

Analysis on Judicial Culture in Ancient China--With the Angle of the Culture of Books on Ancient Officials in Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 周天越

【导师】 吕丽;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 法官是法律的化身。法律,是任何文化的重要组成部分。文化这东西,从表象看,真是说不清、道不明的存在,但它又无时无刻不在影响着人们的心理和行为。“每一种文化都以原始的力量从它的土生土壤中勃兴起来,都在它的整个生活期中坚实地和那土生土壤联系着:每一种文化都把自己的景象印在它的材料、即它的人类身上;每一种文化各有自己的观念,自己的情欲,自己的生活,愿望和感情,自己的死亡……这种文化是纯化了的生活精髓,它们和田野间的花儿一样无终极目的地生长着。它们和动植物一样属于歌德和活生生的自然,而不属于牛顿的死板板的自然。”法官文化则是法官这个特殊的群体在各种诉讼活动和诉讼活动之外所分行的具有法官职业特色的社会生活方式和精神价值体系以及法官在其中活动的结果和体现的财富,更主要是指在司法活动过程中,影响甚至决定法官行为的一系列司法思想、司法意识、司法理念、司法道德、司法规则等文化要素。其实,不论赋予法官文化多么深邃的解释,作为制度理性与价值理性的互动的法官文化,也就是法官的意识、观念,是文化的,也是法律的,这种意识、观念与法律是合拍的。中国古代,司法审判机构作为官僚机构的一个组成部分,其成员总是处在不停的流转升迁之中,似乎很难从官僚阶层中划分出一个法官集团。然而,当法官一直是古代官僚的重要职责,中国古代官僚的特性很大程度上是在充当法官时显露出来的……把古代无数个官员“定格”在法官角色的瞬间联接起来,就可以像电影一样映出古代官僚阶层的一个极重要的侧面。中国古代官箴文化是中国传统文化的重要构成部分,官箴的总体要求是官吏居官治事,务须修身养德、勤政廉洁、忠君爱民、慎法公正,其萌发于中国法律发祥时期,最初形态出现于商周,战国秦朝时期形成了封建官箴文化,唐宋时 52<WP=57>代繁盛,至明清时代大盛,并更具实用化趋向,更多表现为对官吏具体工作的指导,包括对司法断狱工作的指导。本文以明清时期官箴文化为视角,对古代法官判案风格、特点的分析提供一种知识和认知背景,寻求中国古代法官判案独特的性质和风貌,从中总结和体会中国传统司法文化的特色,从而在现代条件下完成对法律文化传统的创造性转化。本文分四个部分。第一部分是法官“名”与“实”之辨。在这一部分中,从法官制度及其分类及法官与其属吏、佐官两个方面论述了历代中央司法官和地方基层法官制度及其权限,分析了幕吏制度及幕吏对司法审判的影响,即以无官之“名”,行有官之“实”,是事实上的法官,而有“名”的法官只是坐堂的木偶。第二部分是官箴与古代法官的司法审判。在这一部分中,从官箴与官箴文化及明清官箴对司法审判的意义两个方面进行论述,指出历代官箴以其训谏为政之德,规范为官之行,指导为吏之道,构建了一整套系统的封建行政和司法伦理的价值体系,并形成了中国传统文化中饶有特色的官箴文化。明清官箴以其蕴含的司法经验和读律心得,以及对案件的办案方法和技巧等为法官司法审判提供了切实的指导。第三部分是文章的核心部分,论述了中国古代法官判案的文化特点。第一个特点是情、理、法的斟酌?法官判案之依托,分为法官释法与法律多元、司法实践中“法”与“情”的协调两个方面,指出在中国古代的司法实践中,原情断狱被作为一种司法要求。人情是法之所立的基础。情入于法,使法与伦理结合,易于为人所接受;法顺人情,发挥寓教于刑的法律功能,真正树立起法律的权威,即为良吏所追求之目标。第二个特点是循良清廉的清官司法?法官判案之取向,分为清官的标准及官箴中“清廉”之规定、清官司法的特点及评价两个方面,指出“清”不仅构成中国古代官吏的基本政治品格和政治道德要求,而且成为法律竭力维护的一个重要内容。清官的最终目的,就是试图通过折衷天理、人情与国法,追求实施法律的实体正义?也即具体 53<WP=58>案件处理的合理性和妥当性。法得、情得,法平、情平,法到、情到,就成了司法者追求的最高的圆满境界。第三个特点是“刑期无刑”与“息讼止争”?法官判案之终极追求,分为“刑期无刑”的判案目标和“息讼止争”的判案目标两个方面,指出无刑、无讼是儒家伦理在司法上的最高价值追求,“刑期于无刑”和“息讼”是中国古代法官的最根本职责。第四个特点是审案之“术”的运用?法官判案之方法,分为法官判案的思维方式、判案取证的方法?“熬审”(刑讯)与口供两个方面,通过对“五听鞫情”的审讯方法、片言折狱、判案中诈术的使用、“熬审”(刑讯)与口供等方面的分析,论述了中国古代法官在判案方法上的特色。 文章的第四部分是对古代法官判案文化的根源与影响之分析。分为判案文化的根源、中国古代法官与西方法官判案文化的差异、历史对未来的预言?中国古代判案文化对当今司法的影响三个方面进行论述,指出判案文化的特点根源于古代制度和思想上的原因,中西方法官的差异体现在选任、职能及对法的态度方面。

