。在人权的普遍性方面,笔者认为英国学者A.J.M.米尔恩的低限人权观比较有借鉴意义。其特点是在充分认识道德多样性的基础上,从任何形式的社会所必需的最低限度的普遍道德原则中推导出最低限度的普遍人权标准,即行善、尊重生命、公平对待、伙伴关系、社会责任、不受专横干涉、诚实信用、礼貌和儿童福利。特别需要指出的是,这些标准都是最低的,都是需要在一个国家和社会的实体法中得到切实体现的。根据米尔恩教授的最低限度的普遍人权标准和我国的现状,笔者演绎出了纳税人最低限度的基本权利,即最低生活费用不被征税的权利、接受正当程序的权利、获得救济权、发展权。由于普遍人权的不可剥夺性,这几项人权必需在我国的税收法律中得到切实体现。4、所得税在现行税种中是最符合人权原则要求的税种根据人权原则,我们可以对我国现行税制做出评析。得出所得税在人<WP=40>权保护上有以下优势:一是纳税人的权利保障将主要停留来对直接缴纳税款或者是进行纳税申报的纳税人。而广大通过间接税负担了税款的实际负税人则被不太可能取得相应的法律地位,因而排除在税法对纳税人的权利保障之外,不利于其权利展开;二是间接税的主体税种增值税,由于税负平均,对最低消费品也同样征收。我们知道最低消费品不属于剩余产品,根据最低生活费不课税原则是不能课税的,而增值税却把他列为课税之列,这显然和人权的原则相违背,不能不称之为增值税存在的一大瑕疵。同样,其它间接税也存在这样的问题;三是以增值税为代表的流转税不利于人们纳税意识甚至是法律意识的培养。因为和税务不产生可以察觉的联系,纳税人好像自己没有负担过税款,不会产生所谓的税痛感。在这种情况下,政府部门如何使用税款和自己没有关系,政府财政支出落到自己身上了就是幸运,支出不当也没有什么可以非议的。在这里,笔者认为,我国公民的民主参与热情的不够,和我国的以间接税为主要部分的税收?

【Abstract】 With the deep development of the commodity economy, the public’s consciousness of regulation has been strikingly strengthened. Especially the higher demand on the rationality, definitude, stability and calculability of it have been put forward. When caring for the economic functions of tax revenue, people paid more attention to preventing the taxpayers’ legal rights from being infringed via complete law and measure. That is, our expectant function of the tax law lie in not only guaranteeing the government exercising their powers in high efficiency, but also restraining and supervising the conduct of relevant principal part in the form of law; so as to let it run in the set frame and not likely to infringe on the taxpayers’ rights and interests. Simultaneously, with China’s accession to the WTO, the worldwide exchange of the commercial affairs has great effect on the Chinese government’s organization and conductive principle. We can find a full expression in the closest department relevant to the commercial affairs such as tax administration. It results in a revolution on the government’s behavior, among which lay stress on ensuring the individual rights.Yet because of China’s long feudal history, a culture that the demand on rights led to restraining has deep-rooted effect on many people. These effects caused many people to establish the guiding ideology: centering on the insurance of national financial income and high speed of economy development; while giving consideration to the insurance of the taxpayers’ rights. Under the guide of the ideology, the research on the tax law would not lay stress on how to control regulation and the power of explaining law, how <WP=42>to standardize taxation, how to strengthen judicature and administrative relief and so on. To the contrary, the researchers paid excessive attention to designing various theories and systems, narrowing the free space of those who enforce law in tax revenue and the taxpayers to be good for starting levying on kinds of tax payments. Faced with the public’s urgent demand on the protection of human rights, analyzing the present situation that we provide insufficient protection for the taxpayers’ rights referring to the practice of the tax revenue and research on it, the author express his own opinion on how to solve the obvious contradiction as follows:First, protection of the human rights should be a primary principle of our tax law.We take the protection of the human rights as the starting point and the main objective of legislation and other researches on tax law. That is, to analyze various sides of our systems on tax revenue according to the principle of human rights as an important foundation of improving our tax system.Second, entity law should be the main object of the research on tax law.Following the primary principle of human rights’ protection, it’s still necessary for us to make clear the character of the tax revenue legal relationship. The paper is in agreement with the statement of relationship of land tax and debt. That is, tax revenue’s legal relationship in attribute refers to the relationship of creditor’s rights and the debtors’ rights in public law. What and how much it can give and pay can only be established according to the law. The creditors and debtors are not allowed to change by themselves. The administrative mechanism should not feel superior in this kind of relationship. An inevitable result of this statement is to rationalize the equity between the tax authority and taxpayers in the land tax’s legal relationship. That is, the tax revenue’s legal relationship centers upon its entity’s legal relationship, not a <WP=43>system centering on tax authority like the traditional administrative law. At the same time, because of the constant expansion of the entity law’s scale and its confusion, the events of infringing on the taxpayers’ rights spring up constantly. In addition, the research requires cross-subject knowledge referring to accounting and law. The researchers themselves’ limited knowledge system

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.22
  • 【下载频次】142