

The Analysis of the Policy of City Land Disposal in the Process of Urbanization

【作者】 王志强

【导师】 张亲培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 城市是一个历史范畴,它是生产力发展的结果。从城市发展进程来看,城市化是社会生产力发展到工业化的必然产物。现代城市发展源于英国,世界各国城市化尽管起步时间、发展速度和水平有差异,但基本上都经历三个阶段:即初始阶段、加速阶段和成熟阶段。我国城市发展走过了曲折的发展道路,城市化水平与世界整体发展水平相比,相对滞后。我国自上世纪七十年代末城市化发展速度明显加快,上世纪八十年代中期我国城市化进入“加速阶段”。随着我国经济新的一轮发展,在21世纪头20年,理论界和实际工作者预测:“每年城市化率以增长一个百分点左右较为适宜。”可以预见今后一段时间我国的城市化进程将进入一个快速的发展期。从土地利用角度看,土地资源短缺是我国城市化进程的制约因素。一方面,我国人多地少,土地资源稀缺,人地矛盾突出;另一方面,土地利用粗放,用地结构不合理,城市土地低效利用。“圈地问题”此起彼伏,“开发区热”和“房地产热”盲目外延式扩张,致使耕地锐减,危及粮食安全和社会稳定。而城市化有利于提高土地的使用效率,改善土地利用方式,城市化过程就是土地使用效率提高的过程。我国土地实行的是社会主义公有制,即国家所有和农民集体所有。国有土地所有权由国务院代表国家行使。我国实行土地使用权与所有权相分离,土地使用权可以依法转让。国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对集体土地实行征用。国家依法实行国有土地有偿使用制度。在法律规定的范围内划拨国有土地使用权。国家对土地资源的分配高度集中并且实行严格的用途管制。在城市土地配置中,改革前我国实行的是计划经济体制,通过行政指令性配置土地资源。排斥市场的作用,限制城市土地自由流动,从而导致<WP=48>土地资源低效利用。80年代以来,随着经济体制改革的不断深化,我国的土地使用制度也进行了的改革。我国的土地使用制度改革始终是围绕着土地是否应进入市场,并且是否应由土地市场形成土地使用权价格作为核心问题展开的。我们可以将20余年土地使用制度分为两阶段,以党的十四大为分界线:土地使用制度改革的第一阶段:十四大以前的十年土地使用制度改革主要是变无偿、无限期、无流动的使用制度为有偿、有期限、有流动的使用制度。土地使用制度改革的第二阶段:十四大以后,进入以市场形成土地使用权价格为核心的全面建设土地市场阶段。十四大以后,经过十余年的努力,市场配置土地资源的基础性作用初步得到发挥,主要表现在四方面:1、有土地使用权市场配置范围不断扩大,土地使用权价格的市场形成机制初步建立。2、土地用途管制制度基本确立,政府对土地市场的宏观调控得到加强和改善。3、土地市场运行制度和组织建设取得明显进展,市场服务体系逐步形成。4、土地产权进一步细化和明确,土地权力体系开始构建。我国现行城市土地配置政策存在的问题:1、行政性配置与市场化配置并存,市场的基础作用还没有充分发挥。2、政府对土地市场的宏观调控力度不够。①土地利用总体规划刚性不强;②土地供应总量失控。③土地供应结构不合理。3、土地产权保护制度存在缺陷。①土地登记法律制度不统一。②农民集体建设用地大量自发入市。③征地中仍然没有体现市场经济规则。4、相关配套改革滞后。针对以上存在的问题,作者提出继续深化城市土地配置改革的建议:1、构建完善土地市场的市场规则体系,充分发挥市场的基础性作用。市场经济要求土地同其他生产要素一样,通过公平竞争机制获得,价值规律应对土地资源配置和土地资源供求发挥积极的作用,只有这样才能使市场机制在城市土地配置体系中处于先导和基础性地位。2、正确发挥和加强<WP=49>政府对土地市场的管理和调控作用:①体制创新——善于经营城市土地资产。经营土地是经营城市的核心和关键,“经营土地”正是城市治理市场条件下政府加强土地资产管理的新理念,其实质就是要运用市场经济手段,对土地资产实行市场化运作,实现土地资源的优化配置,从而实现土地资产的价值。②增强政府的宏观调控能力,首先明确土地利用总体规划和城市规划法律地位,其次,严格控制土地供应总量。3、树立科学的发展观——走可持续发展之路。①坚持可持续发展原则必须处理好诸如人口、资源、环境和社会的多目标如何协同;土地资源的合理定价;土地利用的代际公平等理论问题。②土地持续利用的战略选择:严格控制人口总量数量;改变经济增长方式,走集约式发展道路;核算土地资源使用成本和收益,探索将资源环境纳入国民经济核算体系;加强文化和制度建设。

【Abstract】 City is a historical category, the result of productive forces` development. From the city development process, the course of the development city is inevitable outcome that social productive forces develop into industrialization. Modern city’s development originated in the Great Britain, though there are difference in starting time; development speed and level, the world’s urbanization, all undergo three stage: initial stage, accelerating stage, and maturation stage. Our city’s development undergo a zigzagging developing road, comparing with the world developing standard, our level of urbanization relatively lag. Since 1978’s, Our urbanization come into a accelerating stage with a new wheel of our economic development, in the first 20year of 21 century, the theoretical and practical works predict “It `s relatively suitable that each year, our city’s urbanization increase by 1%or so” .we can wholly foresee that our city’s urbanization process will also come into a quickly developing stage.From the view of land utilization, the lack of land resources is a restrictive element. In one aspect, more people, less land, land resources are scarce, the contradiction between human and lands are seriously; in the other aspect, the land utilization are rough and extensive, “enclosure problem” rises one after another, the rate of land utilization is very low, the structure of land utilization is unreasonable, “real estate hotness” and “open economic zone hotness” blindly expand, they cause the sharply decreasing of cultivation, endanger the security of grains and the stability of society. The urbanization are advantage for improving ways of land utilization, the process of <WP=51>urbanization is the process of improving the rate of land utilization.Our lands carry out socialist public ownership, that’s state owner’s and peasant collective’s land. The ownership of state’s land are carried out by the States Council, standing for the states. The right of using land separate from the ownership. Transferred according to law. The states can make a requisition of land for the need of public interests according to the law. The states carried out the system of paid land use by law. The state carry out strictly and high intensively control to the distribution of the state’s land.In the distribution of city’s land, before reform, our country carry out the system of planned economy by political orders to distribute the land resources. The method exclude the usage of market to the distribution of lands, restrict the freely flow of land, which cause the inefficient distribution of land resources. From the 1980’s with the deepening reform of economic system, our country’s land using system also carry out reform which extend surrounding the questions to whether the lands should be put into the market and whether the land market form prices of the land using rights. We can divided the nearly 20 year’s land market building into 2 stage by the boundary of the 14th conference of the party’s: the first reforming stage of land using the ten years’ reform before the 14th conference of the party’s mainly change from no payment, no limitation of time, no flowing into having payment, limitation of time and flowing. The second, stage of land using system: after the 14th conference of the party’s, it comes into the whole building market stage, which the price of land’s using right become the nucleal problem when you are in the market.After the 14th conference of the party’s and more than a decade’s effort, the basic role of the market’s distributing land resources was brought into fully play with its four manifestation: 1、that the range in which the market <WP=52>distributed the right to use land was expanded continuously and the market mechanism was preliminary established that formed the price of the right to use land; 2、that the system to control land use was basically established and the government’s macroscopic adjustment of the land market was strengthened and improved; 3、that the land market managing

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】662