

Research on CRM of China Unicom

【作者】 张洪利

【导师】 于洪彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国电信改革重组后,电信企业竞争由质量相当的网络资源转移到差异化的服务竞争上来,对电信运营商的服务内容、服务方式、服务质量、经营管理以及服务意识,提出了严峻的挑战,提高客户满意度和忠诚度成为关注热点,客户关系管理成为提升企业核心竞争力的有效手段,而客户则是电信运营企业最宝贵的资源。本文从联通公司所在的电信行业竞争环境入手,结合客户关系管理理论分析了联通公司客户关系管理存在的问题及产生的原因,指出实施客户关系管理不是一个简单的硬件和信息系统的装配过程,而应在管理理念和渐进的业务改革两方面有所准备,提出了创造“以客户满意为中心”的企业文化、从客户接触点开始实行全员营销等方法转变经营理念,以及建立大客户管理平台的解决方案,同时,也是本文的主要研究成果。一、中国电信市场的竞争环境中国电信改革重组后,我国电信业形成了中国电信、中国网通、中国移动、中国联通、中国卫通和铁通6家基础电信运营商共存,4000多家增值电信企业相互竞争的市场格局。各大运营商的市场份额发生了明显变化,中国移动跃升为最大的新运营商,中国联通下降到第四;两大固话电信巨头都在为进军移动市场做最后的准备,移动业务市场的双寡头垄断格局将被打破;到2004年,允许49%的外资参与全国范围的移动网络服务。对于联通公司来讲,面临的市场形势异常严峻。联通公司如何利用现有的网络为用户提供更好更优质的服务,如何稳住自己的竞争地位并谋取进一步发展?解决这些问题,实施客户关系管理成为联通公司的必然选择。因为建立CRM可以:(1)利用CRM为运营商建立市场进入壁垒;(2)利用CRM保留现有客户,提高客户满意度和忠诚度;(3)利用CRM认清客户,提升客户价值;(4)利用CRM扩大收入和利润。二、联通公司的客户关系管理现状及存在问题中国联通GSM是世界第三大移动通信网,CDMA为全球第二大<WP=57>CDMA运营商。从中国电信、中国移动和中国联通的财务指标比较来看,联通是三个上市公司中无论是收入增长率、EBITDA增长率还是备考增长率,都是表现最好的。联通公司用户增长迅速但中低端用户较多,随着用户的增长ARPU值在下降,大部分高端用户还被中国移动牢牢把持。显然,在市场份额达到一定规模后,联通公司需要解决的下一个问题就是如何保持市场份额相对稳定并使ARPU值增长。无论是C网还是G网,都面临着充分利用资源,留住老用户并吸引新用户,从而达到增加企业利润的问题。服务创新是中国联通公司发展的灵魂。联通公司推出系列提高服务水平的举措,但在具体执行中效果并不明显,显然还没有真正形成以客户满意为中心的理念并建立起相应的业务流程。三、联通公司客户关系管理问题的理论剖析关于CRM的概念,不同的机构有着不同的理解和表述,国内CRM专家王广宇给出了一个相对较全面的定义:客户关系管理,是企业为提高核心竞争力,达到竞争致胜、快速成长的目的。树立以客户为中心的发展战略,并在此基础上开展的包括判断、选择、争取、发展和保持客户所需实施的全部商业过程;是企业以客户关系为重点,通过开展系统化的客户研究,通过优化企业组织体系和业务流程,提高存户满意度和忠诚度,提高企业效率和利润水平的工作实践;也是企业在不断改进与客户关系相关的全部业务流程,最终实现电子化、自动化运营目标的过程中,所创造并使用的先进的信息技术、软硬件和优化的管理方法、解决方案的总和。通过实施CRM一般可以实现改善服务、提高效率、降低成本、扩大销售和保留客户的目标。由客户终身价值理论和帕累托定理分析得出联通公司没有有效细分客户,没有对高价值客户提供差异化服务,让大客户感觉满意并忠诚;由客户关系生命周期理论分析得出,服务用户的策略没有随着客户关系的变化及时调整,对客户的关怀反倒造成客户的不满;由于职责不明确,业务流程不畅通出现管理空白;由于对渠道代理商的非客户化管理使得代理商的客户流失;由顾客价值创造理论分析得出客户的反馈处理不当产生了蝴蝶效应;对“满意的员工才能带来满意的客户”的理念执行效果不好。联通公司的信息化平台基础很好,主要的问题是:1.信息孤岛比比皆<WP=58>是;2.信息共享难以达成;3.信息运用无章可循。四、联通公司客户关系管理的解决方案针对联通公司的问题提出了转变经营理念和实施大客户管理的解决方案。CRM的实施的核心因素是人,所以提出应该把转变经营理念放在第一位。主要包括:1.创造“以客户满意为中心”的企业文化;2.从客户接触点开始,实行全员营销;3.整合客户渠道;4.加强对员工的激励和培养;5.建立合作伙伴。因为大客户是竞争的关键,建议联通公司本着分布实施的原则,从大客户营销管理做为实施CRM的第一步。大客户管理主要包括:1.建立分析型CRM系统,因为联通公司原有的业务运营支撑系统可以所需要的主要数据;2.客户分类,给出二维分析坐标识别出不同级别的大客户;3.用户竞争策略,应该依托于品牌,细化服务等级,并瞄准企业客户结成战略联盟。针对潜在客户、竞争客户以及保持老客户提出相应策略。经过研究得到,电信市场竞争激烈,对

