

Legal Protection for Rights of Privacy and Its Improvement

【作者】 李晓伟

【导师】 吕丽;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今通讯、交通、大众传播工具日益现代化的今天,人们越来越要求有一个自己独立的空间,在紧张、忙碌的工作、学习之余,可以退到私生活领域,以保护自己内心的平静和安宁。社会越文明进步,个人的自由和价值越受重视,因此对公民隐私权的法律保护变得非常重要。本文共分三个部分。第一部分 隐私与隐私权概述隐私是指有关个人生活领域一切不愿为人所知的事情,阴私包括在隐私之中。对于隐私权世界各国的学者在研究过程中从不同角度下了许多定义。笔者认为,隐私权是指与公共利益、他人利益无关的私人活动、私人信息和私人空间不受干扰、刺探、公开的权利。私人活动是一切个人的,与公共利益无关的活动。私人信息,是所有的个人情况、资料。私人空间即个人领域,指个人的隐秘范围。隐私权的主体只能是自然人,法人和其他组织不能享有隐私权,这与隐私权产生的背景有关。企业法人等其他社会组织也有属于自己的秘密信息,但这种秘密信息是商业秘密,而不是隐私,它体现的是一种经济利益,而不是人格利益,它在价值上是可以评估的,在现实生活中是可以转让的。隐私权的主体只能是生存的自然人,而不包括死者。因为死者的民事权利能力已经不存在,不是法律意义上的人,不享有任何权利。隐私权的内容具有真实性和隐秘性,在侵害隐私权的案件中,加害人不能以其所公开的事情是真实的而主张免责。隐私权的法律保护受公共利益的限制,任何个人隐私都必须局限在合法的、合乎道德准则和社会需要的范围内。隐私权包括<WP=51>个人生活安宁权、个人生活情报保密权、个人通讯秘密权、个人隐私利用权。隐私权与知情权、名誉权、新闻自由有很多区别,其中隐私权与名誉权关系最为密切。第二部分 隐私权的法律保护人类关于隐私的意识和观念,是在人脱离动物界而成为人的时候,从人类的羞耻心而萌发。在不同历史时期,享有隐私的主体及内容不同。1890年,美国两位著名的法学家萨缪尔D·沃伦和路易斯D·布兰代斯发表了《隐私权》一文,首次提出了关于隐私权的系统理论,揭开了法学研究、立法和司法的一个新篇章。世界各国的法律在对隐私权的保护上主要采取直接保护和间接保护两种方式。所谓直接保护就是有专门保护隐私权的法律,认为隐私权是独立的人格权。而间接保护是指不承认隐私权是一项独立的权利,而认为隐私权依附于其它权利,不能单独就隐私权来提起诉讼,只能依附其它权利提起隐私权被侵害。在隐私权理论发展过程中,美国创设了隐私权的判例法,并先后制定了《隐私权法》、《家庭教育及隐私权法》、《财务隐私权法》,美国现在是隐私权立法最发达的国家。我国对隐私权保护的研究起步较晚,法律尚未明确规定隐私权作为独立的民事权利,没有一个比较系统的全面的保护隐私权的立法,但从《宪法》、《民法通则》、《民事诉讼法》、《刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》及有关行政法规、行业规范当中仍能找到保护隐私权的条款。侵害隐私权必须具备四个要件:侵害行为人有侵害他人隐私权的具体加害行为;侵害隐私权的损害结果;侵害隐私权的行为与损害结果之间的因果关系;侵权行为人的主观过错。侵害隐私权承担责任的方式可以是停止侵害、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失。在采用赔偿损<WP=52>失这种责任方式时主要应考虑赔偿范围的确定,并遵循全面赔偿的原则,既要赔直接损失,又要赔间接损失;既要赔物质损失,又要赔精神上的损害。适用精神损害赔偿,必须由受害人提出精神损害赔偿的请求,同时符合法律的规定、其他责任方式用尽,如果通过其他责任方式的适用,就足以抚慰受害人,恢复受害人的精神利益,则没有必要适用精神损害赔偿。在我国,是否适用精神损害赔偿,以及确定精神损害赔偿的数额,均由法官自由裁量予以决定。对于侵害隐私权案件,不能单独适用精神损害赔偿,而应与其他责任方式相结合适用。第三部分 我国隐私权的立法缺陷及其完善保护公民隐私权,有利于维护个人的安宁与安全感,实现个人与社会的基本和谐,达到整个社会安宁的目的;保护公民隐私权,可以维护公民的人格尊严,使其免受精神痛苦;保护公民隐私权,有利于树立良好的道德风尚。我国在隐私权立法方面存在的缺陷是:首先它并未正确区分一般人格权与具体人格权;其次缩小了隐私的界限;再次混淆了侵犯隐私权与名誉权的判断标准。基于上述缺陷应对隐私权立法予以完善:在法律上明确规定隐私权为一项独立的具体人格权;除在民法中构成隐私权保护的基本法律框架外,还有必要在其他相关法律法规中对隐私权保护的一些具体和专门问题进行规定;学习世界各国有关隐私权立法方面的经验。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, as communications, transportation and mass media become modernized, people want to have their own space. After busy working and study, they can retrieve to their private living circles to keep their minds calm and peaceful. More civilized and advanced the society is, more attention is paid to individual freedom and values, so the legal protection for citizen’s rights of privacy becomes rather important.There are three parts in the paper.First part, the brief account of privacy and rights of privacy Privacy includes all the secret things concerning private life, including shameful secrets. Scholars from many countries give many different definitions of rights of privacy from different aspects in their research. The author thinks rights of privacy are the rights that private activities, information and space that are irrelevant to public interest and other people’s interest are not to be interrupted, spied and made public. Private activities are those private and irrelevant to public