

Government Behavior on Chinese Civilian-run Economic Development

【作者】 王珺

【导师】 刘清才;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 经过二十多年的改革开放,民营经济在创造社会财富、增加国家税收、活跃市场经济、扩大就业、拉动经济增长、参与国际竞争等方面的作用越来越突出,成为支持我国经济快速增长的重要力量。在民营经济的不同历史发展时期,政府所起的作用是不一样的。在民营经济发展的初期 ,政府的介入和推动是非常必要的,而且也起到了相当重要的积极作用。但是,当民营经济发展壮大之后,政府的某些行为在一定程度上不适应民营经济的发展要求,甚至成为制约民营经济发展的因素,这就需要对政府的某些行为进行改革和完善,以适应民营经济的发展。因此,总结民营经济发展过程中的政府行为,并对存在的问题加以研究和分析,提出具体的、有一定操作性的建议,对于发展民营经济具有理论上和实践上的重要意义。首先,要明确民营经济通常指非政府或“非官营”的民间经济,包括集体经济、个体经济、私营经济、联营经济、非国有控股企业等经济形式。其中,个体经济和私营经济是民营经济的重要组成部分。其次,要明确民营经济在国民经济中占有重要地位,民营经济对国民经济的重要作用与日俱增。民营经济的发展是在深刻的政治、经济、历史、文化背景下,其中政府的超前观念与意识、政府行为的适当介入,起到了积极的推动作用。改革开放以来,中国民营经济经历了起动发展时期、迅速增长时期和黄金时期,都体现了党和政府认识的提高和理论的突破,政府行为也不断创新,鼓励、支持、引导民营经济的发展。第一,起动和发展时期(1979-1992),这一时期包括个体经济的恢复与发展、私营经济的产生与壮大,党和政府为了国民经济的发展,摸索着推进个体经济和私营经济的发展。第二,迅速增长时期(1992-1997),党和政府在认识上得到提高,理论上得到突破,<WP=52>大力促进个体经济、私营经济、联营经济等经济形式的发展。第三,黄金时期(1997至今),党和政府在更高层次上明确界定了民营经济的地位和作用,进一步拓展了民营经济的发展空间,相继出台了鼓励民营经济发展的具体法律、规定和办法,力促民营经济大发展。社会主义革命和建设的实践告诉我们,建立科学的适合于生产力发展的生产关系是将我们的事业推向前进的前提,为了更好的推动国民经济的发展,促进民营经济的壮大,我们需要找到政府行为中不利于民营经济发展的方面,并对存在的问题加以研究和分析。现阶段我国民营经济发展中政府行为存在的问题主要有:一是政府的行政干预过度,即下达经济指标,干预生产经营,进行检查、评比和表彰,组织各项活动;二是政府管理民营经济的职能不清、政策混乱,主要指政出多门、职能交叉、权责不清,管理制度手段落后、工作效率低下,政策落实“两头热、中间冷”,政府的政策引导作用不够,政府对民营企业的不法行为治理不力,民营经济负担过重,各地政府对民营经济的地方保护行为过度;三是政府对民营经济没有创造公平的竞争环境,包括市场准入方面的非国民待遇,银行贷款方面的非国民待遇,税赋和法律方面的非国民待遇。基于对上述问题的研究与分析,从建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的大环境考虑,从我国已经加入世贸组织,我国民营企业即将与国内国有企业和外资企业站在同一起跑线上竞争的形势出发,我国政府要实现对民营经济的规范化管理,基本指导思想在于,用制度创新替代各地以往程度不一的政策优惠,努力营造一个民营经济发展所需要的良好的经济、法律、人文社会环境。具体而言就是:(一)转变思想观念,营造有利于民营经济发展的舆论环境。要解放思想,更新观念,克服各种偏见,优化有利于民营经济发展的舆论环境,大胆发展民营经济。(二)公平待遇,力促民营经济发展。政府促进民营经济发展在未来的主要议程,就是按照市场经<WP=53>济的要求与WTO 的基本原则,消除各种各样的政策与体制歧视,赋予民营经济与外资经济、国有经济平等的国民待遇,创造一个公平、公开、公正的投资政策和体制环境,为民营经济投资扩张提供市场准入、资金融通、权益保护的良好环境。(三)优化政府机构设置,调动民间商会的积极性,发挥中介组织作用。优化政府机构设置,取消政府民营经济的主管部门民营办和工商联等协会性质的事业单位,由企业自发形成行业民间商会,来实现民营经济的自我保护和发展。(四)转变政府职能,提高政府工作效率。增强宏观调控,引导民营经济发展方向,深化行政审批制度改革,规范政府行为,减轻民营企业负担,培育民营经济市场,整顿市场秩序。(五)加强法制建设,规范政府行为。建立健全有关民营经济的法律法规体系,营造一个公平规范的法制环境,建好民营经济发展所需要的制度平台。(六)大力推行电子政务,普遍提高公务员素质,加强政府对民营经济发展的服务职能。切实通过技术手段的更新与发展、人才素质的提高,改变政府的服务形象,提高服务效率和服务质量,更好的为民营经济发展。