【Abstract】 After the reorganization and realignment of China Telecom industry, the competition has been shifted from comparative quality in the usage of network resource to differentiated quality of customer services. This is a new challenge for all of the service carriers in terms of content, execution, quality, operation management and service quality awareness etc. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become the effective way for companies to enhance their core business competition. And CUSTOMER has become the most valuable resource for these telecom companies.This thesis will concentrate on China Unicom’s competition environment and thus, by applying the theory of CRM, analyze the existing CRM problems. In short, the CRM solutions are not simply an assembly process with the installation of hardware and information system, but the improvement on management vision and on going service reformation. This thesis pointed out the importance of creating an “Ultimate Customer Satisfaction” corporate culture, of necessary overhaul of the understanding of operation management among all associates, and of setting up a platform to service the major customers which is the main findings of this thesis. 1. The competition environmentAfter the re-organization and realignment of China telecom industry, the telecom industry is consisted of China Telecom, China Netcom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Satcom, China Railcom (the six major players) and other 4000 Service Providers. In the past years, the market share has been changed enormously. China Mobile has become the No 1 player in the market. China Unicom declined to No 4 player. And the two wire-line giants are preparing to enter the wireless market. And the preparation is at the last stage. In 2004, China will allow foreign investors to have as much as 49% stake of Chinese mobile network service. For China Unicom, the competition is becoming increasingly challenging.How will China Unicom provide a better service with current network resource, how to keep its own market share or even win more? To answer these questions, CRM is the right way. With CRM: 1) can setup a higher entry barrier for other carriers; 2) to keep the current customers, to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty; 3) to know customers, to understand customer, to <WP=60>increase the customer value; 4) to increase the income and profit.2. China Unicom current CRM and the problemsChina Unicom is the 3rd GSM and 2nd CDMA carrier in the world. From the financial data comparison among China Telecom, China Mobil and China Unicom, China Unicom is the best performer on income increase rate, EBITDA increase rate and reference increase rate. The quantity of customers has been increased largely, but most of them are sub prime customers. Most of the high-end customers are tightly held by China Mobile. Obviously, when the market share reaches a certain level, the next question China Unicom will face is how to keep the market share and how to increase ARPU. No matter for C net or for G net, how to fully use the existing resource and how to keep the existing customers and attract new customers, will be raised sooner or later. Service innovation is the soul of China Unicom. China Unicom has many plans to improve the service, but in fact, the effects are not so obvious. This might be because the “Customer Satisfaction” concept and the corresponding operation flow are not established yet.3. The theoretical analysis on China Unicom CRM problemsAbout the CRM concept, different companies have different understanding and explanation. The relative general definition is given by CRM expert Wang, GuangYu.Through CRM, in general, companies can improve service, increase efficiency, reduce cost, enlarge sales, and keep existing customers.From the theories of Customer Lifetime Value and Pareto law, China Unicom did not effectively segment customers, did not provide differential service for the high-end customers, did not make most customers feel satisfied. From the theories of customer relationship lif

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1277