

Unemployment Administering & the Choice of Government

【作者】 李钢

【导师】 王彩波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 失业问题是当代世界性难题。国际劳工组织在《1996—1997世界就业问题》的研究报告中指出:全球失业和半失业人口接近10亿,相当于全世界劳动人口总数的30%。自20世纪30年代凯恩斯主义诞生以来,失业治理逐渐成为政府宏观调控的主要内容之一。80年代以来,联合国把保障人类参加经济活动的权利,即劳动权置于非常突出的地位,特别是把失业者获得保护和再就业的条件作为全球努力的目标,市场经济国家也纷纷将失业治理上升为政府的头等大事来抓。政府对失业问题的有效治理,确保群众的就业需求,已成为保证人类基本权利、维护社会公平的核心和基础所在。中国是世界上人口最多的国家,从发展的角度看,我国也是一个劳动力资源无限供给的国家。自中华人民共和国建立以来,秉承马克思主义的失业理论,中国在对失业问题的治理过程中,始终采取的是行政手段,以“单位化”和“逆城市化”的思维维持着表面的充分就业,掩盖了隐蔽失业大量存在的事实。改革开放以后,我国处于从计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转型阶段。在转型过程中,我国的就业问题也表现出了新的特点,失业这一经典社会主义理论认为不存在的现象也以特殊的形态表现了出来。失业问题不仅仅是就业本身的问题,它既与社会经济的发展有着密切的关联,更受到政府公共管理政策的直接影响,因此,对失业治理与政府行为进行综合研究,不仅具有公共管理的理论价值,更是我国转型时期经济社会发展的迫切需要。市场经济下的失业理论已有上百年的历史,从凯恩斯的承认资本主义制度会产生非自愿失业开始,各个学派在研究失业治理的过程中,虽然研究方法和理论工具各不相同,但研究目的始终是为了寻找市场调节与政府干预的最佳选择。马克思关于资本主义制度下的失业理论,精辟地分析了资本主义国家失业存在的现实,认为资本挤占劳动是失业产生的根源。社会主义国家依靠这一理论建立起来的,以行政计划和行政指令为主体的失业治理政策,<WP=72>为“制度性失业”的大量存在培育了深厚的土壤。由于商品经济的发展是社会经济发展不可逾越的阶段,因此,当我国选择建立社会主义市场经济体制后,失业作为一个历史现象将长期存在。纵观我国的就业演变历史,我们发现,我国的失业问题主要是同就业制度的变化联系在一起的。改革开放以后出现的第三次失业高峰,从其产生的表象原因看,既有长期计划经济体制下遗留下来的历史原因,又有劳动力供给总量过多的基础原因,既有产业结构调整造成的发展原因,又有加入WTO和农村剩余劳动力转移带来的外部原因。虽然学术界对中国现阶段城镇失业问题的成因做出了不同层次的归纳,但还远未穷尽失业产生的根源,甚至还未抓住问题的实质,要在社会主义制度的框架内寻找失业产生的根源,必须遵循马克思的失业理论,因此,失业理论将同失业一样不断地存在与发展下去。同样,中国政府推行的一系列反失业政策仅注重了针对失业困难的“标”的治理,却忽视了有效率的就业作为经济社会稳定发展的“本”的建立,因此,政府当前亟待建立起失业治理的长效机制。就业是公平与效率的结合点。政府在治理失业的发展战略中,首先面临的是如何在经济发展与扩大就业,即公平与效率中做出合理选择。按照马斯洛的需求层次理论,可以对公平做出一个引申的衡量标准,由于生理和安全需求是五级需求层次中两个最低层次的需求,而这两个层次的需求则集中体现在充分就业和良好的就业环境方面,因此,衡量公平的最低标准应该是能否保证人类获得平等的就业权利。在市场经济条件下,要保持就业的公平,必须发挥政府这只“看得见的手”的作用,尤其是我国确定的到2020年实现比较充分的就业目标,更要求政府在发展战略上,适当遵循就业优先、兼顾效率的发展原则,进而寻求有利于促进就业的经济增长方式。市场经济作为一种制度经济,其最鲜明的特色就是要遵循公开的、公认的“制度”,其本质则在于创新。在转型过程中,治理失业的主体是政府,制度创新的主体同样是政府,在全面提倡制度创新的今天,政府加快各种符合市场经济要求的制度建设,对于增加就业、防止失业和促进再就业具有特别重要的意义。在失业治理的制度创新选择上,政府首先要构建法律<WP=73>保障体系并改革户籍管理制度,并以此为基础,逐步完善反失业政策,健全失业保险制度,加强劳动力市场建设。在一定意义上,积极推动制度创新,以创新的制度合理规范和解决失业问题,应该是今后中国最大的再就业工程。治理失业不仅需要政府在发展战略和制度创新方面的正确选择,更离不开政府的宏观调控,以及对市场和用工主体的合理引导与有效协调。政府从国民经济总体规划上合理调整产业和所有制结构,通过采取控制劳动力供给数量、改善劳动力供给质量和改革劳动生产方式等综合手段,对有效解决我国现阶段的失业问题应当发挥重要作用。作为社会主义市场经济国家,我国的社会性质决定了政府在失业治理中的责任,而市场经济又必须遵循市场配置资源的基础功能。在寻求失业治理的政府与市场的最佳结合过程中,我们盼望政府能够做出正确的选择。

