

Research on Competition of Insurance in China

【作者】 杨光

【导师】 徐卫东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着竞争机制的不断引入,中国保险市场正经历高速发展的时期。但相对于西方发达国家而言,中国的保险市场结构仍处于难辨方向的摸索阶段。建立竞争性的保险市场体系,将继续是中国保险市场逐步走向成熟的关键。尤其是中国即将加入WTO和保险市场的进一步扩大开放,建立竞争性的保险市场体系将有利于提高保险市场的运作效率,优化保险市场的市场结构,促进保险市场的良性发展。而要实现这一目标,必须有良好且有效的法律环境作保障。作为社会主义法治经济的一部分,保险市场的成长状况关系着社会生活的方方面面,因为,保险的本质就是由社会来分担个别人或个别群体的损失,来减小各种灾祸给个人带来的不利影响。可以说,保险的各方主体虽然是特定的人或群体,但其影响却波及整个社会。对于这样一个社会影响极其广泛的行业,其行为活动必然要受到法律的约束,因为只有法律才能从根本上排除人治,排除少数人的恣意妄为,从而保证社会利益在最大程度上得以实现。 全文共分为三个部分: 第一部分——我国保险市场上的不正当竞争行为 首先,针对目前理论界和实践界对保险竞争行为性质的误解,笔者着意辨析了垄断与不正当竞争的区别,并明确保险市场上的不规范竞争行为属于不正当竞争,而非垄断行为。其次,列举了我国保险市场上不正当竞争行为的表现与危害。其表现主要有:强制保险行为、违规经营行为、限制竞争行为、人才争抢行为等;其危害主要有:扰乱市场的秩序,给保险行业带来混乱,以及引起业务质量下降,使保险公司形成巨额赔付压力而无可靠的赔付能力等。再次,分析了我国保险市场上不正当竞争行为的成因,如保险市场培育不充分,导致经营方式粗放;外部竞争条件不平等,诱使竞争行为不正当;不正当竞争行为的违法成本偏低,<WP=50>守法成本偏高;保险行业从业人员素质偏低;保险业竞争立法相对滞后;执法不公等。最后,基于以上论述,得出以法规制我国保险市场上不正当竞争行为的必要性,即它是保险市场自身发展的客观需要,是中国保险市场向国际化趋势发展的有力保障。 第二部分——我国保险竞争法律体系的理论基础 保险竞争是竞争的一种,因此,要想正确地理解保险竞争,我们就有必要从基础的竞争理论着手,逐渐推演开来,从竞争的共性中寻找出保险竞争的特性。同时,我们还要以竞争法制度为基础,寻找保险竞争法的基本立足点。对于竞争的含义,笔者从经济学上的竞争入手,引导出法学意义上的竞争,即市场经济主体在生产经营活动中,以追求最大经济效益为目的,通过合法手段所进行的有关市场条件、市场资源、市场份额和市场活动结果的有序争夺。对于竞争的功能,可从积极与消极两方面分析,其积极的功能主要有:可以促进社会生产力的合理流动,实现资源的优化配置;可以调节国民收入的分配和再分配,有利于合理的市场价格的确定和均衡利润的形成;可以作为经济发展的动力和压力,优胜劣汰,促进社会经济的繁荣与进步;可以最大限度的实现对消费者合法权益的保护等。其消极功能主要有:竞争的充分开展通常要付出一定的社会成本;会破坏既存的社会经济秩序;对社会精神文明建设有一定负面影响;不可避免的会导致各种形式的垄断的出现等。 所谓竞争法,是调整市场公平竞争关系和市场竞争管理关系的法律规范的总和。竞争法的调整对象有反不正当竞争关系、公平竞争关系和国家对市场竞争的管理关系。竞争法的法律体系是指竞争法所应当涵盖的子法规群,即确认、创设竞争条件和竞争环境的法律规范、调整市场竞争关系的实体性法律规范、调整竞争管理关系的实体法规范,以及处理竞争关系的程序法规范。竞争法的性质也具有复合性,是兼具有私法<WP=51>(商法)和公法或社会法(经济法)双重属性的混合法律制度。同时,竞争法对社会经济发展具有多方面的积极作用。第三部分——建立我国保险竞争法律体系的制度设想首先,建立我国保险竞争法律体系具有重要意义,它有利于保证保险人具有足够的偿付能力,维护被保险人的合法权益;有利于维护保险业的公平竞争;有利于防止保险欺诈的发生;有利于保险业经营的合理化和科学化;并有利于提高保险业的社会效益。其次,保险竞争立法的主要目的是促进和保护公平有序的保险竞争活动。在我国的保险行业,公平竞争仍应具有这样一种涵义:它不强调结果相等,而重视起点,重视程序,强调每个“人”(个人和企业)都有参与竞争的机会,要求竞争各方面临同样的选择机会,即机会均等的公平。最后,笔者以为,对我国保险竞争立法可以提出以下几点建议:1、进行税制改革,确保不同主体的平等竞争地位;2、拓宽保险资金运用途径,加速保险基金积累,提高保险偿付能力;3、严格区分政策性保险与商业性保险,使商业保险更贴近市场;4、规范保险条款,使之更趋严谨科学;5、严格资格管理,提高保险从业人员素质;6、建立保险监管机制,强化保险监管;7、切实落实法律规定,加大对严重违法违规行为的惩罚力度;8、加大对保险及保险法规的宣传力度,提高国民的保险意识。综上,通过对我国保险市场上竞争行为的分析,笔者试图阐明我国保险市场

