

The Raising Money Model Selection of China’s Social Security in Market Economy

【作者】 武文莉

【导师】 王彩波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 社会保障制度是现代国家重要的社会经济制度之一。它基本上可以解释为社会通过一系列的公共措施向其成员提供的用以抵御因疾病、生产、工伤、失业、伤残、年老和死亡而丧失收入或收入锐减引起的经济和社会灾难的保护、医疗保险的提供及有子女家庭补贴的提供。社会保障包括社会保险、社会救助、社会福利、社会优抚及社区服务等内容。 在社会保障运行的全过程中,社保资金筹集问题是社会保障的核心问题,它是一个国家社会保障成败的关键。因此,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都把社会保障筹资问题放在社保工作的首位。在社会保障资金的供应渠道上,社会优抚安置、社会救济、社会福利的资金通常是由国家财政拨款和部分社会捐赠来解决的,不存在筹资问题。只有社会保险基金存在筹资模式的选择问题。而社会保险筹资模式的选择对构建整个社会保障制度至为关键,对整个社会保险运行机制起着重要的作用。 确定一国的社会保障筹资模式,既要考虑市场经济和社会化<WP=46>大生产对社会保障制度要求的共性,同时也要体现一国的基本国情,使共性和个性得到有机的结合,这样确定的社会保障筹资模式才具有可行性。建立稳定可靠的筹资方式是一国社会保障体系构建中的关键环节,也是维护社会保障系统正常运行的物质基础和必要保障。我国已于1997年正式建立了社会统筹和个人账户相结合的基本制度,基金管理方式也由现收现付制转向部分个人积累制。但由于社会保障统计信息的严重失真,信息不完全和社会保障法规的严重滞后等原因,使我国的社会保障筹资问题存在着一些弊端。因此,在我国的经济发展由计划经济向市场经济的转型过程中,建立健全完善的社会保障筹资方式,最大限度地满足公民的保障需要,是我国政府亟待解决的问题。从社会保障的完善过程看,发达国家已建立了较系统的社会保障筹资模式,对确立发展中国家的社会保障筹资模式有一定的借鉴意义。从国际上的情况来看不,社会保障资金的来源渠道有两个:一是征收社会保障税;二是政府财政社会福利支出。社会保障税是目前世界各国所得课税体系中的一个重要组成部分,是随着社会保障制度而形成并发展起来的,已成为许多国家的主要税种,并且依然具有良好的发展势头。由于发达国家起步较早,因此在这方面积累了丰富的经验。概括讲可以归纳为“美国模式”、“德国模式”、“英国<WP=47>模式”三种类型。广大发展中国家的社会保障税制沿袭了发达国家的许多通行做法,我们可以得到如下几种经验。一是各国的社会保障税制的设计多与该国的社会经济发展状况相适应,且随着经济不断发展,社会保障税的征收与管理也日趋完善;二是社会保障税的开征是一个循序渐进的过程,最终结果必然达到兼顾效率与公平的原则。通过对在我国实行保障税的必要性和可行性分析,我认为在我国征收社会保障税具有重要的意义。社会保障税的开征有利于扩大社会保障资金的来源、实现社保资金筹集的法治化,有利于增强政府宏观管理和协调能力。但因我国处在市场经济发展初期,在借鉴外国经验设计社会保障税时,一定要从我国的国情出发。力争做到征收范围要宽、计税依据要规范统一、科目不宜过多、税率宜低不宜高以及征收方式和管理应简便易行等内容;使我国的社会保障税征收工作在循序渐进中和不断得到完善。在我国开征社会保障税应注意解决以下几个问题:一是社会保障项目、范围、标准的确定,必须坚持循序渐进的原则;二是健全社会保障立法;三是建立健全社会保障管理体系;四是确保社会保障基金的保值增值。 <WP=48>社会保障资金的问题是社会保障工作的核心,如何建立和健全市场经济条件下社会保障筹资模式,是世界各国都在关注和探讨的问题。以什么样的筹资方式最大限度地解决社会保障资金支付,不仅是政府面临的一个现实问题,而且也将是市场经济发展过程中不可回避并且需要妥善解决的重要问题。因此,学习和借鉴发达国家社会保障筹资模式,选择适合我国国情和经济发展的社会保障筹资模式,是我国社会保障工作中的一件大事,选择开征社会保障税的方式,是符合市场经济发展的比较完善的筹资体制,有利于扩大公民的受保范围,提高公民的福利程度,适应市场经济环境下经济的发展和人民生活水平提高的需要。

【Abstract】 The social security system is one of the important social economic systems in modern nation .Its basic top can explain that the society can supply protection and provision of medical insurance and supply subsidy which family has children for economic and social suffering because of disease , production,lose his job ,permanent ,old and death who lose his money or reduce his income through a series of public measure to the people. The social security including social insurance , social give relief ,social welfare ,social preferential treatment and community services the etc. .In the whole processing of social security, the society core problem is that raising funds of social security. It is the key of success or failing to social security of one country. Social security agency should put the raise funds problem to the work first.On the way which social security funds supply, social preferential treatment、social give relief、the social welfare usually be allocated by national public finance to donate, nonexistent money raising problem. Only social insurance exist raising funds mode. And to choice the raising funds mode of social insurance is the key of social security. It is very important for the whole circulating of social <WP=50>security.Make sure the raising funds mode of social security of one country, we should consider both the same character of the social security has been requested by the market economy and large-scale production, and also incarnate the basic state of the nation midland now. Make the same character combination with the character organism of society. To do this, the mode which raising funds of social security has possibility. Establish the stable and dependable money raising method is a key of the social security system to one country, and it is also needed that the material foundation and necessary guarantee to maintain the social security system move normally. Our country has already established the basic system which combine between the social whole and personal account in 1997.The method of funds management has turned from the ready money pay cash to personal accumulation. But because of the social security’s statistical information isn’t true and the laws of social security are slow, there are a lot of problems in raising funds of social security. Therefore, through the turned system from planned economy to market economy of our country economic develop, establish and perfect the raising funds mode of social security, do our <WP=51>best to satisfy the citizens demand in guaranteeing, the problem must be solved by our government quickly.From the perfect processing of social security system, the developed countries have established more perfect raising funds mode in social security, this is the model to developing countries to establish the raising funds mode. From the international situation, there are two ways about the raising funds of social security: one is collecting the society guarantee’s tax, the other is social welfare’s expenditure in government finance. In the current, many countries use the two ways. The social guarantee’s tax is one of the most important parts of many countries’ tax income now. It is establishing and developing with the social security and becomes the main tax for many countries and it will become better and better. Because it established early in developed countries, therefore, they have many abundant experience. Generally speaking, there are three modes: American mode、German mode and English mode .The society security’s tax system of many developing countries along with the means of developed countries. We can get experiences as follows: The first, the social security’s tax design should suit for the development of its country and with the development of economy, <WP=52>levy and manage the social security’s tax has become more perfect; the second levy social security’s tax is a developing process. All the means must think about the rule of efficiency and fairness.Through the analysis about necessary and possibility of our cou

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D632.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】572