

Evaluation of the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO and Responsive Measures

【作者】 马新宇

【导师】 那力;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 WTO争端解决机制为多边贸易体制下法律义务或规则得以遵守,条文得以正确解释乃至整个贸易体制得以有效运转,提供了较之GATT体制下更为有力的保证。然而新生事物都是存在缺陷的,在肯定新的体制对以往做了重大改进的同时,我们还应清醒的认识到它并不尽善尽美,其作为一种尝试、探索的产物,仍存在一些隐患和问题,这些问题也正日益显露出来。新世纪伊始,加强对WTO争端解决机制的研究,不仅对刚加入WTO的中国充分运用该争端解决机制解决与其他成员方之间的贸易纠纷具有迫切的实践意义,而且,对中国国际经济法的基础研究有着重要的理论意义。本篇论文分为四个部分。 第一部分,WTO争端解决机制概况。从争端解决机制的适用范围入手,简要叙述了争端解决机制的基本运作流程。 第二部分,WTO争端解决机制在GATT体制基础上的发展:统一了争端处理程序;设立了WTO的专门争端解决机构;确立了“反向协商一致”原则;确立了DSB对案件的强制管辖权;增设了中期评审程序;增设了常设上诉机构和复审程序;引入了交叉报复的制裁方式,制定了较为严格的报复权行使程序等。 第三部分,WTO争端解决机制所存在的问题。 在专家组程序中:其一,专家组组成的临时性和担任角色的不确定性。这种临时性,不仅不能保证不同专家组裁决的一致性,也无法应对上诉机构将来可能取得的“发回重审”权。同时,众多的规定没有置专家组于统一的位置,专家组是调解员、斡旋者还是法官、裁判者,让人费解。其二,在举证责任方面,无论是GATT还是WTO都没有对证据的范围、举证责任和证据的效力等问题作出相应规定,各相关规则散见于各处,缺乏基本的一致性和可预见性,仅凭如此简单笼统的规则,是无法应对WTO诸多 复杂的案件的。其三,争端解决机制中存在对“初步事实”的规定,但 却不存在适用“初步事实”理论的基础—陪审团与法官的分工协作,专 家组对事实和法律两方面问题均须予以审查,最终也可能造成争端处理的 不公平。其四,在中期评审程序方面,我们坚信中期评审程序存在的合理 性,但迄今为止,中期评审程序并没有达到人们预想的效果,应制定相应 规定,严格将中期评审的对象限定于事实问题范围内。 在上诉复审程序中:其一,上诉机构成员的选任缺乏明确具体的标准。 上诉庭组成程序不规则,上诉庭人员的组成缺乏透明度,不利于保证公正、 公平,对此,可以考虑引入国内法中的“回避”等原则。其二,上诉机构 无受理审查权。这使得上诉机构无论在理论上还是在实践中都陷入被动, .主导地位有所下降,造成资源的浪费。其三,在审查范围方面,也存在很 大漏洞。根据《谅解》协议,常设上诉机构的审查范围是“专家小组报告 中所涉及的法律问题以及专家组所作的法律解释”。然而,《谅解》协议又 规定,专家组并无义务对申诉方的所有主张进行审查,而只需要审查“有 助于其决定的或有可能决定其他问题的事项”。如此以来,且不说判断一 个问题应归属事实问题还是法律问题本身就非常困难,其间产生的空白地 带更是置上诉机构于两难境地。其四,“发回重审”权力的缺失。这个缺 陷为WTO争端解决机制的实际运转带来了很大的麻烦:当专家组因种种 原因可能将事实弄错或是陈述不充分或专家组对有关应决定的事项未作 决定时,由于上诉机构没有发回重审的权力,其将无所适从。 执行程序中:有关报复手段。其一,根据现有的规定,报复本质上实 行的是一种“自力救济”,致使这种手段很难被弱小国家有效地利用,对 此,笔者认为可以考虑建立集体制裁制度。其二,报复水平有待提高。在 脚丁O争端解决体制下,实行的是一种“水平相当”的报复,按照这样的 原则进行报复,并不能迫使对方纠正其违法行为,通过其所建立的新的平、衡也不能使之恢复原有的竞争状态。其三,缺乏对报复的审查机制。虽然 《谅解》协议针对此问题也有相应的要求,但由于种种原因,这些要求在 客观上几乎没有任何制约意义。所以,建立健全一套对报复的审查机制还是必要的。另外,执行环节中也存在程序漏洞和条文前后矛盾的情况。 关于不违法之诉:由于GA门,于设立此规则之初未提供明确的适用规则,使这一概念自始就具有不确定性,进而导致尽管多数案件的专家组为确立适用标准、限制“不违法之诉”作了大量的努力,却仍然无法阻止“不违法之诉”的扩张。乌拉圭回合谈判后,“不违法之诉”更是获得了新的适用空间。面对越来越多的“不违法之诉”,尤其是“独立之诉”,争端解决机制的有效性将受到严峻挑战,单边主义的威胁也在增大,WTO就将面临一个两难的困境:如果扩大对“不违法之诉”的受理,审查中的实际困难将影响处理结果的合理性和可预见性,从而削弱该机制的有效性;反过来,如果对日益增长的“不违法之诉”置之不理,则不仅会削弱多边争端解决机制的作用,而且会危及整个WTO贸易体制的稳定性。有鉴于此,为保证“不违法之诉”起到应有的积极作用,我们认为,应?

