

The Quintessence in Business Circles in Russian’s Changing Period

【作者】 梅春才

【导师】 李春隆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 俄罗斯社会制度的转型可以追溯到戈尔巴乔夫执政初期所进行的政治经济体制改革。1991年苏联的解体,标志着社会制度转型的正式开始。在转型过程中崛起了一个特殊的社会团体——商界精英。俄罗斯商界精英是指当代俄罗斯商界头面人物以及这些人组成的社会群体。他们主要来源于“共青团经济”的领导、原苏联经济部门的管理干部和原国有工业企业的厂长经理们。他们在转型过程中,利用改革的政策,通过各种手段,迅速积累资本。在私有化时期以“商界精英”的面目出现。本文主要研究了戈尔巴乔夫改革开始到2001年间的商界精英。笔者查阅和积累了一些最新的俄文资料,在比较深入研究中外学者有关著作的基础上,探析了商界精英形成的基础和发展过程,运用实据,分析了他们在国家政治生活中的作用。全文共分为四部分:第一部分:俄罗斯商界精英的来源。笔者运用俄文资料分析总结了商界精英产生的基础。商界精英最早起源于“共青团经济”。苏共通过创建“共青团经济”,目的是用具有智力潜能的青年,发展科技,加速国家经济发展。“共青团经济” 从创建之初,经济上就相对独立,拥有诸多特权。这些特权是:可以通过与企业签订合同来开展自己的业务;有权与国家企业和其他组织进行经济合作活动;建立合资企业,而且这样的合资企业免交所得税和免交生产总额费用中的利润税;同时,允许“共青团经济”生产日用商品;实行对外经济联系等。 “共青团经济”却背离创建初衷。共青团员们的兴趣在于从事能赚钱、能带来高额利润的商业活动,依靠特权进行敛财。他们从事商业活动,建立合资公司,进行倒汇和参与不动产等活动,共青团员们还利用“提取卢布现金”的特权,用卢布购买外汇、“紧俏商品”,进行倒买倒卖。共青团员迅速暴富,手中积累了一定的资本。同时,原苏联经济部门的干部和原国有工业企业的厂长,利用手中的权利和各种手段,通过创建合资公司、套取国家优惠贷款和参与不动<WP=54>产领域等为自己积累资本,他们也逐渐成为了暴富群体的一部分。第二部分:俄罗斯商界精英的出现。在隐形私有化阶段,原经济部门干部、共青团干部、原国有企业的厂长经理们把手中对国有财产的支配权转化为所有权,权力转化成资本,利用权力掠夺国家财富。他们此时成了最大受益者,成了最初的俄罗斯企业家、银行家,成了隐形私有化时期的商界精英。俄罗斯商界精英公开出现在公开私有化阶段。1992年叶利钦宣布实行公开私有化,为“资本集中到少数人手中”提供了法律依据,使商界精英对国有资产的占有合法化。在公开私有化阶段,经历了价格自由化、有价证券私有化等过程,商界精英羽翼更加丰满,他们从中捞取了更大的好处,成为最多的资本所有者和原国有企业的所有者。商界精英公开出现。第三部分:俄罗斯商界精英的发展。商界精英依靠手中的特权迅速使自己的资本成倍增长,同时开始创建控制商业领域更大利润的新机构——金融工业集团。有一部分金融工业集团是由工业巨头倡导组建的,有一部分金融工业集团是由大银行自己倡导建立的。金融工业集团的创建标志商业精英的发展。金融工业集团形成以后,商界精英进一步演变。国家把国有企业作为贷款抵押给金融工业集团,意味着把国有企业出售给了私人。在俄罗斯市场上最终形成了大联合企业,这一联合企业由下列因素组成:商人的决策集团、商人的物资公司、由工业企业组成的金融集团和大众传媒。寡头最终形成。寡头是商界精英成熟的体现。第四部分:俄罗斯商界精英的政治活动。经济与政治生来便是孪生,在利益原则的驱动下,商界精英不断对政府施加影响。具体表现为以下几个方面:创建政党、建立政治组织、为政治活动提供资金并参与竞选、控制大众传媒,影响政府决策、参与司法过程,影响司法秩序、安排代理人,在政府中建立“发展自己亲信”网络、形成了地方政权的垄断等。通过分析,我们可以得出结论:商界精英是俄罗斯社会转型时期新出现的一个暴富群体;私有化时期,各种私有化政策促进了商界精英的出现和发展;90年代中期,商界精英继续利用权利和政治上的力量积聚<WP=55>财富,获得了进一步的发展;为了最大限度地追求利润,商界精英对政治显示出浓厚的兴趣,不断对政府施加影响。普京上任以后,采取了一系列措施对寡头进行了整顿。但商界精英在俄罗斯未来的政治和经济生活中究竟还会起什么作用,这仍需观察和研究。笔者通过上述内容,揭示出商界精英在俄罗斯转型时期操纵着国家经济命脉和左右政治这一事实,也使我们了解了俄罗斯商界精英在历史上出现的偶然性和必然性。笔者期待此文对我国体制改革有一点点启示。

