

The Study of the Issue of State Owned Commercial Bank Joint-Equity Reform

【作者】 罗忠

【导师】 张维达;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国民经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 金融体制的改革是一个长期而复杂的历史过程。伴随着这一进程,整个金融体制都在经历着一种渐进而深刻的制度演变。曾几何时,作为中国金融体制主要组成部分的国有商业银行责无旁贷地扮演起了为渐进式改革提供金融支持的角色,甚至为此不惜牺牲自身的效率和应得的利益。然而,这种牺牲所换来的平衡毕竟是短暂的,随着改革进程的深入和经济增长方式的转变,国有商业银行已经不能适应市场经济的需要。加入WTO后,面临国外银行的竞争,国有商业银行从盈利能力、资本充足率,到管理等各方面看,都是落后的。不仅如此,实际上国内的一些市场化的股份制商业银行,包括地方一些商业银行,对国有商业银行也已经形成了冲击。四大行现在受计划行政影响仍然很大,还够不上真正的企业,不是真正的公司,在面临内外竞争压力的情况下,国有商业银行固有体制对效率和利益的牺牲便愈发的难以继续,迫切需要解决的最关键问题是体制问题,改革之事逐渐提上日程。我国的四大国有商业银行是我国银行体系乃至金融体系的核心。所以国有商业银行的改革无疑是我国金融体制改革最重要的一部分,其成功与否直接关系到我国金融体制乃至整个市场经济改革的成败。在这样的背景下,本文拟从国有商业银行的现实困境出发,结合产权理论、建立现代银行制度理论、委托代理理论等来探讨国有商业银行改革的思路,即股份制改革问题。全文共四章,其内容可划分为两大部分,前两章是本文的第一部分,旨在论证国有商业银行股份制改革的必要性,也即为什么要进行股份制改革的问题。本文的第二部分,即第三、第四章,着重展开对股份制改革的可能性讨论,也就是探讨怎样进行股份制改革的问题。第一章“国有商业银行股份制改革问题的提出”,是全文论述的出发<WP=42>点和基础。本章概述了国有商业银行的现状、面临的主要问题,指出国有商业银行在产权制度、管理体系、组织体系、不良资产及资本充足率等方面的不足,进而提出了股份制改造是国有商业银行改革的出路。第二章“股份制是国有商业银行发展的战略选择”,着重分析国有商业银行股份制改革的必要性及可行性。文中阐述股份制改造是解决当前四大国有商业银行因产权界定不清晰、治理结构不完善造成的不良资产积聚、资本金不足等不利局面的现实出路,进而阐述国有商业银行股份制改革的战略意义。股份制改革从长远看有利于提高国有商业银行的竞争力,并促进我国市场经济的改革,为股份制改革提供充分的依据。第三章“国有商业银行股份制改革的基本思想”是本文的重点,主要探讨国有商业银行股份制改革的方案设计问题。在股份制具体形式的选择上,通过对两类股份制公司形式的比较,论证股份有限公司制是国有商业银行股份制改革的最佳模式,并认为在组织形式上应由总分行制改为集团公司制;在产权结构上,探讨了只有建立现代商业银行制度,才能真正实现国有商业银行的产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学;在公司治理模式上,强调建立真正的法人治理结构,较为详细地介绍了国有商业银行的股东大会、董事会、监事会等组织结构框架及作用;最后探讨了国有商业银行股份制改革需要注意的几个问题及风险防范。第四章“国有商业银行股份制改革所需的配套改革”,从宏观环境、国有企业的配套改革、金融法律体系、外部市场条件、金融监管水平等五个方面来探讨对国有商业银行股份制改革的支持。国有商业银行股份制改革势在必行,是实现银行体系重组,化解金融风险的必由之路。股份制改革不仅仅是国有商业银行自身的改革,也关系到金融体制改革、国有企业改革乃至整个经济体制改革的全局。以上目标的实现,依赖于宽松的外部环境和配套的改革措施。 目前,国有商业银行股份制改革已成为我国经济体制改革的一个核心而紧迫的问题。本文的创新之处在于:(1)主张四大国有商业银行的改革要从解决不良资产、解决内部控制机制入手,不要先忙着上市,重点是抓<WP=43>好完善公司治理结构、深化内部改革、转换经营机制、加强外部监管和考核等项工作。(2)国有商业银行股份制改革是对国有商业银行进行根本性变革的现实选择。至今学术界对此方面的探讨,虽然较多,但不很全面,没有进行深层次的研究。本文结合产权理论、建立现代银行制度理论等方面对国有商业银行股份制改革进行深入分析,并提出一些具体操作思路,有一定的理论意义和实践价值,对国有商业股份制银行最终上市提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 The reform of finance system is of a long term and complex historic process. The whole finance system has been experiencing a kind of gradual and profound system evolvement accompanying by the process. In the past time, as the main composing of Chinese finance system, state owned commercial bank, taking the responsibility without shirking, played the financial support role for the gradual process reform, even sacrificed its own efficiency and deserved benefit without hesitating. However, the balance which exchanging from the sacrificing is short lived after all, accompanying by the deeply process of reform and the change of economic increase mode, state owned commercial bank has not met the requirement of market economy yet. After entering WTO, facing the competition of overseas banks, state owned commercial bank has disadvantage starting from benefit capacity, capital abundance ratio ending with the area of management. Moreover, actually some of the domestic stock system commercial banks, including some local commercial banks have already impacted the state owned commercial bank. Currently, the four large banks are not the real meaning of enterprises and companies, which are still impacted a lot by the administration of planning. Facing the competition pressure from overseas and domestic, the original state owned commercial bank system couldn’t continuously last anymore as sacrificing it own efficiency and deserved benefit. Urgent issue which need to be solved is system, reform has been gradually put forward to the schedule.The four state owned commercial banks are the core of state bank system, even of the state finance system. So, it’s no doubt that the reform of state owned commercial bank is the most important part of that of state finance, whether it succeed or not will directly impact the reform result of state finance system, even of the whole market economy. In this background, combined with the property right theory, establishing modern bank system theory, consign-agency theory, the article would start from the actual difficulties of state owned commercial bank, seek for the state owned commercial bank reform way, which is the reform of joint-equity. The article consists 4 chapters, there are 2 big parts from the content <WP=45>point of view. The first 2 chapters is the first part, which proves the necessary of state owned commercial bank stock systematic reform, that is the reason why the state owned commercial bank stock systematic reform is needed. The second part of the article is No.3 and No.4 chapter, which focus on the feasibility of stock systematic reform, that is to discuss how to implement stock systematic reform.The first chapter of “put forward the issue of state owned commercial bank stock systematic reform”, which is the whole article’s starting point and basement. The chapter describes the state owned commercial bank current situation, the key issues faced, pointing out the shortage of property right system, management system, organization system, badness assets and capital abundance ratio, etc., drawing the conclusion that the stock systematic reform is the outlet of state owned commercial bank reform. The second chapter of “ stock systematic reform is the strategy choice of state owned commercial bank”, which focus on analysis the necessary and feasibility of state owned commercial bank stock systematic reform. The article describes that stock systematic reform is the outlet of the situation of badness assets accumulation, lack of capital, etc. which caused by property right definition unclearness, management structure non-optimization. The third chapter of “ the basic thought of state owned commercial bank stock systematic reform” is the emphasis of the article, mainly discusses the layout design of state owned commercial bank stock systematic reform. Regarding the choice of stock systematic specific modes, comparing with two kinds of stock systematic company, the article proves the stock limited company is the best mode of state owned commercial bank stock systemati

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】668