【Abstract】 Compared to the DSM in the GAIT system, the DSM of WTO provides powerful protection for the legal duties or rules under the multilateral trade system, the correct explanation of articles, and the revolution of the entire trade system. Although the new mechanism has improved a lot, it is not perfect.At the beginning of a new century, the strengthened research on the DSM of WTO has the urgent practical significance for China, who just becomes a member of WTO, to utilize this mechanism to solve the trade dispute with other members of WTO. Moreover, the research will also have a theoretical significance to the research on international economic law of our country.The first section briefly outlines the basic operational flow of the DSM of WTO and the applicable scope of it.The second section describes the improvements and developments of the DSM of WTO. These improvements and developments include unification of the dispute settlement procedure, setup of the special dispute settlement body of WTO, establishment of "Negative consensus" principle and the compulsory jurisdiction of dispute settlement cases, addition of the intermediate procedure, Standing Appellate Body and review procedure, introduction of the Cross Retaliation and strict procedure for it.The third section is the core of the paper. Author elaborates the questions existing in each stage of dispute settlement procedure.In the Panel of Experts procedure, the composition of panels is temporary and uncertain. This kind of temporary cannot guarantee the consistency of the verdict of different panels. In the future, the Standing Appellate Body cannot respond to the right of disaffirmation, which can be possibly obtained. At the same time, based on various regulations, the role of the Panel of Experts is notthe same. The role may be mediator, conciliator, judge, or referee. In the aspect of burden of proof, both WTO and GATT do not provide the corresponding regulations on the scope of proof, burden of proof, and effectiveness of proof. There are many regulations, but there is no basic consistency and predictability. There is no way to handle the complicated WTO cases depending only on simple regulations. There exists a regulation on the prima facie. However, the cooperation of the jury and the judge that is the theoretical basis of prima facie does not exist in the DSM. Consequently, the Panel of Experts needs to examine both facts and laws, which may finally cause the unfair solution to a dispute. In the aspect of the intermediate procedure, although we trust its rationality, its expected effects have not been reached. The author thinks a corresponding regulation is required to limit the appraisal scope to the fact, not the law.In the Appellate Review, the appointment of the members of Appellate Body lacks of a clear and concrete standard. The procedure to compose appellate court is irregular, which causes the composition of the court lack of the transparency and thus it is hard to guarantee the justice. One solution is to introduce the Challenge principle in the domestic law. Moreover, the Appellate Body has no right of examination before acceptance, this makes it to be passive in theory and practice. Its leading role is decreased and the resources have been wasted. The examination scope has a leak. Based on DSU, the examination scope of Appellate Body is "the involved legal problems in the report of the Panel of Experts and the legal explanation of the Panel of Experts". However, DSU also states that the Panel of Experts has no duty to examine all arguments from the appealing side. The Panel of Experts only needs to examine the issues that can help for the decision or determine other matters. The Appellate Body is put to a dilemma zone because of the hole, despite judging a problem whether it is a fact problem or a legal problem. The missing of "disaffirmation" brings a big problem for the actual operation ofthe DSB of WTO. When the Panel of Experts makes a wrong decision because of various reasons or does not make a decision on a matter that sh

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】490