

Study on Construction of Personal Credit Consumption System in China

【作者】 陈刚

【导师】 郭立夫;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国经济体制改革的目标是建立具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济。市场经济是以市场为主要资源配置方式的经济体制,它实质上是契约经济,信用是其基础。因此,在我国建立一个良好的信用环境就成为我国经济体制改革中的一个重要环节。全社会范围内的信用环境包含着三个方面的内容:公共信用,或称之为政府信用、企业信用和个人信用。个人信用消费作为个人信用的具体表现形式之一,它的发展会进一步推动个人信用的发展,这也有助于全社会范围内的信用环境的建设工作。同时,自1996年下半年我国消费市场从卖方市场转变为买方市场以来,我国的经济一直面临着有效需求不足的问题,这在一定程度上影响到了国民经济的发展。个人信用消费是将未来消费转变为即期消费,这将大大提高即期的消费需求、扩大即期消费市场,进而刺激即期的经济发展。所以发展个人信用消费会在一定程度上解决我国消费市场有效需求不足的问题,从而推动我国经济的进一步发展。本文就是在此背景下展开研究的。个人信用消费在西方已经有了一百多年的历史了,在我国也有了二十多年的发展历程。但我国目前个人信用消费的主要形式还仅限于个人住房贷款和个人购车贷款,即使是信用卡,也是以借记类信用卡为主。个人信用消费在我国尚未普及和得到大规模的发展,其原因是多方面的,但最主要的是我国现阶段尚未建立起完善的个人信用消费体系,因此研究如何健全我国个人信用消费体系,对于我国进一步发展个人信用消费具有重要的现实意义。本文通过对美、欧、日的个人信用消费市场的研究,创新地将个人信用消费体系划分为:个人信用消费服务体系、个人信用信息管理体系、个人信用消费专业法律体系和失信惩罚机制,并详细地叙述了它们各自的运作机理,具体如下:个人信用消费服务体系是个人信用消费在日常生活中的具体表现形式,它是个人信用的授予部门(以下简称为授信部门)在个人信用消费市场中发行的具体的信用工具,借助于这些信用工具,普通消费者得以对个人或者家庭的信用加以充分利用,或方便生活,或达到个人理财的目的。个人信用信息管理体系包括个人信用信息的收集、整理和传播,它是个<WP=76>人信用消费体系的最重要的组成部分。通过个人信用信息管理体系,授信部门才可以对申请信用的消费者加以区分,并授予不同额度的信用。信用申请者与授信部门之间的信用交易其实质是一个相互间信息不对称的博弈过程,这种信息的不对称性主要体现在授信部门无法及时、准确、完整地获得受信者的个人信用信息,这里的个人信用信息涵盖了信用申请者品行、能力、资本、条件和抵押担保(也就是我们经常说的5C)这五个方面的个人信息。个人信用信息管理体系对个人信用信息的收集、整理以及在全体授信部门之间的广泛传播,将最大可能减少信用交易过程中的信息不对称性,从而最大可能地化解由于信息不对称而引发的授信部门的授信风险,保证信用交易的圆满完成。个人信用消费专业法律体系在个人信用消费市场中起到主要起到四个方面的作用:一是保护消费者的正当权益,这是其最基本、也是最重要的作用;二是维护个人信用消费市场的公平竞争环境;三是宏观性地控制并指导信用工具的投放,防止由于过度投放信用工具而造成的信用膨胀;四是强制个人信用信息的开放。失信惩罚机制通过法律手段和将失信者的失信纪录反馈到个人信用信息管理体系、提高失信者再次获得个人信用的难度的惩罚方法,对失信者起到“惩前毖后”的作用,维护信用消费市场的正常运作。本论文主要研究成果如下:1、通过对国外个人信用消费市场的研究,建立起个人信用消费体系,并阐述了个人信用消费体系各组成部分的运作机理,这也就是上文所提到的。2、论证了我国现阶段已经具备了开展个人信用消费所必需的条件:(1)买方市场的形成,是发展个人信用消费的市场条件;(2)居民收入水平的不断提高和对未来收入的良性预期是开展个人信用消费的经济条件。3、在分析我国个人信用消费体系现状的基础上,对建设我国个人信用消费体系提出了相应的对策和建议,主要包括:(1)我国应该建立以政府相关部门,如中国人民银行为主导,以股份公司为主体的全国联网的个人征信体系,并建立统一、科学的个人信用评估体系。 <WP=77>(2)加强现行消费金融法制化水平;尽快颁布《信用消费法》;同时建立个人破产制度,完善信用担保体系。(3)在界定“失信”的概念的基础上,建立失信记录反馈制度和失信惩罚的相关法律条款,完善失信惩罚机制。(4)建立适应我国国情的个人信用消费运作模式,积极开发符合我国不同阶层消费者需要的个人信用消费工具。

【Abstract】 The goal of the economic system reform of our country is to set up the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. Market economy is the economic system that market is the main way of resource distribution, its essence is a kind of contract economy, and credit is its foundation. So, it becomes an important link in the economic system reform of our country that setting up a social environment of stressing credit in our country. The credit environment in the range of the whole society includes the contents of three respects: Public Credit, or call it the Government Credit, Business Credit and Personal Credit. Personal credit consumption is one of the concrete expression forms of personal credit, its development will promote the development of Personal Credit further, and will be favorable to the building-up work of the credit environment of the whole society too. At the same time, the consumer market of our country transformed seller’s market from buyer’s market from the second half of 1996, the economy of our country has been facing the problem that the effective demand is insufficient. This has influenced the development of national economy to a certain extent. Personal credit consumption can change future consumption into immediate consumption, this will improve the immediate consumption demand, and expand the immediate consumer market, and stimulate immediate economic development. Because of this characteristic of personal credit consumption, it will solve the problem that the consumer market of our country has insufficient valid demand to a certain extent that developing personal credit consumption, thus promote the further development of the economy of our country. This text launches research under this background. Personal credit consumption has a history of more than 100 years in the West, it also has a development curse of more than 20 yeas in our country. But the main form of personal credit consumption is still only limited to Personal Housing Loan and Personal Automobile Consumption Loan at present in our country, even if credit card, rely mainly on debiting to type credit card (the real credit card is a remembering type credit card of the loan). Personal credit consumption has not popularized and got extensive development yet in our country, there are many reasons, but a main one that our country has not set up a perfect personal credit consumption system yet at the present stage. This text launches research work under the background of fact that likes this.Through studying to personal credit consumption market of U.S.A., Europe, Japan, this text divides the personal credit consumption system into: service system, information management system, laws system and mechanism of <WP=79>punishing, and has narrated their one’s own operation mechanism in detail, this is the place of innovation of this text, the details are as follows:Service system is the concrete form of expression of the personal credit consumption in daily life, it is the concrete credit tool that issued by the department of awarding credit (abbreviated awarding credit department as follows) in the consumer market, ordinary consumers can convenient their own daily life, or purpose to achieve family finance.Information management system includes the collection, arrangement and spreading of personal credit information, it is the most important component of the personal credit consumption system, Passing credit information management system, awarding credit department can just distinguish credit applicants, and award the credit of different amount. It is an asymmetry information game that the essence of the course of credit trade of awarding credit department and credit applicants, This kind of the asymmetry of personal information embodies that awarding credit department can not prompt accurate and intact personal credit information of the credit applicants in time, the personal credit information here has contained the credit applicant’s Character,Capacity,Capital,Condition and Collateral. It will reduce the asymmetry o

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】506