

Study on Local Finance Development under the Framework of Public Finance

【作者】 宋少为

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 省级以下各级财政统称为地方财政,地方财政在国家财政中居于基础地位。党的“十六大”明确提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,地方财政任务愈加艰巨。如何提高地方财政发展能力,壮大地方财政实力,在公共财政框框架下建立起地方公共财政的体系成为一个重点和难点。一、我国经过几年的努力,基本建立起与实际相适应的公共财政框架从我国几年来的建立公共财政框架的实践看,是卓有成效的,基本方向明确,各项政策得当,有中国特色的社会主义公共财政框架初具轮廓。但是,与西方国家相比,还仅仅处于构建阶段,与我国财政发展的目标还存在较大差距。主要原因是我国正处于经济转轨的关键时期,经济发展虽然较快,但经济质量并不很高,经济规模较大,但平均值较低,市场发育还不够完善,政府的职能有待进一步转变。以上因素都决定了我国的公共财政具有很不完善的特点,必然具有特定的与西方国家不同的种种特性。二、当前我国地方财政存在的问题我国地方财政经过多年的发展,机构逐渐完善,实力大大增强,职能得以较为充分的发挥,但仍存在诸多问题,需要在建立公共财政的过程中加以改进。一是机构设置逐步理顺,但仍需调整完善;二是地区间发展不平衡,地方财政总体实力不强,尤其是县级财政困难,难以承担保障公共支出的基本职能;三是地方财政管理体制不够<WP=36>理顺,地方财政自主权较小,公共财政职能难以发挥;四是调控乏力,引导促进地方经济发展的作用没有充分体现;五是财政支出范围和结构不尽合理,资金使用效益有待进一步提高。财政供养人口过多,占支出比重过大。财政资金供给“越位”和“缺位”现象并存。财政支出管理弱化,财政监督不力,财政资金使用效益低下;六是现行的地方公共财政管理水平有待进一步提高。由于财政的职能作用和机构的变化,造成财政内部管理薄弱。各职能单位间配合协调不顺。管理科学性不强,各项规章制度和管理程序有待加强。三、公共财政框架下应如何完善和发展地方财政总的看,我国地方财政经过多年的发展,特别是改革开放以来,国民经济继续保持快速发展势头,地方财政收支大幅增长,保障能力进一步增强。我国各项制度的进一步与国际社会接轨,市场经济进一步成熟,财政的任务更为艰巨。如何面对挑战,完成财政作为国家重要经济手段的任务,改变地方财政的困难状况,充分体现公共财政的各项职能,地方财政要加快发展速度。一是转变理财思想,树立公共财政的全新理念。要用发展的观点研究地方财政。要用市场经济的观点来运行地方财政,把经济规律运用和体现在财政工作中。如提高财政资金效益问题、管理模式问题等。要用公共财政的理念来完善地方财政发展思路。二是逐步理顺中央与地方、省以下各级财政体制,还地方政府以完整的事权和财权。进一步调整和完善财政体制,调动各级政府做大财政收入这块蛋糕的积极性是振兴地方财政的关键。对省以下地方财政管理体制的调整和完善,不能就财政<WP=37>论财政,要从社会经济发展和维护社会稳定的大局出发,协调财政管理体制与行政管理体制、国有资产管理体制等方面的关系,要通过进一步完善省以下财政管理体制,调动各级政府在公共财政框架体系下发展经济、做大蛋糕,为人民群众提供基本公共服务的积极性。三是调整支出结构,充分体现公共财政的原则,解决支出“缺位”与“越位”并存的问题。千方百计促进经济发展,做大财政收入“蛋糕”的同时,调整优化财政支出结构,确保重点支出,控制和压缩一般性支出。一是要保工资支出。随着财力的增加和各项改革措施的到位,各级财政要按照国家现行规定标准优先把中小学教师工资支出列入预算,确保按时、足额发放;二是要保社会保障支出。社会保障工作关系群众的切身利益,必须认真做好。各级要加大再就业资金投入,切实安排好“两个确保”和“低保资金”;三是保证机构正常运转和法定重点支出的需要,为地方经济社会稳定发展创造条件。四是发挥公共财政优势,支持农村小康建设。要适应转轨时期经济的发展和公共管理的要求,在建立公共财政框架、细化预算管理、充分保证提供公共产品的基础上,还要重视和发挥对经济的促进作用。要以建设农村小康社会为财政的重要职责,全力促进农村经济社会发展,培育农村市场经济体系,同时壮大地方财政实力,形成良性循环。五是提高对现有国有资产存量的运营能力,拓宽政府理财范围,适时调整被固化于行政管理部门的收入支出格局。要体现集中管理资产收益,防止收益流失和分散。加强资产收益管理,理顺收益分配关系,增加政府加支配收益。创新现行的管理机制,能在相同的经济环境下实现资产收益的增加。拓宽资<WP=38>产有偿使用范围,对公共产品和非经营性资产的附属功能进行合理经营,实现商业化,变现盘活沉淀的资产,形成建设资金投入与产出的良性循环。六是加强财政管理,推进公共财政管理科学化。??要继续推进部门预算,构建地方公共财政预算体系。逐步实行政府公共预算、国有资本金预算、社会保障预算;建立效绩评价体系,提高预算的效率。建立财政资金绩效评价体系,用相应的绩效考核指标体系来考证