【Abstract】 Unemployment is World-wide problem for this world. International Labour Organization suggests in“1996~1997 world employment problem”—research report, that the population of unemployment and nearly unemployment approaches to I billion, it equals with 30% of the total number of labourers all over the world. Since the birth of kaensism in 1930s,unemployment administering comes to be one of main tasks for government to macro-control . Since 1980s, UN puts the right of protecting human beings participatings the economic activities is Labour right into prominence especially aims to protect the unemployce and creat chances for them to be employed again. Market economy countries also begin to take as their main tasks unemployment administering. The government’s effective administering for unemployment, guaranteeing the requirement. of people’s employment has become the core and basement for protecting human beings basic right and maintaining social equity.China is a country which has the most population, from the point of development, our country is also abundart in unlimited supply for labour force since the foundation of the people’s Republic of China. With the theory of Marxism’s unemployment, China takes governmental means from the beginning during administering the unemployment problem. It maintains the false full-employment with “unit” and ”back-citizing’ and conceals the fact that many people unemployed. Since the opening and reform, our country is in the of transforming from planning-econemy to market-ecomony. During the transforming, the new characterisctie of employment problem appears. It appears in a specipic type for unemployment the phenomenon which chassic socialism theory thinks it non-exist. The unemployment problem is not only about the employment itself. But also it closely relates to the economic development and it is influcnced by public management policy directly .So the research for unemployment administering and governmental measures, not only has theory value for public management. <WP=75>But also, the urgent requirement of social develapment during transforming period. Unemployment theory in the market-economy has a history over one hundred years from the beginning of kaens’ recognizing that capitalism will produce unvoluntary unemployment, each school aims to look for the beet choice between market control and government control during their studying for unemployment controlling, though the study method and theory tool is different.Marxism about the unemployment theory under the capitalism analyzes in detail the existence of unemployment in capitalize countries and thinks that capital occupying labour is the source of unemployment. Socialism countries has been founded depending on this theory. The unemployment controlling policy wish administration plan and adiministration order cultivates deep soil for the much existence of “systematic unemployment”. Because the development of commodity economy is a stage, which can not be parsovered, the unemployment as a historical phenomenon will be existent in long period after our country chose to establish the socionlish market economy system as its basement.Taking a point of view for employment history, we can see that our country’s unemployment problem is mainly related with the change of employment system. The appearance of the third peak of unemployment after the reforming and opening.Form the apparent reason of its generation, it has the following reasons: it has historical reason which left over in the long-perrod system planning-economy and also has the basic reason caused by surplus labor force supply; it has the development reason caused by industry structure and also has the external reason cansed by joining WTO and shifting of surplus labor force in the countryside. Though the academic field has made induction with different levels for the unemployment problem in city at this stage.It failed to expound the source of unemployment at all. Even kailde grasp the nature of the problem. In order to look for the source of unemplo

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F241.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】579