

Research on Sale of Future Housing Contract

【作者】 刘光耀

【导师】 刘世元;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步形成和发展,我国的房地产业通过不断推进投资主体多元化、实行住房商品化和逐步引入市场机制等措施,得到了迅猛发展,并成为国民经济的支柱产业。与此同时,在立法上我国逐步形成了以《城市房地产管理法》、《土地管理法》、《城市规划法》、《建筑法》等法律基础,以《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》、《商品房销售管理办法》、《城市私有房屋管理条例》、《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》、《住房公积金管理条例》、《城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》、《土地管理法实施细则》等行政法规、规章及最高人民法院和最高人民检察院发布的一系列司法解释为主体的房地产法制体系。但有关住宅建设、使用、管理的法律(住宅法),有关不动产物权的法律(物权法),有关房地产金融的法律等,都是现行法律体系所欠缺的。由此,出现了一系列亟待解决的法律问题,在商品房预售领域尤为严重。 商品房预售,与现房销售相对应,是指房地产开发商(预售人)将正在建设中的房屋出售给预购人的一种房屋买卖形式。预售方式,可以加快发展商的资金回笼过程,减轻银行大额贷款压力,公众手中的闲散资金也能被有效地利用起来,从而刺激消费,促进资金流通。但是,在预售关系中,主要资金先于房产交付到位,卖方与买方由此而处于明显的优势和弱势差别地位。有的房地产商利用专业知识经验和强势地位带来的主动权,损害买方的利益,而买方因对房地产预售的具体操作不甚了解和与房地产商力量对比上的弱势地位,其利益经常受到损害。这些问题最突出地体现在虚假广告泛滥,房屋质量低劣、物业管理争议的频繁出现等方面。而这些问题的发生都和预售合同有关。如果合同双方在签订合同时有一定的防范意识并能采取相应的预防措施,就能避免此类问题出现。所以对商品房预售合同的相关法律问题进行研究有着非常重要的现实和理论意义。 本文共分四个部分。 第一部分阐明了商品房预售的概念、商品房预售合同的概念及商品房预售合同的法律属性。首先阐述商品房预售合同是指商品房预售方和预购方双方约定,预售方在约定时间内将建成的商品房所有权转移于预购方,预购方向预售方交付定金或部分房款并按期接受商品房的书面协议。商品房预售合同是以建造中的房屋为标的物的,属于买卖合同的一种。其二用比较的方法分析了商品房预售合同的法律属性,指出商品房预售合同是一种非即时买卖合同、商品房预售合同是本合同而不是预约合同、商品房预售合同与期货买卖合同不同、商品房预售合同不是附期限的合同、商品房预售合同具有较强的国家干预性。 第二部分论述了商品房预售合同生效的要件。不管什么合同要发生法律效力必须具备一定的要件,商品房预售合同作为合同的一种,首先应具备一般合同生效的要件,即主体合格、意思表示真实、内容合法、形式合法。但作为房地产方面一种特殊的合同,其还必须符合城市房地产管理法的相关规定。城市房地产管理法第44条规定了商品房预售的条件:1、预售人己经交付了全部土地使用权出让金,取得土地使用权证书。2、预售人已经取得了建设工程规划许可证。3、预售人己经完成一定比例的投资。4、预售人已经取得商品房预售许可证。这些条件,一方面对维护房地产交易市场的秩序,促进市场的健康发展起到了积极的作用,另一方面,这些条件也存在一定的缺陷。 第三部分阐述了商品房预售合同登记的有关问题。按照《城市房地产管理法》及相关法规的规定,在预售合同签订之后,要求预售人在一个月以内将合同向县级以上人民政府房地产管理部门和土地管理部门办理登记备案手续。对于此处登记备案的法律性质学术界有不同的认识:一是登记生效要件说;二是备案登记说;三是预告登记说。对于此登记备案的性质问题,笔者比较赞同第二种观点,即认为此登记备案只是一种行政管理手段,其不具有物权转移的公示效力。为弥补此方面的不足,笔者建议我国应尽快建立预告登记制度。 第四部分论述了预购商品房转让的问题。首先阐明了预购商品房转让的概念及特点。预购商品房转让是指商品房的预购人将其预购的尚未竣工验收的商品房转让给第三人的行为。其二论述了预购商品房转让的法律性质。从合同法的角度来看,预购商品房转让行为属于合同主体的变更,即合同债权债务的转移。其三列举了预购商品房能否转让的各种学术观点。对预购商品房能否转让,学术界存在三种不同的看法:第一种观点认为,商品房预购人可以将购买的未竣工交付使用的预售商品房再行转让:第二种观点认为,预购商品房转让具有很大的投机性,极易导致“泡沫经济’、应禁止预购商品房转让:第三种观点综合了前两种观点,主张对此作有控制的发展。笔者比较赞同第三种观点。其四阐明了现行法律对预购商品房转让问题的规定。我国现行法律没有对预购商品房转让问题作出硬性规定,而是授权国务院根据实际情况另作规定,但国务院至今仍未出台调控此问题的规范性文件或规范条款。只有一些地方性法规对此作规定。最后笔者对如何完善预购商品房转让的?