【Abstract】 With the introduction of the competing mechanism, Chinese insurance market is experiencing a period of high-speed development. But compared with the West, the construction of Chinese insurance market is still in the stage of groping for the right direction. To establish the competitive system of the insurance market will continue to be the key to the maturing of Chinese insurance market. .Particularly now that China will soon join the WTO and will further open the insurance market, to establish the competitive system of the insurance market will surely enhance the efficiency of the insurance market and promote the positive development of it. But to realize this target, a good and valid law environment is needed to act as a guaranty. As a part of our socialistic economy, the growth of the insurance market relates to every aspect of our social life. The nature of the insurance is to make the disadvantage happened to individuals be shared among a group of people or the whole society, in order to minimize the unwanted influence on the individuals concerned. We may say that although every part of the insurance contract is an individual person or a particular community, its influence spreads to the society as a whole. As an industry which has such extensive influence, its behavior should be bound by law, because only by law can we exterminate the haphazard of man-ruling.The full text is divided into three parts:The first part of ----- the mal-competition on our insurance market First, as to the current misunderstanding of the bad behaviors in insurance, the writer puts efforts into differentiating and analyzing monopoly and mal-competition, and comes to the conclusion that the bad behaviors in insurance is mal-competition rather than monopoly. Then the writer enumerates the outlooks and influences of the mal-behavior. They are compulsive insurance behavior, violation of the rules of operation, etc.; Its primary detriments are: disturbing the market; bringing the insurance profession to disorder; and causing the business quantity to descend; and costing the insurance company a huge sum of money to pay the pressure, etc. Accordingly, the writer analyzes the reasons for the mal-competition on our country insurance market, such as the insufficient development of the <WP=53>insurance market, the inequity of the outward environment, and the poor capability of the professionals, etc. Finally, based on the above, the writer emphasize the necessity of regulating the competition in insurance by law.The second part of---- the theoretical preparation of establishing the law system of our insurance competition The competition of insurance is a kind of competition , therefore, to comprehend with accuracy the insurance competition, it will be the necessary to start with the basic competition theories to look for the individual characteristics that insurance competition has .At the same time, we still want to establish a basis for the legal system of the insurance competition. For the meaning of competition, the writer commences from the competition in economics, then introduces the definition in law. The competition of insurance has both positive and negative function. Its positive functions are to promote the reasonable fluxion of the social productivity, to realize excellent application of resources; to regulate the allotment of citizen’s income, to promote the social economic flourish and progress, to realize the protection of the legal rights in consumer to the utmost, etc. .Its negative functions are: the well opening of the competition usually pays a certain social cost; will break the existent social economic order; certain negative influence on social spiritual civilization, etc.The so-called competition law, is the name of the collection of the laws aimed at adjusting fair competition relation and the administrative relation. The subjects for the competition law are the anti-unfair-competition, the fair competition and the administrative relation. The law system of competition comprises all the sub- laws confirmi

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】162