

Research on Crime with Purpose

【作者】 郭竹梅

【导师】 吴振兴;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从有限的论著可以看出,我国对目的犯的研究尚欠缺深度。而目的犯的目的,对区分罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪具有重要的意义。如同为拐骗儿童这一手段,以勒索财物为目的、以出卖为目的或以收养为目的相比较,定罪量刑显然不同,因此对目的犯进行深入研究,对刑法理论和刑法实践都具有重要意义。本文分为五个部分:目的犯理论的嬗变、目的犯概念论析、目的犯的构成要件、目的犯的基本分类和目的犯停止形态疑难问题研析,对目的犯进行了较为全面和深入的研究。本文五部分相互印证和关联,以下具体说明每一部分的核心内容。一、目的犯理论的嬗变本文首先介绍了大陆法系目的犯理论的演进过程,20世纪初期以前,大陆法系刑法理论认为客观要素决定有无违法性,主观要素决定有无有责性。因此,目的犯中的目的被看成是责任而非违法的构成要件要素,目的犯概念便无从产生。伴随着绝对罪刑法定主义向相对罪刑法定主义的变迁,大陆法系构成要件的要素上增加了主观的内容。目的犯中的目的作为主观的违法要素和主观的构成要件要素才逐渐得到学界的普遍认同,目的犯概念逐步形成。我国刑法理论对犯罪目的与犯罪动机给予了充分的关注,但从研究方向和范围来看,大都集中在犯罪目的定义的表达、犯罪目的与犯罪动机的相互关系等方面,对犯罪目的与犯罪故意的关系,犯罪目的与犯罪构成的关系等深层次的问题却没有深入探究。直到1989年才有学者提出目的犯的概念,因此实际上我国对目的犯的研究处于低层次状态。本文还对大陆法系和我国刑法理论中的目的犯进行了比较,认为二者之间存在差别。二、目的犯概念论析关于目的犯的概念,分歧最大的乃是在于是否必须刑法明文规定某一目的作为犯罪构成要件才能成立目的犯,即是否有非法定目的犯存在余地。本文认为目的犯并不以法律明文规定为其必备要素,它是指行为人主观上必须具备某种特定目的作为犯罪构成要件的犯罪形式。为进一步明晰目的犯,本文对目的犯之“目的”的内涵也给予了阐释,认为目的犯之“目的”的本质是犯罪动机,它是独立于故意之外的主观要件,是主观的超过要素。三、目的犯的构成要件分析犯罪构成主、客观构成要件的关系,可以看出构成要件中有两种基本形态:一是主、客观要件完全相符的构成要件,即主观要件所要求的内容与客观要件所规定的内容是相当的;二是主、客观要件不相符的构成要件,即主观要件的内容比客观要件规定的内容要多。目的犯仅存在于此种构成要件中。本文指出从目的与犯罪客体的关系看,目的犯有两种形态:一类是目的所指向的犯罪客体与故意针对的客体相同;另一类是目的的内涵并非针对故意所意图侵犯的保护法益本身,在该法益之外,行为人具有某种内在意向。四、目的犯的基本分类以法律对特定目的作为目的犯的构成要件有无明文规定为标准,本文将目的犯分为显性目的犯(即法定目的犯)和隐性目的犯(即非法定目的犯)。显性目的犯因具有法定性、明确性而较易认定,隐性目的犯由于没有法律明文规定,认定上存在诸多问题,因此是本文研讨的重点。依照德国学者的观点,刑法中的构成要件可分为封闭的构成要件与开放的构成要件。在封闭的构成要件情况下,构成要件具有违法性征表机能,如果行为满足了构成要件该当性且无违法阻却事由,行为即能认定违法。开放的构成要件是指由于立法者未能详尽地规定被禁止行为的各构成要素,构成要件并无违法性征表机能,是否违法需要法官来判断。本文提出隐性目的犯是开放性构成要件的观点。至于隐性目的犯作为开放的构成要件之适用方法,本文认为法官对开放性构成要件的补充适用,实际就是法官运用法律解释学原理适用刑法中的构成要件的问题。本文从对法律解释类别的鉴定着手,认为隐性目的犯属于法律漏洞,且属于隐藏的漏洞,应当通过目的限缩的方法来进行漏洞补充。目的性限缩是基于规范意旨的考虑,依法律规范的目的或其意义脉络,将依法律文义已被涵盖的案型排除在适用规范外。目的犯如何具体应用此项方法?本文以盗窃罪为例进行了个案演绎。隐性目的犯适用中由于存在法官自由裁量权,因此,其与罪刑法定原则的关系也是不容回避的问题,本文认为隐性目的犯的存在并不违背罪刑法定原则并提出了理由。五、目的犯停止形态疑难问题研析对于目的犯,四种犯罪停止形态认定中都有值得注意的问题,本文对此也进行了探讨。就目的犯的既遂情形来说,应分为两种情形,一是目的所意图侵害的对象与故意所针对的保护法益相当的情况下,目的的实现是成立既遂的标准;二是目的犯的目的“溢出保护法益”的情况下,因特定目的已超出保护法益,则成立既遂并不要求行为人实现其目的,而只需要其在特定目的支配下,实施了刑法规定的该罪的实行行为,且符合刑法关于该罪的其他构成要件即可。据此,本文对素有争议的绑架勒索罪的既遂标准也提出了自己的见解。明确了目的犯的既遂标准,目的犯的未完成形态便有了确立依据和参照。本文对目的犯的未遂形态之“着手”实行犯罪与犯罪未完成的判断、预备形态中预备行为的认定和中止形态的时空性条件的判断都进行了较深入的探讨。本文创新之处主要有:(1?

