

Research on the Basic Problems of the Criminal Suit Subject

【作者】 王晓波

【导师】 赖宇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 诉讼法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事诉讼主体是刑事诉讼法学理论体系中的一个基本范畴,关于刑事诉讼主体的理论,与刑事诉讼目的论、刑事诉讼构造论一样,属于刑事诉讼法学的基础部分。从一般的哲学意义上说,刑事诉讼是一种社会实践活动,有实践活动必有主体。刑事诉讼主体就是指具有独立的诉讼人格,承担基本的诉讼职能,在刑事诉讼中起主导作用,从而推动刑事诉讼进行的机关和个人。刑事诉讼主体具有一般主体所具有的主体性,表现在自主性、能动性和创造性三个方面,同时刑事诉讼主体又区别于一般主体而具有自己的特征,即刑事诉讼主体具有独立的诉讼人格,承担控诉、辩护和裁判三种基本的刑事诉讼职能,在诉讼活动中是积极主动的角色,在与其他诉讼参与人的相互作用中,始终处于支配地位,起主导作用,推动刑事诉讼向前进行。以刑事诉讼主体为研究对象所形成的理论,就是我们所说的刑事诉讼主体理论。刑事诉讼主体理论围绕刑事诉讼主体展开,揭示刑事诉讼主体的基本属性,说明刑事诉讼主体在刑事诉讼中所承担的角色,描述刑事诉讼主体的行为特点,探讨关于刑事诉讼主体的规律。刑事诉讼主体主导刑事诉讼的进行,但是,在不同的历史时期,或者同一历史时期不同的刑事诉讼制度下,能够主导刑事诉讼进行的刑事诉讼主体是不同的。在人类历史上,奴隶制时期的弹劾式诉讼是最早的诉讼模式。在弹劾式诉讼模式下,原告人、被告人和法官分别承担控诉、辩护和裁判职能,是弹劾式诉讼的诉讼主体。纠问式诉讼产生于罗马帝制时期,盛行于中世纪时期的欧洲大陆,是封建专制时期主要的诉讼模式。在纠问式 39<WP=46>诉讼中,法官集控诉职能和审判职能于一身,是刑事诉讼的唯一主体,被告人沦为刑讯的对象,不具有诉讼主体的地位,这种对人的残暴对待方式使纠问式诉讼成为启蒙思想家和古典自然法学派抨击的焦点之一。在这种历史背景下,法学家们提出了诉讼主体的概念,诉讼主体理论登上了历史舞台。现代西方资本主义国家普遍采用混合辩论式诉讼,控、辨、裁三方居于诉讼主体的地位,但是,各国根据自己的特殊情况所确定的刑事诉讼主体的具体范围却各不相同。我国古代的刑事诉讼制度与欧洲中世纪的纠问式诉讼有一些相似之处,那就是被告人不享有诉讼主体地位,司法官吏在诉讼中是诉讼主体。我国现代刑事诉讼产生于清末改制,从其所确立的诉讼制度和诉讼原则来看,基本上沿用的是大陆法系的职权主义模式,审判衙门和原被告双方当事人在刑事诉讼中处于主体地位,二十世纪上半叶,随着我国现代刑事诉讼的起步,民国时期的学者们开始讨论刑事诉讼主体,基本上都将刑事诉讼主体界定为控、辨、裁三方。当代台湾学者基本继承了民国时期关于刑事诉讼主体的理论观点。新中国的学者们开始研究刑事诉讼主体问题是在二十世纪五十年代,虽然达成比较一致的共识,但却将公、检、法三机关列为诉讼主体,而把被告人列为诉讼客体。五七年以后,该问题成为禁区,无人问津。改革开放以来,对刑事诉讼主体的研究从休眠中醒来,出现了比较繁荣的局面。但是学者们意见相左,没有形成统一的观点。在我们了解了刑事诉讼主体及其理论的含义和历史发展之后,回过头来审视我们的刑事诉讼法学理论界和司法实务界,就会发现,在理论界,存在刑事诉讼主体范围扩大化问题,在实务界,存在刑事诉讼主体与刑事诉讼职能分配不平衡问题。对于刑事诉讼主体的具体范围应当包括那些机关和个人,目前有一40<WP=47>种值得商榷的主流观点,这种观点认为所有参加刑事诉讼的机关和个人都是刑事诉讼主体。这种泛化的刑事诉讼主体理论的形成有两个原因。一个原因是混淆了刑事诉讼主体与刑事诉讼法律关系主体。另一个原因就是受到了苏联刑事诉讼法学理论的影响。这种泛化的刑事诉讼主体理论存在两个缺陷:一方面它忽视了刑事诉讼主体与刑事诉讼职能之间的关系;另一方面,它忽视了被告人在刑事诉讼中的特殊地位和特点。刑事诉讼主体与刑事诉讼职能分配不平衡问题表现为诉讼职能的集中和诉讼职能的混淆。控诉、辩护和裁判三种基本诉讼职能必须由三个独立的诉讼主体来分别承担,如果同一个主体在审判过程中同时承担两项以上的诉讼职能,会出现诉讼职能的集中;如果诉讼主体承担了本应由其他诉讼主体承担的职能,或者做出了与自己的诉讼职能不相一致,甚至相违背的诉讼行为,就会出现诉讼职能的混淆。完善刑事诉讼主体理论可以从多个角度下手,针对理论界和实务界存在的关于刑事诉讼主体的问题,我们在这里具体分析两个方面,即刑事诉讼主体的范围,刑事诉讼主体与刑事诉讼职能的关系。分析刑事诉讼主体的具体范围要结合本国的法制环境。依据我国的司法体制和刑事诉讼法学理论,我国的刑事诉讼主体应当包括:人民法院,人民检察院,自诉人和被告人。刑事诉讼主体承担控诉、辩护和裁判三种基本的刑事诉讼职能,三种基本的诉讼职能具体体现在刑事诉讼主体的诉讼活动中,刑事诉讼主体与刑事诉讼职能之间存在着密切联系。首先,刑事诉讼职能背后存在