【Abstract】 The judge is the law’s incarnation. The law is the importantconstitution of any culture. Seen from the appearance, the cultureis really unknown being, but it affects persons’ mental state andbehavior all the time. “Every kind of culture rises from its soil withthe primitive’s power, and all connects its whole life mid-termsolidly with its soil: Every kind of culture prints his own prospectsin its material, namely its human body; Every kind of culture hasits own idea, own sensual desire, own life, wish and affection, owndeath … ...” The culture is absolutely living essence, they have noultimate end destination to grow as the flower in the countryside.They belong to the living nature, but not belong to the Newton’snature." The judicial culture is the special social life style of judgeoccupation, and the system spirit ,the activity’s result and thewealth ,which is all kinds of litigation activities and the outside oflitigation activities of the special community of judge . It’s moreimportant that in the judicial process, the influence is even todecide a series of judicatory of the judge behavior, the judicialconsciousness, judicial principles, judicial morals and judicialrules. In fact, in spite of giving the judicial culture how deeptranslation, as the interaction of the system reasonableness andvalue reasonableness, the judicial culture is also the judge’sconsciousness, idea, it is cultural, and is also judicial, this kind ofconsciousness, idea matches the law. Ancient China, the judicatory organization was used as a part of 55<WP=60>bureaucrat organization, its members always were placed in thecontinuously promotion, it was very difficult to divide the judge’sgroup from the bureaucrat stratum. However, judgment wasalways an important job for ancient bureaucrat, the characteristicof ancient Chinese bureaucrat reared out when acting judge.Connected with the numerous officals’ roles, the ancientbureaucrat stratum can be resembled vital importance on the sidein a moment as the movie. The culture of the books on officers is animportant part of Chinese tradition culture, its total request is thatan officialdom should be virtuous, hard-working, incorrupt, honest,love the people, and fair, it originated in the Chinese law period, itsfirst emergence appear in Sang and Zhou Dynasty, in Qin Dynasty,The culture of the books on officers was in its formation. In Tangand Song Dynasty, it was thriving, in Ming and Qing Dynasty, itwas more thriving, more practical, and more performances forleading officialdom in a specific way, including leading judicatoryjudgment. With the angle of the Culture of Books on Officials in Ming andQing Dynasty, This text provides a kind of knowledge andperception background for analyzing the ancient judicial style andcharacter, looks for the special kind and the appearance of theancient Chinese judge, and summarizes the special features of theculture of Chinese tradition judicatory, therefore completes thecreating conversion from the tradition of law culture under themodern term. This text divides four parts. The first part is The Differencebetween the Ancient Judge’s Status and Actuality, in this part, 56<WP=61>from The Ancient Judge’s System and Its Classification , TheAncient Judge and Its Subordinate Officers and Helpful Officers todiscuss in the past the central judge ,the local and grass-rootsjudge’s system and its legal power, and analyze the influence onjudicatory judge of the Helpful Officers and the system of HelpfulOfficers, namely they have no the status, but have the actuality, infact ,they’re true judge. But the judges having the actuality justsit in the hall. The second part is The Books on Officials and AncientJudges’ Judgments, in this part inside, from the Books onOfficials and its culture, The Significance of the Ming and QingDynasty’s Books on Officials to Judgment

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】988