

Studying on Legal Trade and Smuggling between Song and Jin Dynasty

【作者】 左强

【导师】 程妮娜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 专门史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 宋朝与金朝共同存在了三百年,它们所处的时期是中国历史上的“前天下一体”时期,这一时期辽、金、宋这几个政权分立于中国南北社会,因此也称为后南北朝时期。这一时期,少数民族占据了中原地区,汉族政权则在南方确立下来,随着经济中心的南移,淮河、长江流域的商业贸易逐渐繁荣起来,而在宋室南迁、与金朝订立和约之后,两国边界也划在这条线上,因此两国的边境就成为了商品交换的重要地区。宋金之间的贸易与以往的汉族王朝同少数民族王朝之间的商品交易既有相似之处,又有很大的不同。相同之处是都有汉族居民与少数民族居民之间的商品互换,生产资料与生活资料在不同的民族和地区之间相互交流;不同之处是宋金之间的贸易由于政治、军事、历史、地理等原因,与以往的民族间商业贸易和相近时期的宋辽、宋夏之间的商业贸易的最大区别就在于:它不仅包括了汉族与少数民族之间的商品流通,也包括了不同地区的汉族居民之间的贸易,而这也正是宋金贸易最大的特点之一。宋金订立和约、划分疆界之后,大规模的榷场贸易由此展开,而早在此之前,宋金之间的民间贸易就很盛行,尤其是淮水流域,是商业贸易活跃的地区,在这一地区成为宋金两国边境之后,各种形式的商业贸易依然繁荣,这里成为榷场的主要设置地区和走私活动的主要地域,在两国的边境贸易中,既有女真人与汉人直接的商品交换,也有汉人之间在边境上进行贸易然后再与金朝进行的商品交流。宋金榷场贸易与走私贸易共同构成了宋金之间的经济交流,是一条主线上的两个分支,它们并非是各自独立发展的,而是互相联系、相互作用的,它们之间是对立统一的关系。榷场贸易与走私贸易两者产生的原因各自不同,发展历程也不同:榷场贸易主要是宋金两国为了共同的政治和经济利益而设立的,它在发展过程中受到宋金两国政治关系和军事形势的变化冲击很大,随着战争的爆发和停止而废止和开设;走私贸易则主要是由经济规律决定的,它的产生是为了满足南北社会生产和生活的需要,走私贸易的发展受到宋金政治军事因素冲击较小,在大规模战争进行之时,走私贸易不会受到多少限制,甚至由于战争时期两国政府的物资禁运而更加兴旺发达。榷场贸易和走私贸易都随着金朝的灭亡而最终消亡。榷场贸易与走私贸易各自的形式、内容、作用以及两者之间的相互关系是本文研究和探讨的重点。榷场贸易的形式和内容主要指的是榷场贸易的地点、职官设置、管理制度、交易的商品和人员等等。榷场贸易的地点主要设在宋金边境沿线,但双方榷场的分布各有不同,南宋设立的榷场主要集中在今天河南、湖北、安徽、江苏这些当时商品经济发达的地区,而金朝的榷场分布在今天甘肃、陕西、河南的占大多数。宋金双方榷场贸易的职官设置也不相同,南宋的职官设置更为完整和丰富,主要包括总领(提领官)、措置官、提点官、主管官、押发官,总领为榷场贸易的总管,由朝廷直接派遣,措置官、提点官由当地知州、知军、通州、通判等地方官员担任,主管官负责榷场的具体事务,也由朝廷派遣,押发官由主管官委任,负责榷场的治安和缉查走私。宋金双方榷场贸易的管理制度相类似,都要求客商在榷场进行登记,交易的时候需要缴纳各种税费。榷场中交易的商品受到双方政府的严格限制,一些重要的物资,如食盐、粮食、牲畜、金属货币等都属于禁运物品,而允许在榷场交易的大多是一些南北特色产品或与国计民生无关的物品。参加宋金榷场贸易的人员以各个层次的商人为主,另外还包括了一些平民、军兵和官吏等。走私贸易的形式与内容主要指的是走私贸易的地区、交易的人员和商品。宋金走私贸易的分布地区很广,几乎所有的边境地区都存在着走私贸易,走私贸易的主要方式是在宋金边境地区进行越界私贩,淮河流域的农业、手工业和商业都比较发达,又由于这里以前南北商品交易的传统因而成为了走私贸易的主要地区,光州、岷州、楚州、信阳军等地是大量的走私贸易进行的场所。除了边境私贩,在榷场之中也有一些走私活动,商人、官吏、军兵等人员利用各种手段从榷场上私带违禁物品出境交易。走私贸易的人员组成更为广泛,基本上涵盖了双方(特别是南宋)社会中方方面面、各个阶层的人物,形成了以商人为中心,包括了上至朝廷使臣、各级官员,下至边境军兵和平民百姓的人员组成结构。走私交易的商品种类繁多,重点则是双方政府颁布命令严格禁止出入境交易的商品,除了盐、茶、粮食、牲畜之外,还有药材、铜钱、书籍等物品。宋金榷场贸易与走私贸易之间具有对立统一的关系,从形式、内容和作用等方面来研究,宋金榷场贸易和走私贸易之间的相互关系可以总结归纳为:主观上相互斗争,客观上互相补充。相互斗争主要是由于榷场贸易和走私贸易这两种活动的主体(合法交易身份的人员和非法交易身份的人员),他们为了保证各自的利益而对对方进行排挤和打击,而在客观上,榷场贸易和走私贸易是互相补充的。宋金两国政府为了保证自己的利益,多次颁布命令严禁边境私自交易,采用多种严酷手段打击边境走私贸易,而进行走私活动的人员也千方百计地逃避缉查,与官方榷场贸易对抗,但在两者的形式和内容(时间、地点、物品、参与人

