

The Introspection of the Theoretical Foundation of Financial Supervision and Improvement of Financial Supervision Policy Arranging

【作者】 陈岩

【导师】 杜莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当前世界各国的金融监管政策体系基本上是建立在新古典微观经济学理论基础上的。根据新古典经济学的观点,金融监管是一国政府对市场失灵的反应。而金融市场失灵是由金融市场垄断性、外部性、传染性、脆弱性等所引起,所以这些金融市场失灵现象的客观存在是政府有必要对金融机构和市场体系进行外部监管的根本原因。但是,研究表明,为了纠正金融市场失灵而建立起来的金融安全网,非但没有降低系统风险、减少银行失败的概率,反而增加了金融系统的不稳定性,使金融危机的破坏力越来越大。理论与实际的较大反差,使我们不得不重新考察目前金融监管理论基础及其政策的合理性。 本文共分五部分:第一部分是对金融监管的理论基础的重新考察,分别从市场垄断、外部性、不对称信息等因素入手,逐一分析是否上述因素构成了金融市场失灵的主要原因并成为政府监管的主要理由。对金融机构负的外部性的分析结论是人们夸大了银行破产的外部影响,金融危机并不主要是由银行破产的外部性造成,而主要来自信息不完全条件下银行体系的内在脆弱性及其广泛影响力和众多利益相关者;对金融市场的垄断性的分析结论是自由竞争和稳定之间存在着明显的替代性,所以垄断不构成政府对银行业监管的主要依据;对金融机构的脆弱性的分析结论是银行脆弱性和传染性的根源在于不完全信息条件下存款人与银行之间、及银行与银行之间的不完全契约;对金融市场的信息不完备的分析结论是信息不对称,会导致金融市场中的信贷配给不利选择与道德风险问题从而造成金融市场失灵。上述分析论证了监管的关键是信息披露。本文第二部分集中论述金融监管与信息的关系。通过对信息效率对金融监管的影响的分析论证,文章得出结论是信息对金融监管有约束意义,金融监管机制的改革与完善受到环境信息特征的约束。通过对有效金融监管与信息约束的分析论证,文章的结论是金融监管可以利用信息约束创租, 因而一定的信息约束是必要的,其关键在于信息约束所产生的租应当能够用以加强商业银行的资本化,以及保证对产业的资金投入产生实际的效果(信息约束的正效应)。本文第三部分对基于传统理论依据设定的金融监管政策的实施,针对监管政策工具的有效性做出简单的分析。市场准入的监管的局限性在于由于租金的存在,市场准入的政策效果远离了政策目标的初衷。准备金要求的局限性是准备金要求并不是一种有效防止银行挤兑的监管手段。资本充足要求的局限性表现在一旦非流动性资产投资失败,资<WP=30>本充足性要求不能防止银行挤兑均衡的发生。偿债能力监管的局限性是不是在任何情况下都需要偿债能力金融监管。资产及其它业务的管制的局限性在于金融机构可以通过各种金融工具及业务的创新绕过管制,使资产管制失效, 因此放松甚至取消资产限制已成为一种必然趋势。最后贷款人和存款保险制度的缺陷是最后贷款人和存款保险制度不仅造成社会福利的损失从而不可能实现资源配置的帕累托效率,还是金融业中系统风险的主要来源之一。至此,我们发现基于新古典经济学基础上的金融监管政策并没有很好地解决金融市场失灵的问题,并且自身还产生了比市场失灵更加严重的失败,创新金融监管机制是必然选择。本文第四部分提出金融监管的创新,包括:1、金融监管与金融创新的相互作用过程 金融创新和金融监管是一场永恒的博奕,金融创新不断动态地逃避和突破监管,给相对静态的监管带来新的挑战。为了解决金融创新所引发的信息难题,金融监管体制一体化改革势在必行。2、金融监管制度的变革 混业条件下金融监管模式的选择是世界各国都必须面对的问题,要注意的是:金融监管不存在唯一的最优模式;金融经营体制与监管体制不是一一对应的关系。3、对我国金融监管改进的启示首先,构建我国的金融监管体系要充分考虑我国的国情, 其次, 从构建混业和分业相结合的监管模式入手,直至实现完全的混业监管。 本文第五部分分析了我国银行监管中信息不对称的主要表现及化解银行监管中的信息不对称政策路径。 我国银行监管中信息不对称的主要表现是:商业银行内控机制不健全的信息不对称 “无限”保护下的信息不对称;监管内容和范围不全面的信息不对称;传递梗阻的信息不对称;监管者责任不清的信息不对称;监管理念支配下的信息不对称。化解银行监管中的信息不对称路径有:推进以产权制度为突破口的金融改革;为商业银行的市场退出建立通道;建立对监管者的约束激励机制;加强信息披露与评级制度的建立与完善;强化商业银行的自我监管。此外,政府决不能因实施管制而导致信息约束,由于我国金融系统复杂, 监管系统的信息能力不及其他国家,金融监管系统信息能力相对不足, 迫切要求从会计制度的改革、信息主体的创造、信息技术的更新等方面入手进行改革。