【Abstract】 With the formation and development of socialism market economy mechanism, the industry of real estate in our country has developed swiftly and become the pillar industry of national economy through investor-pluralism, housing-Commoditization and adopting market mechanism. Meanwhile, in legislation, a legal system of real estate took shape progressively, which is led by series of codices such as "Real Estate in City Administration Law", "Land Administration Law", "City Plan Law" and "Construction Law" with the main body including administrative statutes such as "Regulations on Development Management of Real Estate in City", "Management Methods on Sale of Future Housing", "Regulations on Administration of Private Housing in City", "Regulations on Administration ofRemovement of Housing in City", "Regulations on Public-Accumulation Funds", "Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Concerning the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to the Use of the State-ownedland in the Urban Areas", "Rules for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law" and series of judicial explanations promulgated by the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. But the present legal system is short of the codices on establishing, using, and managing housing(Housing Law), the law about the estate right(Real Law) and the finance of the real estate. Therefore, there appeared series of legal problems, especially in the field of future housing sale, lots of buyers’ rights and interests were damaged seriously.Be contrary to the cash sale of housing, the sale of future housing is a pattern of selling housing in which the developer of the real estate sells the housing under establishment to buyers, which can accelerate the developer’s capital turnover course and lighten the pressure of large volume loan for the bank. And the idle money in the hand of the public can be utilized sufficiently, which can stimulate the consumption and promote circulation of the capitals. But in the relationship of sale future housing, the fact that main capitals are put in place earlier than housing, makes the sellers in the obvious advantageous place and the buyers in the disadvantageous place. And then, comparing with the sellers of housing who have initiative in the trade and professional knowledge and experience, the buyers’ interests are frequently infringed and could do nothing because of their less knowledge on concrete operation of sale future housing. Those problems are exposed in such cases as the falseadvertisement, the poor quality of the housing and the disputes in housing management, which are related to sale of future housing contract. If the buyers are alert to take some precautions when signing the contracts, those problems can be avoided. Therefore, it has academic and realistic meanings to study the relevant issues on sale of future housing contract.This thesis is divided into four parts.The first part elucidates the concept of sale of future housing, the concept of sale of future housing contract and its legal attributes. Firstly, sale of future housing contract is a written contract signed by the seller and buyer in which the seller promises to transfer the ownership right of the housing established within the promised period to the buyer, and the buyer pays earnest or costs of the housing to the seller and take them over according to the term. The sale of future housing contract is one of deal contract and takes the housing under establishment as targets. Secondly, through analyzing the legal attributes of this kind of contract, the conclusions can be achieved as following: 1.The sale contract is not immediate; 2. It is the main contract, not booking contract; 3. It is quite different from the deal contract of the future; 4. It is not the contract with time limit; 5. It has relatively strong nature of national intervenes.The second part is about the important elements for the sale of future housing contract coming into force. As a contract, sale of future housing contract may firstly possess the follo

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】667