【Abstract】 The criminal suit subject is a basic category in the theoretical system oflaw science of the criminal suit. The theory about the criminal suit subject,like the criminal suit purpose and the criminal suit construction, belongs tothe basic part of law science of the criminal suit. Say from general philosophy meaning, the criminal suit is the activity ofa kind of social work. There are practice activities that there must be thesubject. The criminal suit subject is the office or the individual that hasindependent lawsuit personality, bears the basic lawsuit function, plays aleading role in the criminal suit, thus drives the criminal suit to go on. Thecriminal suit subject possesses the general entity that main body has. At thesame time, it has one’s own characteristics that the criminal suit subject isdifferent from the general subject. The theory formed by research object with the criminal suit subject, isthe criminal suit subject theory that we say. The subject theory of criminalsuit is launched around the criminal suit subject, announces the basic attributeof the criminal suit subject, proves criminal suit subject role born amongcriminal suit, describes the behavior characteristics of the criminal suitsubject, and probe into the law about the criminal suit subject. Law science of criminal suit has one’s own concept system too. In theconcept system, the concepts of law science of criminal suit connect oneanother and unify organically. When we discuss the criminal suit subject, wemust put it in the concept system of law science of criminal suit, anddistinguish the relation in relevant concepts, such as it, the criminal suitobject, the criminal suit’s subject of legal relation, the party and theidentification subject etc. So we can understand its meaning on the deeplyaspect. The criminal suit subject leads the process of criminal suit, however, indifferent historical periods or under different criminal suit systems of thesame historical period, the criminal suit subjects that can lead criminal suitare different 43<WP=50>In human history, the impeaching type lawsuit of slavery period is theearliest lawsuit mode. Under the impeaching type lawsuit, the plaintiff people,the defendant and the judge bear separately accusing function, pleadingfunction and trial function, so they are criminal suit subjects of theimpeaching type lawsuit. The inquisitory procedure results from the period ofautocratic monarchy of Rome and is the main lawsuit mode of the feudalautocratic period. Under the inquisitory procedure, the judge collects thefunctions of accusing and trial in a body and is the only subject of criminalsuit. The defendant is the target of extorting a confession by torture, and donot have status of the lawsuit subject. Under the historical background, thejurists have put forward the concept of the lawsuit subject. The subject theoryof the lawsuit has mounted the historical stage. The modern western capitalistcountry adopt the argueing type lawsuit generally. The accusing, the pleadingand the judging are the subjects of the lawsuit. However, the concrete rangeof criminal suit subjects, which the various countries defines according toone’s own special circumstances, has nothing in common with each other. There is some similarities in our country’s ancient criminal suit systemand European inquisitory procedure in Middle Ages, that is, defendants donot enjoy the subject status of lawsuit, and the judicial government official isthe lawsuit subject in the lawsuit. The modern criminal suit of our countryresults from the reforming system in latter stage of Qing Dynasty. Accordingto its lawsuit system and lawsuit principles established, what continued to useis a functions and powers doctrine mode of law systems in the continentbasically. It is in subject status during criminal suit to try the yamen, theplaintiff and the defendant. Last half a leaf of the 20th

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】443