【Abstract】 All levels of finance under the provincial guidance are collectively called local finance. Local finance occupies the foundational status in the national finance. Establishing the comparatively well-off society all-sidedly as the objective of our endeavor is put forward clearly at the 16th NPC. Hence the task of local finance is becoming more and more arduous. How to improve the developmental ability of local finance to expand its strength and to set up the system of local public finance is the focal and difficult point under the framework of public finance.I. China has almost established the framework of public finance adapting to the practical situation with several years’ hard work The practice of establishing the framework of public finance in recent years is fruitful. Its basic direction is clear and all the policies are correct. The framework of socialistic public finance with typical Chinese features begins to come into being. But compared with western countries, it’s just at the establishing stage. There’s a comparative great gap between the framework of public finance and the objective of Chinese financial development. The reasons for this include: Because China is at the critical economic transitional stage, faster as the economy is developing, its economic quality is not high; the economic scale is larger, but the average value is lower; the market is not fully developed, and the governmental function remains to change. The reasons mentioned above have decided the imperfect features of Chinese public finance and the inevitable differences between Chinese public finance and that of western countries.II. Problems existing in Chinese present local financeWith the years’ development, the organization of Chinese local finance is becoming perfect; its actual strength is improving and its functions are made full use of. However, there are still some problems which need improving in the course of establishing public finance.First, organizational establishment is being put in order. Yet it still needs perfecting. Second, there exists the developmental imbalance between the regional places. Third, the management system of local finance is not put in good order. The decision-making power of local finance is limited. It’s hard <WP=40>to exert the functions of public finance. Fourth, lacking the impact and momentum of regulation and control, the effects of guiding and promoting local finance is not fully reflected. Fifth, the range and structure of the financial expenditure are not rational. Benefits of the capital usage need further improving. There are too many people raised by finance and this takes a big percentage in the financial expenditure. The phenomena of being “offside” and “vacant” are coexisting. The management of financial expenditure is weak. Financial supervision is unsuccessful. The use benefits of financial fund need improving. Sixth, the current management level of local public finance needs further improving. The changes of financial functions and mechanisms have resulted in the lack of weak financial inner management. Functional departments are not well cooperated. The scientific feature of the management is limited. All regulations and management procedures need further perfecting.III. How to perfect and develop local finance under the framework of public financeGenerally speaking, with the many-year development of Chinese local finance, especially since the reform, national economy has been developing very fast; the income and expenditure of local finance has been increasing greatly and the ability of insurance is being strengthened. Market economy is mature. All the rules are in line with the world. So the financial task is becoming formidable. There are many challenges facing us: how to fulfil the task of finance as the national key economic method, how to change the difficult situation of local finance and how to reflect all the functions of public finance completely. All of these challenges need the accelerating development of local finance.1. Change the idea of fi

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F812.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】805