【Abstract】 Song dynasty and Jin dynasty coexisted for about 300 years. During this period, Jin and Song scattered in both South and North,which was also called the Post North-South Society. Minority state occupied the middle and Han state controlled the South.The South prosperd with it, and the frontier had became the key business area after the peace agreement was implemented.Song-Jin’s trading has some significant difference comparing before. What remains was the exchange beween two sides, and the difference was the reason caused by politics, military ,history and geography. The key ossuse was that this business not only included the business between different racial groups but also within the Han nationality itself,once the frontier was finally determined by both sides,a large scale of business prepared,long before this ,the business in the civil society was high,after that it acted as the main business center, whether legal or illegal. In the trading, both the business beween Han and Nuzhen, and Han and Han ,existed.Legal trade and smuggling form the main business exchanging. they affected each other, thus developed the whole relationship. Legal trade and smuggling has different cause and procedure:legal trade was due to the political situation on both sides ,which was deeply influnced by their dipomacy,smuggling was caused by the economical demand,thus as less affected even in the large scale war. Sometimes ,smiggling was even benefited from the war.,legal trade and smuggling both ended with the ending of Jin Dynasty.Legal trade and smuggling’s form,contents, use and their relationship was the main focus of this article. Legal trade’s form and content mainly refered to the location, state structure, management system and product and human resources, legal trade was mainly arranged in the frontier area, each has its own place, which was diffenet from each other. Song’s legal trade center was along the developed area, such as Henna, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu.,while Jin’s legal trade center was probably in Gansu,Shanxi and Henan. Each management system was different, in which Song’s was more complicated.,including Zongling in charge of the business was delegated by the central government,local official, who was responsible for the detail.,Yafa,whose duty was safety and detecting smuggling, was arhtorized by the main offical . Their management system was familiar, the kind of goods was strongly controlled. Business man needed to register and the forbidden material was salt,currency and so on. The attendant were mainly business man,and also some civilian,military person or officials.Smuggling.’s form mainly refer to area, business man attended and the goods used in smuggling. Smuggling was wide spread ,even every corner had. The main for of smuggling was privately entering another state foe business. For the advanced economy in Huaihe area and its tradition, it became the main center. Besides this ,every possible class or goods were involved deeply. This formed a big part. The kind of the goods had no limit.,but the focus was the forbidden goods.After the research on its form,contents and use, we may know that in one way ,they were against each other, but in another they can benefit from both sides, they struggled for their own benefit ,but in long run they each benefit from each other.Song and Jin government used severe way to destroy the illegal business for their own bebefit.,and the smuggler also used every possible way to escape detection ,or go against the legal market. Legal business was for the government own interest, which included the increase on tax,maintaining stability ,and the empire’s governing; while ,smuggling’s main function was to keep a free space for the people ‘s economical communication,in some extent this boost the development of the whole society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K245
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】601