

On Environmental Right

【作者】 刘淑丽

【导师】 马新福;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 环境权的提出是以环境污染和环境破坏的加剧,全球性的生态危机和自然资源的稀缺为背景的。环境污染带来的生态危机迫使人们重新审视人与自然的关系,这成为环境权产生的现实和理论基础。环境权作为一种新兴的,正在发展中的法律权利和环境法的基本理论之一,是环境立法和执法、环境管理和诉讼的基础。环境权作为环境法学的基石范畴,对其的研究具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。当前学者对其的论述屡见不鲜,并取得一些成果。环境权开始得到越来越多的人们的认同,国际社会以及一些国家开始用立法和法律解释的方法对环境权加以确认,但是关于环境权的一些基础理论,比如环境权的概念、要素、内容、性质、价值等等还未达成统一的共识,有些问题有待于进一步研究和解决。所以,本文就此论题进行深入探讨和研究,从法学理论上研究、概括、充实环境权,从法律上确认、保障环境权,对于健全环境法体系,加强环境法制建设,保护和改善环境,促进社会经济的协调持续发展都具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文分为三个部分:第一部分,介绍了环境权观念的诞生和环境权在国内国际法律文件中的确立,最后对环境权予以科学的界定。环境权的诞生是以环境资源的“稀缺性”为根本原因的。随着国内法和国际条约对环境问题的重视,环境权作为一项权利被提出,并最终在各国和国际的有关文件正式确认下来。但是,关于环境权的概念,学界说法各异,可谓“仁者见仁,智者见智”,使得环境权的明确界定变得十分困难,而环境权作为环境法学的基石范畴,对其予以明确又是必要的。所以,本文在借鉴各国环境权研究成果的基础上,通过对“环境”概念科学分析的基础上,给出了环境权的概念:环境法律关系的主体对赖以生存和发展的环境所享有的在适宜健康和良好环境里生活,合理利用环境资源以及有效参与国家环境管理和决策的权利。具体分析了环境权的四个特征,即:环境权具有共享性、代际性、不可转让性和公益性,并在分析了基本特征<WP=66>的基础上,对环境权的构成要素进行研究,从而指出环境权的主体非常广泛,包括个人(公民)、法人(包括企业法人、机关法人、事业单位、社会团体)和非法人组织、国家、全人类(包括后代人)。环境权的客体包括物,行为,同时还包括人身和精神产品。环境权的内容包括实体性权利和程序性权利。环境权的实体性内容包括生态性权利(生命权、健康权、日照权、通风权、安宁权、清洁空气权、清洁水权)、经济性权利(环境资源权、环境使用权、环境处理权等)和精神性权利(指环境人格权)。环境权的程序性权利包括环境知情权、环境参与权和环境求偿权。第二部分,论述了环境权作为人权的性质和价值。环境权作为一项人权,已经在各国和国际社会的有关文件,宣言乃至立法中正式确认下来,也得到了国内外学者的认同。本部分把环境权作为一项人权予以证成,从以下几个方面进行论述,即从环境权的历史演进看其作为人权;从环境权的基本属性看其作为人权;从环境权的道德价值看其作为人权;从环境权的主体普遍性看其作为人权。并且比较了环境权和生存权、发展权的不同之处,从而得出环境权是一项既不同于生存权也不同于发展权的新型人权,是一项和生存权、发展权并列的独立的第三代人权。继而又介绍了可持续发展的提出,并论述了可持续发展作为环境权的一个新的价值取向。而可持续发展作为环境权的价值,必然对传统的法律价值即秩序、自由、正义的内容给予充实和更新。环境权也应该以秩序、自由、正义这几种价值为其价值取向,其中,着重论述了代内公平和代际公平。第三部分,具体考察了我国环境权理论和实践方面的研究现状,对我国环境权建设予以初步的构想。文中陈述了我国环境权的理论研究现状和环境权法律实践现状,根据这些现实,指出了导致我国环境权现状的以下几方面原因:法律移植后的文化冲突、经济发展不足、国际政治环境中的不利因素、传统法律手段对环境权保护的不足,从而对我国环境权制度的建设和完善予以设计和构想。并从宪法和环境保护基本法两个方面入手,确立公民的环境知情权、参与权和具体的环境救济制度,包括在环境诉讼中引入公益诉讼制度、完<WP=67>善环境行政处理制度、鼓励成立环保社团、走环境侵权赔偿社会化道路,从而更好的确立和保护环境权。对于环境权,我们要以长远的眼光和广阔的视野去研究,让这种新型的环境权观念深入人心,正如费孝通先生所言:“生态问题的根源是心态问题,解决生态问题的前提是解决人的心态问题。”我们应该带着纯净的心态去生活,既注意协调人与自然的关系,又注意协调人与人、人与社会的关系,把考虑直接现实利益同人类的长远利益统一起来,既要追求物质方面的进步,又要促进人的全面发展,最终使得可持续发展能力不断增强,生态环境得到改善,资源利用效率显著提高,促进人与自然的和谐,推动整个社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。

