

Staying in the Mood of Poetry about Feminine Appreciating the Beautiful Life--Studying in Feminine Prose during the May 4th Time

【作者】 孙淑奇

【导师】 王学谦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要由序言、正文四章及结束语组成。序言:本文主要从女性文学的角度来考察探究女性散文的产生和发展。女性文学是在五四时期这样一个具有独特的社会历史文化背景下产生的。五四的历史浪潮催生了女性的现代意识,自此,女性以“人”的本体的自觉意识来冲击以男性为主体的社会,尤其文学领域这块壁垒,其中不免有着痛苦、彷徨、失意等等困厄的人生体验,但恰恰是在这样的历史考验和煎熬中,女性文学以她独特的视角和魅力在二十世纪的文坛上取得了辉煌的文学业绩。 二十世纪的女性文学经历了五四的开拓期(第一个高潮)三四十年代(包括左冀文学、抗战文学、解放区文学)的磨难期、“十七年”的隐形期和新时期的第二个高潮之后,到了20世纪90年代形成多元风格,更具有了齐整的创作阵容,更强烈的写作诉求和女性意识以及辉煌的文学业绩,但是女性文学的发展,是以五四女性散文的发端为起始。可以说,没有五四女性散文的成功开拓,就没有后来女性文学的辉煌。 正文第一章从时代背景入手探讨五四女性散文兴起的原因。包括:五四新文化的人文关怀、散文独抒性灵的本真追求和五四女作家群的出现。在“存天理,灭人欲”的封建社会,女人作为男人的附庸而存在,在政治、经济、文化等各个方面的权利都被剥夺了,其中也包括写作的话语权利。即使有少数出身名门的女作家“经国”的“大事”,只是男人的专利。可以说,在古代女性文学中,散文成为空白。因此,只有到了推翻一切旧有制度,男女平等,女性获得解放和自由的五四时期,女性散文空前自由的言说才随着女作家群和女性文学的兴趣而成为可能,并散发出耀眼的光芒。 第二章对五四女性散文的思想内涵进行了总体上概括。我们发现,五四时期的女性散文尽管内容各异,但总离不开“爱”“恨”“愁”三个方面。换句话说,对“爱的哲学”的至诚熔铸、对黑暗现实的理性批判以及感伤哀情的娓娓倾诉构成了五四女性散文的主要思想内涵。首先,五四女作家们在散文中把个人的爱推广到了对全人类的爱,爱成为她们永远唱不完的歌。同时,她们也以满腔的愤恨发出了对黑暗现实的不满和呐喊。最后,她们的散文由于理想与现实的矛盾、爱情的失意和浓重的漂泊感而笼罩上了一层或浓或淡的愁绪,染上了悲伤的色调。这里有时代造成的知识分子觉醒后的找不到出路的仿徨、苦闷与迷茫,也有女作家个人坎坷的人生经历。 第三章从话语姿态、意境建构、修辞表达三个方面探讨了五四女性散文的审美表现—对诗意人生的追求。从话语姿态上来看,五四女作家主要采用谈话式和独语式的叙事方式。有叙述者与读者的直接对话,也有作者本身心灵的独白,无论采取哪种计划方式,总使人感到一种与读者几乎零距离的贴近状态。从意境建构上来看,五四女作家因其不同的性格、经历而使其散文呈现出不同的色调。有冰心的明媚,有石评梅的冷艳,也有她们丰厚的古典文学底蕴凸现出来的诗情画境。五四女性散文也因此而多姿多彩起来,给人以不同的美的享受。在修辞表达方面,五四女性散文所流动的古典气韵是后来女性散文所无法企及的。女作家们深受优秀古典文学的浸润,把从古典文学中脱胎出来的白话文字写得如诗如画。这种中西合璧的美文不仅有古典修辞方法的巧妙运用,而且还将个别的诗句词句自然随意地嵌入行文的字里行间,毫无雕饰之感。这使得五四女性散文呈现出一种古典、含蓄、温婉、柔美的风貌。综合所述,五四女性散文透露出一种诗词之美,也使其中的人生充满了诗意。 第四章分析了五四女作家的创作心理。文学家的创作冲动首先“来自对于强烈的生活感受和切身的生活体验的抒发和表露,个人的不安静的心灵由此得到慰藉”。即所谓有所想才有所感,然后再诉诸纸笔,因而无论是文艺作品的审美取向还是艺术表现都取决于创作主体的心理。因为有女作家女性意识的自我觉醒,她们才有可能去为女性争取各项权利。强烈的“人的”意识、女权意识和社会参与意识使女作家感到自己与男性是平等的,于是她们可以在散文中自由地呼喊出自己的心声,毫不留情地揭露社会的黑暗,积极投身于社会活动中,关注民族、国家的命运,使其散文具有强烈的社会时代感。同时,她们是女人,身上积淀着女人与生俱来的脆弱本质,因而她们的散文中不可避免地流露出寻求庇护、依靠的女儿心态。另外,爱幻想的女人天性使五四女作家不自觉地选择了散文作为心灵的栖息地,把她们的理想、追求寄托在那里,以求得痛苦、烦乱的灵魂得到暂时的慰藉。 结束语:本文以五四的时代背景为依托从“女性”和“散文”两个方面对五四女性散文的思想内涵和创作风貌进行了有益的探索,试图从女性文学批评的视角来观照五四女性散文的创作和发展,并且对五四女性散文与时代不可分割的血肉联系进行了重点分析,得出五四女性散文是女性文本特征与强烈的时代色彩相结合的产物以及五四女性散文所体现出来的正是女性对于自己审美人生的诗意栖居的结论。

