

JiLin Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative System Strategic Study of Developing Chain Management

【作者】 刘剑昆

【导师】 李辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展,重点、难点是农业问题。扩大内需是我国国民经济发展长期的、基本的立足点,扩大内需的最大潜力在农村。大力发展农业和农村经济,特别是千方百计增加农民收入,提高农村消费在整个消费中的比重,对保持国民经济持续快速健康发展意义重大。党中央、国务院非常关心和重视农业、农村、农民问题,提出要更多地关注农村,关心农民,支持农业,把解决好农业、农村和农民问题作为全党工作的重中之重,制定了一系列行之有效的政策措施,促进了农业的发展、农村经济的繁荣和农民的增收。供销社是连接城市与农村、工业与农业、生产与流通的经济组织,是统筹城乡经济社会发展的重要载体。计划经济时期,供销社为推进社会发展做出了巨大贡献。在新的历史时期,要以改革求生存、求发展,按照市场经济规律,走好自己的路。供销社的根就在农村,服务主体是农民,“三农”是供销社生存与发展的基础,为“三农”提供综合服务是供销社的办社宗旨。供销社的工作,要定位在为农服务、促进农村经济发展、增加农民收入上,这是供销社全系统工作的出发点和落脚点,一切工作都要围绕农民增收来展开。经过近几年的改革和创新,吉林省供销社全系统已经渡过最困难的时期,但经济基础还很脆弱,实力很有限,缺乏持续发展的后劲;有核心竞争力的龙头企业少;激烈的市场竞争对供销社形成了严峻的挑战。省供销社是一个庞大的系统,在行政层次上,它是由基层社、县(市)联合社、地(市、州)联合社、省供销社组成。在经营层次上,县以上它是由各级联合社的专业公司(农资棉麻果品土产日用杂品再生资源等公司)商场、批发市场、加工企业等企业组成;在农村基层,它又是由基层供销社及其综合服务站、专业合作社、购销门店等经营服务网点构成。这样一个庞大的经营网络和服务体系,横向看,各层次之间是独立的,经营企业分散,规模小,实力单薄;纵向看,各级之间是一种购销买卖关系,没有经济利益联系,基本上各自为战。供销社点多面广的优势,在市场放开后的一定时期内反而成了包袱和负担,点散线断网破,形不 <WP=65>摘 要 成网络,不能形成合力。尽管供销社在经营形式方面进行了不少改革,如实行经营承包责任制、出租、社有民营等,职工和经营者个人的积极性是提高了,收入增加了;但企业的规模越来越小,越来越分散,有的基层社和企业已名存实亡,没有什么竞争能力。供销社服务功能弱化,与农民的关系也越来越远。除了个别靠国家政策扶持的商品外,供销社既不能在基层与个体户展开竞争,又不能通过联合与合作与其它大型企业特别是跨国公司对抗。这种状况,已经远远不能适应农村商品经济的发展,更不适应加入WTO、世界经济一体化的新形势。加快发展是解决供销社所面临的一切问题的基础和前提条件。供销社要搞好为农服务,离不开发展;供销社要助农增收,离不开发展;供销社要改善自身形象,增强竞争力和活力,离不开发展。当前,供销社已经具备了很多加快发展的有利条件。党的十六大提出建设小康社会的奋斗目标,重点和难点在农村,关键是农民。供销社的根在农村,可以大显身手;供销社在农民群众中具有良好信誉以及遍布城乡的流通网络,这是供销社的宝贵财富。在农业和农村经济发展的新时期,供销社要发挥自身的优势,再创新的辉煌,就必须按照“发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,各项工作要有新举措”的要求,大力发展现代流通和经营方式,全面改造传统经营网络,大力开拓农村市场。发展现代流通方式,实现农村流通的现代化,就是要以大企业、大集团为龙头,通过大力发展连锁经营这一现代经营方式,形成高效畅通的流通服务网络,覆盖广大农村,使品种丰富、物美价廉的农业生产资料和各种生活资料能够及时供应到农村,同时农民生产的各种农副产品能够顺畅地销售出去,实现“三农”与市场的对接。面对入世后国内外资本的竞争,农村流通业开始进行全面整合,加快改造供销社传统网络已迫在眉睫。在过去的几十年里,吉林省供销社系统没有形成一个完整的商业利益网络。随着市场经济的发展,现在各级供销社之间所谓的联系,很大程度上只能停留在文件上罢了。有网无络、各自为战、区域分割、联系松散、整体软弱的问题相当普遍,供销社在农村商品流通中所占份额逐年减少。清醒地认识当前的农村经济形势和供销社所处的地位,审时度势,兴利除弊,尽快改变“合作 <WP=66>吉林大学硕士学位论文社不合作、联合社不联合”的状况,构建名副其实的供销合作社网络,不但是对外合作的需要,更是供销合作社存在和发展的战略性选择。除供销社外,其它流通组织基本是单兵作战的独立企业或个体商户,只有供销社具有比较强的系统性和网络性。覆盖全省城乡的各级、各个供销社具有共同的名称和标识,拥有共同的文化理念和发展渊源;很容易通过现代流通方式加以改造,形成比较顺畅的现代分销体系。仅就这一点而言,其他任何组织都是无法比拟的。只要供销社抓住这个优势和历史机遇,加快网络改造步伐,尽快形成以连锁经营为纽带的现代物流网络,就完全可以成为农村流通现代化的主