【Abstract】 The proposition of environmental right is with the aggravation of environmental pollution and destruction, the global ecocrisis and also, the rareness of natural resources compared with the demand of human beings. The ecocrisis caused by environmental pollution forces people to examine the relationship of people and natural environment in a different aspect from the traditional one, which forms the practical and theoretical foundation of the proposition of environmental right. As a burgeoning new legal right and one of the basic theories of environmental law science study, environmental right is the foundation of legislation and enforcement of environmental law and environmental administration and proceedings. Being the foundation stone category of environmental law science, the research of environmental right has extreme importance in theory and practice. At present, scholars’ argumentation to it are frequently published and so far, some achievements are made. Environmental right begin to be approved by more and more people. And the international community and some countries try to confirm environmental right through legislation and legal interpretation. However, people have not yet gain a common understanding on some specific basic theories of environmental right, such as its concept, elements, content, nature, value and so forth. Some questions are waiting us to take further research and then will be solved. So this thesis probes into and deeply studies this proposition by researching, summarizing and enriching environmental right in the aspect of legal science theory and suggests confirming and safeguarding environmental right through legal means, which has significant theoretical and realistic meanings for perfecting environmental law system, strengthening environmental legal construction, protecting and improving environment, promoting the harmonious and sustainable development of social economy.This thesis consists of three parts:In the first part, the background knowledge of the naissance of environmental right notion and the information of the confirmation of environmental right in the instruments of municipal law and international law are introduced. And it gives a scientific definition to environmental right at the end of this part.The naissance of environmental right is based upon the “rareness” of <WP=69>environmental resources. With the emphasis on environmental problems, environmental right was put forward as a legal right by some countries’ municipal law and some international conventions or treaties and was finally confirmed formally through those legal instruments. Whereas, with regard to the concept of environmental right, there are several different doctrines. That may be said as “the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom”. Thus it is very difficult to clearly define the concept of environmental right. Nevertheless, because of the environmental right being as the foundation stone category of environment law science, a clear definition is very necessary. Therefore, by drawing the cream of other country’s achievement in environmental right study and on the basis of scientific analysis of the concept of “environment”, this thesis defines environmental right as following: the right to the environment on which he/she rely for existence held by the subject of environmental legal relation, to live in a decent , healthy and good environment and to utilize resources reasonably as well as to effectually participate in environmental administration and decision-making. Also, this thesis analyzes, in detail, the four features of environmental right, i.e., the feature to be universally shared, to be commonly held by present generation and future generations, to be inalienable and to be of public welfare nature. Furthermore, on the basis of the analysis of environmental right’s primary features, this thesis studies its elements and then points out that the subject of environmental right has a large extension, including individual (citizen), juristic person (corporation, juristic per

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D911;D912.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1478