

The Criminal Law Position of the Private Enterprise--Analysis on Private Enterprise Crime in the Aspect of the Offence Committed by Organization

【作者】 梁雪冰

【导师】 李洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来我国私营经济蓬勃发展,其政治地位、经济地位均有很大的提高,特别是宪法的四次修订,更加确立了私营经济平等的法律地位。有鉴于此,作为整个法律体系中最重要的部门法之一的刑法,理所应当赋予私企以平等的法律地位,本文首先对这一问题进行了深入的剖析,并斗胆提出了解决方案,力求对司法实践有所裨益。同时,私企能否成为单位犯罪主体的问题,也是近年来理论界研讨的热点之一,本文选取单位犯罪这一视角,对私企犯罪问题进行了解析,并且得出了所有私企都可以作为单位犯罪主体这一结论。本文内容分为四个部分:第一部分私企地位平等性之分析。在这一部分中,笔者首先界定了私企的概念,对几种相关联的定义给予了解释,并对其内涵进行了比较,从而在称谓上达成了统一,即在本文中一概使用私企这一名称。其次,通过对相关资料的分析,得出结论:我国私企的政治地位、经济地位正在逐渐提高。再次,对宪法内容的四次修改进行了深入研究,通过四次修宪,表明以产权制度改革为核心的中国经济体制改革,一直在稳步推进,不可逆转。而私营经济在这场改革中无疑是最重要的角色,宪法对私营经济以及私有财产的承认,为其法律地位的确立提供了一个有力的保障。然后,对私营经济的积极作用给予了肯定,认为通过实践证明,私营经济对我国国民经济的巨大作用,是其它经济成分不可替代的,它的发展既有利于社会主义现代化建设,也有利于社会主义力量的增强。最后,以较多的笔墨论述了刑法应赋予私企平等地位这一重要问题,其中先对现行刑法对私企缺乏保护进行分析,然后又提出了修改建议,设定了一种立法模式,希望能既有利于打击犯罪,又能起到加强对私企的保护的作用。第二部分私企可否作为单位犯罪主体之辨析。私企能否成为单位犯罪<WP=51>的主体,并承担刑事责任,这是一个值得研究的问题。首先,对单位犯罪的概念进行了界定,通过对五种定义方式的批判、分析,最终总结出单位犯罪的概念:单位犯罪是刑法所规定的,公司、企业、事业单位、机关、团体为谋取本单位的利益,经集体或负责人决定,故意实施,或者不履行法律义务而过失实施的危害社会的行为。其次,对法人犯罪与单位犯罪的称谓之争给予了深入探讨,并且最后认为,单位犯罪这一称谓更加适合我国的司法实践,有利于惩治单位犯罪行为,因此对单位犯罪的称谓给予了肯定。然后,探讨了单位犯罪主体的成立条件,认为犯罪单位应具备四个成立要件,即依法成立,拥有一定的财产和经费,拥有自己的名称、组织机构和场所,具有刑事责任能力。最后,笔者用大量的篇幅研究了私企能否成为单位犯罪主体的问题,通过深入、细致的研究,得出以下结论:无论是作为法人主体的有限责任公司与股份有限公司,还是作为非法人主体的个人独资企业与合伙企业,都是可以成为单位犯罪的主体的。第三部分私企业主个人犯罪与单位犯罪之界定。单位与个人在法律上有着十分明显的区别,二者的主体界限和违法责任相当分明。但是在私企中,这种界限似乎就被模糊化了,私企业主所实施的行为到底是以个人犯罪论,还是以单位犯罪论,是一个比较复杂的问题。因此,在这一部分中,笔者提出了四个成立条件,并希望以此对上述问题给予一个清晰的界定。这四个成立要件分别是:第一,私营企业是否依法成立和具备单位条件;第二,私企业主以何名义和身份实施犯罪;第三,私企业主实施的行为内容和后果是否归属于私营企业;第四,私企业主实施的犯罪行为是否为刑法所规定。通过以上四个要件基本可以区分私企业主所实施的是个人行为还是单位行为,应认定为个人犯罪还是单位犯罪。明确个人犯罪与单位犯罪的界限十分重要,它直接关系到私企业主的切身利益,因此笔者希望上面提出的四个要件能对这一问题的解决有所助益。第四部分私企犯罪刑罚适用原则解析。研究私企犯罪问题,不可避免地也要研究私企犯罪的刑罚适用问题。在这一部分中,首先对单位犯罪的<WP=52>刑罚适用原则进行了综述,这是因为私企作为单位犯罪的主体之一,其刑罚适用原则当然亦应遵循单位犯罪的处罚原则。我国现行刑法对单位犯罪的基本处罚原则是:采用双罚制与有条件地采取单罚制相结合的原则,这是我国单位犯罪的复杂性所决定的。然后对单位犯罪中责任人员的处罚原则进行了论述,并认为对单位犯罪成员与自然人犯罪在主刑适用上不能完全等同,也不要一概轻处,而应有所区别。同时,单位犯罪中不同责任人员也应适用不同的刑罚。最后,对私企犯罪刑罚适用原则进行了分析,并且将私企分为法人型与非法人型分别给予探讨,对不同类型的企业所适用的不同刑罚原则进行了深入细致的研究。对于私企的刑法地位问题,本文以单位犯罪为视角进行了比较全面、细致的探讨。私企在刑法中平等地位的取得需要立法者与司法者的共同努力,这并非一朝一夕所能解决。刑法是否能赋予私企单位犯罪的主体资格则是一个法解释问题,它需要司法实践者给予足够的重视与审慎的态度,笔者希望通过本文的研讨能起到一个抛砖引玉的作用,使立法者与司法者共同关注私企问题,赋予私企平等的法律地位。

