

Study on Capital Management Model of Large-scale Group Company and the Capital Management Model in First Automobile Group Company

【作者】 窦燕飞

【导师】 赵树宽;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一.研究背景随着我国改革的深入和加入世贸组织,中国的企业集团已由粗放型向管理规范化过渡,由面向国内市场到走出国门面向国际市场,在管理方式方面,我们也应当探索并借鉴先进经验,把管理提升到一个新层次。财务管理直接关系到企业的生存与发展,是企业可持续发展的关键,加快企业集团的发展、企业集团管理的科学化,建立科学的企业集团财务管理模式,是我国政府和企业必须面临的重大课题。企业财务管理的核心是资金,资金是企业的血液,使企业的血液循环通畅,并使其发挥最大的作用,要求我们对资金管理的体制与资金管理的模式进行研究。企业集团资金管理模式有多种,任何企业在不同的经营环境体制下,可以依据企业的不同情况选择最适合本企业的资金管理模式。而使企业的资金管理达到均衡和高效的管理模式,就是最优的管理模式。汽车行业作为我国的支柱行业,在国民经济的发展中发挥了不可替代的作用。一汽集团公司作为中国汽车行业的摇篮,现在已发展成全国最大的汽车集团,始终是产品规模第一,加入世贸后,一汽集团公司面临严峻的挑战,这既有产品、市场的挑战,又包含了管理领域的挑战。本文以企业资金管理的现状、大型企业资金管理的模式、一汽集团公司资金管理的模式及现状进行分析研究、并对未来的资金管理模式进行优化,为我国企业的资金管理提供一些有意义的借鉴。二.研究内容本文结构分为三部分:首先从企业资金管理的理论概述入手,对企业资金管理特点、管理体制进行描述,同时对我国现阶段企业财务资金管理中存在<WP=54>的问题进行分析,并提出了加强资金管理的措施;其次,对大型企业集团公司在资金管理方面的适用模式及适用条件进行了分析;最后对一汽集团公司的资金管理现状进行了分析,针对一汽集团公司目前的管理模式,进行了对比分析,并提出了未来资金管理的优化模式。第一章着重指出了我国现阶段财务资金管理中存在的问题:信息失真、难以为科学决策提供依据,缺乏事前、事中的严格监控;资金散乱,使用效率低,资金的闲置、浪费严重;资金管理没有形成预算制,企业生产经营活动随意更改,预算指标不科学,缺乏考核依据,易给企业造成损失;管理方式和手段落后,难以真正反映企业真实的经营状况;有效的资金集中管理模式没有形成,缺乏统一规范的资金调控制度;对新技术、新经验的学习和推广不够。归纳起来表现为财务预算管理“虚”,资金管理“散”,资金管理考核环节“弱”和管理方式手段落后,效率低下等方面,这些与企业改革和发展的要求不相适应。针对上述问题,提出了加强现金管理应采取的主要措施:资金的筹集和资金运用相结合;费用成本和收益补偿相结合;动态管理和静态管理相结合;结果控制和过程控制相结合。以用活资金为中心,严把资金调控关,以完善内控制度为手段,严把审核关,以控制成本为中心,严把开支关;投资风险和投资回报相集合;大力应用计算机技术。第二章主要介绍了大型企业集团公司在资金管理方面的五种适用模式:统收统支方式;拨付备用方式;设立结算中心方式,指出了我国企业集团财务结算中心运行存在的问题,这些问题也存在于内部银行模式中;设立内部银行方式,此模式比结算中心方式在功能上又进了一步,在资金的管理手段和方式又加强了一步;财务公司方式,是一种独立的方式,也可以与其它方式共同存在,其业务范围和日常的管理不受集团公司的制约,而更多地接受了人民银行的监督和检查,集团公司在对各子公司行使资金管理功能时,更多地要依靠财务公司,而财务公司本身在各子公司的资金使用方面也可以行使监控功能;同时对<WP=55>每种模式的适用条件进行了说明。第三章对一汽集团公司资金管理的模式进行研究。首先对一汽集团公司资金管理的现状进行了分析,由最初的工厂模式下的资金流的集中管理,即总部统一安排支出。到工厂制向公司制过渡时期的散论局面造成了资金的体外循环,使集团公司的效益外流。最后在公司制模式下,采取了资金的高度集中管理,不仅提高了资金的使用效率,节约了资金成本,规范各单位的资金行为,同时,各单位又有灵活的资金使用权。其次在一汽集团公司资金管理模式的研究方面,重点介绍了内部银行模式和财务公司模式,并对两种模式的利弊进行了分析。一汽集团公司目前是这两种模式并存的状况。我们本着充分发挥这两种模式的优势的基础上,不断努力改变目前的资金管理模式现状,向财务公司模式进行转化,从而更好的发挥财务公司的作用。最后,通过预算管理、网络建设和财务公司模式的结合,以及构建电子化的财务公司封闭结算网络,阐述了未来资金管理的优化模式,使未来的资金管理更加高效和均衡,更好地服务于一汽集团的战略目标的实现。