【Abstract】 This paper is mainly composed of the prelude, four chapters and the conclusion. The prelude:This paper will examine and explore the formation and development of feminine prose from the view of feminine literature. The period of May 4th Movement with its peculiarly historical, cultural and social background gave birth to the feminine literature, and it is the historical tide of May 4th movement that midwifery female’s awareness of modern society. Thus, under the self-awareness of "human" orientation, female lashed the male dominated the world ,especially barriers of the literature field, during which, there are inevitably experiences of agony, hesitation and depression , However, it is through such historical trials and tortures that feminine literature with its unique perspective and attraction, achieved the most in the literature field of 20 century.33Feminine literature of 20 century went through the cultivation period (the first climax), 1930s’and 1940s’ tribulation period (including the left-wing literature, anti-Japanese literature, literature about liberated areas), and after the second climax of "seventeen years" invisible period and the new period, it had a multiple style in the 1990s.Who had more fierce writing apple and made more glorious literature achievement. Yet the development of feminine literature really originated from the May 4th Movement. In other words, without the successful exploration of May 4th feminine prose, feminine literature cannot play such an important role as it is.I. The first chapter of this paper deals with the various reasons for the beginning of prose from the background point of view. It involves the humane concern over the new culture of May 4 Movement periods, the pure pursuit of the lyric emotion and the emergence of large numbers of female writers. When the female principle "to preserve conscience by eliminating human desire ?prevailed" women existed only as the subordinates of man and were deprived of political,economic and cultural rights including the rights of speaking and writing. It cannot be denied that there were few female writers from noble families but they could only express their sensitive feelings by poetry, while rose, as a "big event" of "moral carrier " and "nation operator", was exclusive to men. Thus, we can safely draw the conclusion that in ancient woman literature prose had got a place. Therefore, only when it reached the ear of May 4th period, and when all rotten institutions have been pulled down, can women become equal to men, and gain liberation and freedom, which made the diction of female prose and the emergence of female writers possible and enabled women’sII. The second chapter is general summary of the deep mentality of female prose. Researches show that there are always "love" "hatred" and "distress" in their writings although the contents of female poses are various. In another word, the sincere cast of "the philosophy of love ", the criticism of the tenebrous reality and the soft pouring of the sorrow sentiment is the essential aspect of female prose. In the first place, the female writers of May 4 periods mainly focused on the love for all humankind, and love became their endless anthem. At the same time, they also cried out their full resentment and their dissatisfaction toward the gloomy reality y. In the end, because of the contradiction between ideal and reality, their failure in love and the deep sense of roaming, their prose were enclosed by nevertheless some degree of distress, and dyed the contend with grieve. The reason of those phenomena could be contributed to the stray, and pang by unfound of way out after awakening, also contributed to the frustrations life experience of the female writers.HI. The third chapter concentration the aesthetic appreciation, in three aspects: language style, motif construction and rhetorical expression ?the pursuit of poetic life. Taking the language style into account, the female writers in May 4th period mainly adopted the narrative monologues. There are both direct dialogues between na

【关键词】 女性审美人生诗意栖居五四女性散文
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.6
  • 【下载频次】368