interests. Private information is all the private data and materials. Private space is one’s private circle and secret sphere. The subject of rights of privacy can only be natural person. Corporation and other organizations can not have rights of privacy because of the background of its emerging. Other social organizations like enterprises have their own private information, but it is commercial secrets not privacy. It embodies a kind of economic interest not personality interest and it can be evaluated and transferred in real life. The subject of rights of privacy can only be living natural person not the dead one, because they do not have civil rights competence and they are not persons in legal sense without any rights. The content of rights of privacy is true and secret. In the cases that rights of privacy are violated, the accused can not advocate to be exempted because the thing he makes open is true. The legal protection of rights of privacy is restricted by public interests. Any privacy must be legal and in accordance to moral standards and social requirements. Rights of privacy include right of peaceful private life, right of secret private living information, right of secret private communication and right of privacy using. There are many differences between rights of privacy and insider right, reputation <WP=54>right and news freedom. Rights are most closely related to reputation right. The second part, the legal protection for rights of privacy The awareness and concept of privacy is derived from human being’s sense of shame when man separate from animal circles. The subject and content of privacy is different in different historic periods. In 1890, two famous American jurists Samuel D. Wallen and Luis D. Brandeis published ‘rights of privacy’. They put forward the systematic theories about rights of privacy for the first time and begin a new period of legal research, legislation and enforcement. There are mainly direct and indirect protections for rights of privacy in the laws of every country. There are specialized laws of the protection for rights of privacy in direct protection in which rights of privacy are independent personality rights. In indirect protection, rights of privacy are not independent rights; rights of privacy are depend on other rights; lawsuit cannot be brought only because of rights of privacy; lawsuit of privacy violation can only be brought when it is attached to other rights. In the development of the rights of privacy theory, American set up case law for rights of privacy and formulates ‘rights of privacy law’, ‘family education and rights of privacy law’ and ‘financial privacy law’. The legislation of rights of privacy is most developed in America. The study of the rights of privacy protection in our country begins late. The law has not stipulated clearly rights of privacy as independent civil rights and there is not a systematic and comprehensive legislation of rights of privacy protection. However, there are articles of rights of privacy protection in ‘Constitution

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】745