

Analysis on Investment Attracting of Zhalute County

【作者】 李秀峰

【导师】 张亲培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全球经济一体化进程中,任何地区经济要快速发展必然走外向型经济的道路,因而扩大开放、招商引资是扎鲁特旗经济发展战略目标实现的重要途径。本文从三个方面展开论述通过创新开展招商引资工作促进扎鲁特旗经济持续、快速、协调发展。第一部分对扎鲁特旗招商吸引力进行实证分析,首先从扎鲁特旗经济发展现状进行分析,分两个方面:一是经济发展状况,包括经济总量、产业结构、投资需求、消费、出口创汇、经济效益;二是经济运行中突出矛盾,提出四个方面的主要矛盾,一是城乡二元结构发展仍没有得到根本改变,“三农”问题仍然是制约县域经济发展关键因素。二是生态环境恶化日益加剧,造成经济发展持续性差。三是产业结构不合理。四是思想不够解放,经济外向度低。其次是对扎鲁特旗招商吸引力客观评价进行分析,包括招商形象、投资环境、特色招商项目。第二部分从历史上封闭性的思维惯性;计划经济向市场经济转型期,政府经济管理方式的困惑;投资环境建设严重滞后;重行政推动,轻市场运作;重招商形式,轻项目质量;重招商企业的引进,轻招商企业管理、培植和整合六个方面剖析扎鲁特旗招商引资工作滞后的深层次原因。第三部分就如何创新开展扎鲁特旗招商引资工作进行初步探析,包括五个方面的创新:一是转变政府职能,打造“黄金”环境,推进招商形象创新;二是拓展招商领域,优化调整产业结构,实现结构创新;三是加强招商管理工作,实现招商管理方式创新;四是加大招商项目工作力度,实现招商项目质量创新;五是推进招商工作市场化运作,实现招商推介方式 35<WP=40>创新。扎鲁特旗作为一个少数民族边疆地区,经济社会发展落后,在地区招商形象、投资环境、特色项目等招商吸引力上与先进地区相比很难形成比较优势。面对全球经济一体化,任何国家与地区必须实施开放型经济发展战略,扎鲁特旗也必须实施开放带动战略,借助外力发展壮大自己,在开放与招商引资工作机制大胆创新,实现投资环境建设、形象建设、招商项目建设新突破,初步形成以生态建设、矿产资源开发、农畜产品加工转化、旅游开发四大支柱产业,从而达到经济总量的大幅度增长,产业结构的优化升级,人与自然和社会全面、持续、协调发展。

【Abstract】 In the process of integration of global economy, any regionaleconomy wants the fast development to take the road toexport-oriented economy, therefore it is the important way that theeconomic development strategic objective in the economic zonerealizes to extend and open, invite outside investment. This text isit expound the fact through is it is it promote Zhalute countyeconomy lasting, fast, coordinated development to launch the workof inviting outside investment to innovate to launch from threerespect. First part Promote trade and investment to Zhalute Countyappeal carry on real example analyses economic current situationof the development analysis from Zhalute County at first, dividetwo respects: First, the economic state of development, includingtotal supply and demand, industrial structure, investment demand,consumption, foreign exchange earning, economic benefits; Second,stress the contradiction in economical operation, put forward theprincipal contradictions of four respects, first, in urban and ruralareas two structure development change at all still, " three 37<WP=42>agricultural " question to restrict county land key factor ofeconomic development still. Second, the ecological deterioration ofthe environment is aggravated day after day; cause the constantdifference of economic development. Third, the industrial structureis unreasonable. Fourth, the enough liberation of the thought, theexport- oriented degree of economy is low. Secondly it is that theobjective appraisal of appeal is analysesed to promoting trade andinvestment in Zhalute County, project that the image, investmentenvironment, characteristic promote trade and investment thatincluding promote trade and investment. Second part Sealing thinking inertia from history; Plannedeconomy is to the transformation period of market economy, thepuzzlement of government’s economic management style; Invest inenvironmental construction and lag behind seriously; The heavyadministration promotes, light market operation; Promote trade andinvestment in the form, light project quality again; Promote tradeand investment introduction of enterprise again, light to promotetrade and investment business administration, cultivate andcombine six respect not to analyze Zhalute County invite outsideinvestment profound reason lagged behind to work. The third part Carry on preliminary analysis on how to 38<WP=43>innovate and launch the work of inviting outside investment inZhalute County, including the innovation of five respects: First,change government function, make " gold " environment, is itpromote trade and investment the image innovate to advance;Second, expand the field of promoting trade and investment,optimize and adjust the industrial structure, realize that thestructure innovates; Third, strengthen the management ofpromoting trade and investment, the management style innovates torealize promoting trade and investment; Fourth, is it promote tradeand investment project working dynamics to strengthen, is itpromote trade and investment project quality innovates to realize;Fifth, is it is it work market-based operation to promote trade andinvestment to advance, is it is it popularize and introduce wayinnovate to promote trade and investment to realize. Zhalute County, as the border area of an ethnic minority,socio-economic development backwardness, promote trade andinvestment image, investment environment, characteristic project,etc. promote trade and investment appeal compared with advancedarea very much difficult to form the comparative advantage in area.In the face of global economic integration, any country and areamust implement the development strategy of open economy, 39<WP=44>Zhalute County must implement the open strategy of driving too,develop oneself through the external force, is it bold in blazing newtrai

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】171