【Abstract】 This article is mainly talking about the quintessence in business circles which appears in the changing period of Russia from the reformation of Korbaches to the finish of government. The quintessence is a new social organization and ministries and commissions of Soviet. Before the disintegration of Soviet, these young workers were sent to found corporation and to be the leaders of it. During the period of changing in Russia ,these members became rich swiftly .Most of them were business and president of bank ,who hold the essence of economics in the changing period .The author discovered the latest materials in Russian and summarized the basis and development of the quintessence according to the study of scholar’s famous works, using practical example .The author also analysis the qualification and their function in Russian Politics. Ⅰ、The formation of the basis of the quintessence in Russia .It mainly analyses the conditions which lead to the appearance of the quintessence and their basis. The quintessence ’origin is the Communist Youth Organization technical creation center which is a part of the Communist Youth Organization’s economics, and be founded by bureaucratic class of Soviet. The purpose of this center is to develop the technic and the economics of Russia, but the fact against their wish. The members of Communist Youth Organization is interested in how to earn more money and how to gain more interest. In business activities, because of the special rights of Communist Youth Organization technical creation center. They brought away from the control of Soviet Communist Party and became rich suddenly. They hold certain amount of capital and make a basis for the formation of the quintessence. Ⅱ、The formation of the quintessence . During the changing period, Russia experienced the private ownership. And the establishment of market is the main task. So the reformation of economics began to perform. At that time, the director is the owner. These quintessence had the special rights in this reformation. They monopolized the interest of business activity, such as <WP=57>business performance, trade between countries, building and finance. They embezzled the property of the country and the first batch of entrepreneurs and bankers appeared. Ⅲ、The development of the quintessence in business circle . These quintessence who depended on their special rights make a swiftly rising of their capital. At the same time they began to build a new mechanism which would control business and brought more profits. It was financial industrial group. This establishment marked the mature of business quintessence. At first, the development of financial industrial group took the measure of entrustment in bank management. During this process, they purchase the share of industrial enterprise or other shares which full of potentiality . On the basis of financial industry, they form the largest business owner. This is the embryo of oligarch in Russia. A further development of the quintessence is that the country mortgage the state owned corporation to the financial business group as a loan. This marked that the selling of the state owned enterprise to he private, because all the person in this agreement knew that the government would have no ability to pay back the loan in a year, then the best enterprise in Russia would belong to the enterprise according to the form of paying back the loan. In this process, the quintessence developed a little more, they became financial oligarch. In Russian market, the unit enterprise was found . It contained the following part: The decision making group in business, materials company, financial group formed by industrial enterprise and popular media. The industrial financial oligarch was formed and this is the development quintessence. In the economic crisis in 1998, the structure of the quintessence changed a lot.Ⅳ、 The affection of the quintessence to politics. Economics and politics had close relationships they couldn’t leave each other, because of the interest,

【关键词】 俄罗斯转型时期私有化商界精英
【Key words】 Russiachanging periodthe private ownershipquintessence.
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K512
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】231