【Abstract】 AbstractNowadays, the focal and difficult point to keep national economy developing continued fast and health is agriculture problem. Extend domestic demand is a long term and basic point to the development of our country’s national economy. The maximum potentiality of extend domestic demand is at rural area. It’s very important to keep national economy developing continued fast and health that devote major efforts to agriculture and village economy, particular increase the peasant’s income by every possible means, and raise the consume gravity of rural area in the entire consume. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach extremely importance to the problems of agriculture, countryside and peasant. They put forward that we should pay more close attention to countryside, care for peasant, support agriculture, regard solving the problems of agriculture, countryside and peasant as the emphasis important works of the whole party’s work. They formulate a series of effective policy and measures, promote the development of agriculture, economic prosperity and the increase of peasant’s income.Supply and Marketing Cooperative is an economy organization that link up town and village, industry and agriculture, manufacture and circulation, it is an important carrier that overall arrangement economy of town and village, development of society. In the period of planned economy, Supply and Marketing Cooperative has done enormous contribution for pushing on the development of society. In the new period, it should take reformation for existence and development. It should adopt a forward-looking attitude according to the law of marketing economy. The root of Supply and Marketing Cooperative is in countryside, its main body of service is peasant. Agriculture, village and peasant are the base of Supply and Marketing Cooperative’s existence and development. The purpose that made up Supply and Marketing Cooperative is provide comprehensive service for agriculture, village and peasant. The work of Supply and Marketing Cooperative should fixed position at serve for peasant, promote the developing of rural economy, increase peasant’s income. This is the starting and resting point of Supply and Marketing Cooperative system. Every kind of work should are arranged by around increasing peasant’s income.Through makes innovations after several recently years, the whole system of <WP=68>吉林大学硕士学位论文Supply and Marketing Cooperative of JiLin Province already tide over the most difficult period. But it’s economy base is still quite weak and limited in strength, lack of staying power of continued developing, lack of enterprise like “dragon head” with key competitive capability. Keen market competition has formed a severe challenge to Cooperatives. The Supply and Marketing Cooperative of JiLin Province is an large system. In administrative levels, it is made up of basic supply and marketing cooperative, united cooperative of county (city), united cooperative of area (city, prefecture) and cooperative of province. In management levels, up town it consists of specialized company of different levels (company of agriculture means of production, cotton and gunny, fruit, local products, articles of everyday use, reprocess resources etc.), stores, wholesale markets, processing factories, etc. At basic level area, it consists of basic supply and marketing cooperatives and comprehensive service station, specialized cooperative, buying and selling shop etc. Such a large manage network and service system, look from crosswise, it is independent between the levels, enterprises are scatter, small in scale and weak in strength; look from up and down, cooperatives in every levels are buying and selling relationship, they don’t in touch with benefit, each does things in his own way. We have an advantage in more spot and wide range before the market was set free. But now it is become burden. The spots are scatter and network is broken. Our spots can’t join forces. Though we have carry out some reformation in manage shape

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F721
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】514