【Abstract】 Ⅰ. Research BackgroundWith the deepening of the reform in China and the accession to the WTO, the enterprise groups of China have been carrying out the transition from extensive to managing standardization and going out of the country’s gateway facing the international market instead of the domestic market. In managing, we should probe and use advanced experiences for reference, rising management to a new level.The financial administration, key of sustainable development of the enterprise, concerns the existence and development of the enterprises directly. It is the great subject that our government and enterprise must face to accelerate the development, to enhance the scientific management, and to set up the scientific financial management mode of enterprise groups.Fund is the blood, also, the core of the financial administration of enterprises. To make the blood circulation unobstructed, thereby playing its role completely, we need study the system and the mode of fund management. Enterprise groups have many kinds of modes of fund management. Any enterprise under different management environment systems can choose its most suitable fund management mode according to different situations. However, it is the optimum <WP=57>management mode that makes the fund management of the enterprise reach balance and high-efficiency. As the pillar trade of our country, the automobile industry has played an irreplaceable role in the development of national economy. The First Automobile Group Company (FAGC) has already developed into the biggest automobile group of the whole country now as the cradle of the Chinese automobile trade, with the NO.1 scale of the product all the while. Joining the WTO, the FAGC faces the severe challenge. It includes not only the challenges of products and markets, but also the challenge of management field. This text offers some meaningful reference for fund management of the enterprises of our country by studying the current situation and the mode of large-scale enterprise fund management, probing and prospecting the future of the fund management. Ⅱ.ContentsThis thesis is roughly divided into three parts: First, the author describes the characteristics and the system of the fund management starting with the theory of the enterprises fund management. At the same time, he analyses the financial affairs of the present stage existing in our country, and proposes some measure of strengthening the fund management. Next, the author studies the modes suitable to large-scale enterprise group companies; Finally, <WP=58>In chapter one, the questions that exist in the present financial fund management are pointed out. First of all, the author indicates that information has been distorted, which it makes it difficult to offer basis for scientific decisions and control in advance; Secondly, fund is disordered, which results in low efficiencies and mass fund unused; Thirdly, without budget system, the production and operating activities of enterprises are altered at will, and unscientific budget targets together with lacking basis to check are apt to lose; Fourthly, it is difficult for enterprises to reflect their true operating status through uncultured means of management; Fifthly, effective concentrative fund management mode has not taken into shape ,so we have no unified and normal adjust and control system of fund; Finally, we have not expended and studied new technologies and new experiences sufficiently.In a word, in FAGC, the financial budget management is weak, the fund management is scattershot, the way to manage is laggard, and the efficiency is low, etc. These problems can’t adapt to enterprises’ reformation and development.To above-mentioned problems, the author proposes some main measures to strengthen the cash management: Combine fund raising with fund application; combine expenses cost with income compensation; combine the dynamic management with the static management; and combine the result controls with the course controls. Regard using the fund alive as th

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2574