【Abstract】 The policy system of financial supervision of every country in the world is set up on the basis of new classical microeconomics at present. From the viewpoint of this theory, financial supervision is one country’s government responds to the market malfunction and that is caused by monopoly, outside quality, infective , fragility of financial market etc. so the objective realities of these phenomenon are basic reasons which make it necessary for government to carry financial supervision on financial institution and market system. However, Studying indicates, the financial safety net that is set up in order to correct the malfunction of financial market, does not reduce system risk and the probability that the bank fails, but increases unsteadiness of finance system, make the destruction strength of the financial crisis greater and greater. Theory and reality heavy contrast makes us reconsider the rationality of present financial supervision theory foundation and its policy.This text divides five parts altogether: The first part introspects the theoretical foundation in financial supervision, start with market monopoly、outside quality and asymmetric information to analyze whether those factors form the main reason that the financial market does not work and that governments supervise. The analyses of financial institution negative outside quality conclude that people exaggerate the influence of bankrupt, the financial crisis does not mainly arise from outside quality of the bankrupt ,but comes from the inherent fragility of the system of the bank and its extensive influence power and person who is correlated with numerous interests caused by incomplete of information . The analytic conclusions of monopoly in financial market are that free competition and stability exist obvious substitute, so monopoly does not form the main basis which the government supervises banking; The analytic conclusions of fragility are that the origins of bank fragility and infective lie in incomplete contract between depositor and banks and between the bank and bank under the condition of incomplete information; The analytic conclusion to incomplete information of the financial market is that asymmetric information leads to the financial market unfavorable to choose credit ration and arose morals risk issue thus lead to the situation that the <WP=32>financial market does not work; All these analyses above-mentioned prove that the key to supervise is information publish.The second part concentrates on the relation between financial supervision and information.Through proving the impact on financial supervision put by information efficiency ,it draws a conclusion that information is restraining to financial supervision, the reform and perfection of the financial supervision mechanism receive the restraint of the characteristic of environmental information.Through proving the relation between restrained information and effective financial supervisions, the conclusion is that the financial supervision can utilize information restraint to create rents. Therefore certain information to be retrained is essential, its key lies in information restraint produce rents should have been strengthening the capitalization of business bank, and guarantee the real result produced by the fund input to the industry( The effect that the information restrains ).The third part makes a simple analysis to the validity of supervising policy tools on the basis of the implementation of the financial supervision policy.The limitation of market entering supervision lies in the existence of the rents, the policy result is far away from original intention of the goal of the policy. The limitation of the capital reserve requires is that it is not a kind of effective supervision means of preventing the run on the bank. The limitation of sufficient capital qualities behaviors that it can not prevent bank from emergence of running as soon as non- mobile assets investments fail. The limitation of debt paying ability supervision shows it does not need fi

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】484