【Abstract】 From the limited works we can see that the study on crime with purpose is not satisfactory in our country. But purpose means much to the distinction of crime and innocence and the distinction of crime of this kind or that. For example, the punishment on the act of abducting a child will be different if purpose differs as for property, for selling or for fostering. So deep study on crime with purpose is important to both the theory and the practice of the criminal law. The paper is divided into five parts: the development of the theory of crime with purpose, the analysis on the definition of crime with purpose, the constitution of crime with purpose, the fundamental classification of crime with purpose and the problems in the determination of the suspensory pattern of crime with purpose. The paper has a comparatively wide and deep study on crime with purpose. The five parts are connected with each other. The following is the illustration of the core of each part. 1. The Development of the Theory of Crime with Purpose In the paper I first introduce the development of the theory of crime with purpose in continental law system. Before the twentieth century, illegality is decided by the objective elements and liability is decided by the subjective elements. So purpose is not considered as element of illegality, but as element of liability. The definition of crime with purpose has no chance to come into being. With the progress from the absolute doctrine of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime to the comparative, the subjective elements have been added to the constitution of crime in continental law system. The view that purpose is the subjective element of both illegality and constitution has thus been universally agreed. The definition of crime with purpose has come into being step by step. The criminal theory in our country has paid much attention to criminal purpose, but it’s just in the field of the definition of criminal purpose, the relationship between criminal purpose and criminal motive. There are little research on the further questions of the relationship between criminal purpose and criminal intent, and between criminal purpose and constitution of crime. The definition of crime with purpose was brought forward till 1989. In fact, the study on crime with purpose in our country is still on the low level. The paper also has a comparative study on the theory of crime with purpose in our country and that in continental law system. 2. The Analysis on the Definition of Crime with PurposeThe biggest argument on the definition of crime with purpose is that if the stipulation that some purpose is an element of the constitution of crime is needed to constitute crime with purpose. In the paper, I take the view that crime with purpose can exist without the stipulation that one purpose is an element of the constitution of crime. It is a form of crime that the actor should have some purpose in offence, which is the element of the constitution of crime.Meanwhile I give an explanation to “purpose” in crime with purpose to make the definition more clear. In the paper I point out that purpose is criminal motive in nature, which is the subjective element, independent to criminal intent.3. The Constitution of Crime with PurposeThrough analyzing the relationship between the subjective and the objective constitutional elements, we may see that the constitutional elements of crime can be divided into two kinds: one is that the subjective and the objective constitutional elements are corresponding with each other; the other is that the subjective and the objective constitutional elements are not corresponding. That is to say the subjective elements are more than the objective. Crime with purpose can only exist in the latter. The paper points out that judging the relation between purpose and the benefit protected by criminal law, we may say that crime with purpose may be divided into two kinds: one is that the benefit protected by criminal law both purpose and criminal intent aim at are same; the o

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】240