【Abstract】 With great development of the private economy, the political and economic position of the private economy has been promoted. Especially after the four revisions of the Institution of our country, the equal legal position of the private economy has been strengthened. Accordingly, the criminal law as the most important law in the legal system should endow the private economy with equal legal position. The author makes in-depth analyses of the problem and puts forward the solution scheme, and the author hopes this thesis can help the legislation and administration of law. At the same time, whether the private enterprise can be the subject of offence committed by organization is a problem argued hotly in recent years. The author chooses the aspect of offence committed by organization, analyses the problem of offence committed by private enterprise, and makes the conclusion that the private enterprise can be the subject of the offence committed by organization.There are four parts in this thesis. The first part: the analysis on the equal position of the private enterprise. In this part, first, the author defines the concept of the private enterprise. After the comparison and analysis of relative concept, the author unifies the name. Second, the author considers relative material and draws the conclusion that the political and economical position of the private enterprise is promoted. Third, the author studies the four Institution amendments, and concludes that the step of the economic system reformation, which takes the title system as the heart of the problem, is stable and rapid. The private economy plays the most important role in this reform. The Institution provides the protection of its legal position with the admission of private economy and private <WP=54>property. Forth, the author affirms the positive contribution of the private economy, thinks that the private economy cannot be replaced; its development can help the socialism modernization construction greatly. Fifth, the author discusses the problem that the equal position should be given to the private enterprise. Analyzing the lack of protection of the private enterprise, the author puts forward amendment suggestion, settles a legislation model. This model will help stop the crime and protect the private enterprise.Part two: discrimination on whether the private enterprise can be the subject of the offence committed by organization. Whether the private enterprise can be the subject of the offence committed by organization and bear liability is a problem that we should discuss. First the author tries to make a definition of the offence committed by organization. Criticizing and analyzing five concepts, the author concludes the concept of the offence committed by organization: it is regulated by the criminal law, company, enterprise, institution, state organ and other group, decided by the person in charge, harm the society on purpose or reluctant to perform the obligations prescribed by the law, for the interest of the organization.The author discusses the controversy of the name of the offence committed by the organization and the offence committed by legal body. And concludes that the name of offence committed by organization is more suitable for the legal practice of our country. Then the author discusses the constitutive element of the offence committed by organization. The author thinks the constitutive element of the offence committed by organization should be legal creation; owning certain amount of fund; owning name, administration structure and place; and criminal capacity. Last, the author discusses the problem of whether the private enterprise can be the subject of the offence committed by <WP=55>organization, and draws the conclusion that the legal body, such as limited liability company and company limited by shares, and the non-legal body, such as ventures exclusively with one’s own investment, partnership enterprise both can be the subject of offence committed by organization.Part three: the deference between the offence commit

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D924
  • 【下载频次】155