【Abstract】 Civilian-run economy has been an important strength to sustain Chinese high-speed economic growth since reform and open-door. The prominent actions of civilian-run economy embody mainly in the following aspects: creating more social fortune; adding national revenue; flourishing market economy; impelling economic growth; booting up Chinese world competitive force, etc. In different historical stage of civilian-run economic development, government function is different. At the initial stages, it is necessary that government intervene in and push forward it. Further more, government exert an important influence on civilian-run economy. But along with the development and strength of civilian-run economy, some government behaviors are obviously lagging behind the requirement for civilian-run economic development, even which is restricted by them. Then to reform and perfect the government behavior and to adapt to developing civilian-run economy is essential. So, civilian-run economy is developed by summing-up the governmental behavior of civilian-run economic development, studying and analyzing existent problem, bringing forward material and exercisable advices that has academic and practice significance.Primary need for the definition of civilian-run economy is “no-government” or “no-official-run” civilian economy, it includes collective economy, individual economy, private-owned economy, pool economy and no-state-owned economy, there into individual and private economy are important parts of it. Next, that is to nail down the important statue of civilian-run economy among national economy and to increase steadily the action of it.Civilian-run economy has been developed on the background of profound polity, economy, history, culture. Among them, governmental <WP=55>beforehand concept, consciousness and suitable behavior are accelerating strength. Chinese civilian-run economy has gone through seedtime, speed-growth stage and “gold age” since reform and open-door. In different stage government enhances consciousness and academic breakthrough have been embodied, at the same time, government encourages、sustains and induct civilian-run economy through innovating government behavior. Firstly, in starting and developing stage (1979-1992) individual economy was resumed and developed, and private economy had been started and engendered. Here, government explored its way carefully to push forward them in order to developing national economy. Secondly, in mushroom stage (1992-1997) government accelerated energetically individual,private and pool economy through enhancing consciousness and academic breakthrough. Thirdly, in gold age (1997-prent) party and government definite explicitly the status and operation of civilian-run economy on high-level, enlarged developing space of civilian-run economy, come on some inspire concrete law,formulations and measures one after another to boost civilian-run economy.It is prerequisite to push social career forward that establishes scientific productivity relation which suit to develop productivity force from the practice of socialistic revolution and building. Now, government behavior going against developing civilian-run economy must be found and the existent problems must be researched and analyzed by government in order to engender it, even to promote national economy. At present, no-standardization of government behavior to Chinese civilian-run economic development is, on the one hand, due to governmental overdue administrative intervention, namely, to send down target aim, to intervene product and management, to examine, to compare and commend, to organize different movement, etc. and, on the other hand, due to the dimness of government function and the chaos in governmental policy when managing civilian-run economy, namely, the policies drafted by multi-department , the overlapping of function and unclear <WP=56>right and duty between government department have resulted in low work efficiency, at the same time, lagging administrate system ways and there is a bottleneck

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F121.23
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】751