

The Dialectical Analysis of Running Patterns of Financial Industries and the Realistic Choice of Our Financial Industry’s Transition to the Mixed-Operation

【作者】 李双

【导师】 田丽洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 混业经营已经成为全球金融业的重要发展趋势,但分业经营限制在各主要国家的取消并不意味着分业经营与混业经营的争论已经结束,相反,许多实行混业经营的金融机构屡屡出现问题,以及在国际银行业领域一些大型的金融机构缩小业务范围而成为某一领域的专业金融机构的现象,都提示我们分业经营还是混业经营决非此优彼劣的简单选择。在分业经营和混业经营孰优孰劣的问题上,一直存在着激烈甚至是对立的争论。这些争论涉及系统风险、利益冲突、垄断与效率以及范围经济与规模经济等问题。通过对分业经营和混业经营的比较分析和实证研究可知,不论是在理论界还是在政府决策层面,还没有就分业和混业孰优孰劣的问题上达成一致的意见。无论是分业还是混业,都各有利弊,都有改进与存在的理由。但是理论和实证研究都表明,在大危机之后对危机原因的认识存在局限性,甚至是片面性,由此而确立起来的分业经营体制缺乏充分依据,这一方面促使人们从新的角度去认识大危机的根源,另一方面,也为金融业体制的演变和重新确立混业经营体制提供了重要的理论基础。随着现代科学技术的迅速发展和大量的金融创新,不仅金融各业之间的界线日益变得模糊不清,而且金融各业之间的业务在一定程度上交叉融合在一起,要在金融各业之间形成一道使之互不相干的“金融业防火墙”(即以法规把金融各业之间的业务分离开)并非易事。所以说,金融业的发展为走向混业经营提供了现实的生长点。混业经营是指金融业各行业之间的业务交叉渗透,即银行、保险、证券、<WP=54>信托等金融机构都可以进入上述任一业务领域甚至非金融领域,进行业务多元化经营。相对于分业经营,混业经营仅仅意味着分业经营限制的取消和金融机构经营模式的多样化。首先,混业经营并不等同于全能银行,全能银行能够利用一个综合服务平台,提供一站式、全面的金融服务;而混业经营是金融机构业务经营多样化,混业经营的金融机构不一定是全能银行。其次,混业经营并非没有限制,混业经营要受到金融消费者需求的限制、要受到金融制度安排和金融监管法律的限制、还要受到防火墙的限制。更重要的是,混业经营并未抹杀金融业的分工。金融业由初始的混业经营经过分业经营后,又呈现混业的趋势,这并不是对分业经营的简单否定,更不是对初始的混业状态的简单回归,而是一种螺旋式的上升,是金融结构变化的外在表现,从功能主义观点(functional perspective)来看,其深层次原因是市场分工深化导致的金融功能配置格局的重构。这种重构反映在金融经营层面上,即促进了金融混业经营模式的形成和发展。混业经营下,现代金融机构的经营模式存在多样化趋势:一个极端是一体化程度最高的全能型银行,全能型经营模式也是建立在严密的内部分工的基础上的;另一极端是专业化银行,在技术进步与金融创新已经导致金融业务的分拆,允许金融中间产品和零部件单独定价的条件下,专业化银行通过细分后的业务实现了更广泛的社会分工,即金融产品供应方面的专业化分工;二者之间的是提供各种特色产品或组合产品、实现内部分工并参与外部分工的各种类型的金融机构。具体地,在混业经营条件下,由于各家金融机构的资产状况、业务特长、市场定位、技术水准、经营战略和发展取向以及所处的经济区域等资源性因素差别相当大,尽管每个金融机构都可以同时经营多种金融业务,但这些金<WP=55>融业务所依托和共享的金融资源却相差甚远。由资源的相对优势所决定,一些金融机构可能将经营重心定位于为大型企业提供全方位的“一站式”金融服务,一些金融机构可能将经营重心定位于为中小企业提供多元化和多样化的金融服务,另一些金融机构则可能将经营重心定位于专门为一些工商企业提供量身定制的金融服务。混业经营不仅不会引致金融机构的同质化,而且有利于通过激励金融市场竞争和金融创新竞争来推进金融机构的业务细分和市场细分,从而提高社会分工水平和金融机构的经营效率和服务质量。我国金融业虽处于分业管制之下,但已经存在混业经营的内在要求和实践,事实上我国正处于通过建立金融控股公司实现混业经营的热潮之中。应该明确的是,混业经营只是为金融机构的经营提供了更多的选择,发达国家混业经营实践中混业经营的金融机构屡屡出现问题也说明并非所有问题“一混就灵”,还需要对机构和业务进行整合,真正实现效率和竞争力的提升并非易事,这些尤其值得我们借鉴。在全球金融业混业经营的背景条件下,如何在分业经营与分业监管的模式下运作,适应金融国际化的趋势,构建新的金融发展模式,逐步向混业经营模式过渡,是我国金融业面临的严峻挑战。一方面,金融控股公司是目前我国金融业走向混业经营的现实选择。以某类金融机构为基础的金融控股公司,能从充分发挥主体优势的角度考虑混业经营的需要。如果是一个实业集团投资金融业,特别是在目前中国社会尚未完全树立追求投资回报观念的时候,实业集团对金融的投资会更多地考虑实业本身的便利,而忽视金融业多元化发展的互补优势以及金融机构的安全和稳健;对于没有经营业务的纯投资公司在协调所投资的各种金融服务时可能会缺少一种市

【Abstract】 Developing comprehensive businesses has become an important trend in the financial industry all over the world. The fact that the request that each financial industry engages in the business in their own field has been deprived doesn’t mean that the dispute about the advantages and disadvantages of these two patterns doesn’t exist. In contrast, there have been many problems caused by the fact that composite businesses are provided by the same financial institution, and some originally international banks has shrunken their business, becoming specialized financial institutions, which showed us the choice from the two patterns is not easy.Which one should be better------the businesses of different financial industries blend or each financial industry engages in the business in their own field------is a question difficult to answer. In fact, the dispute has been intense, involving in systematic risks, interest conflicts, the relation of monopoly and efficiency, the scope economy and scale economy, etc. The theoretical research and substantial evidences has showed us that there hasn’t been in harmony about the question above-mentioned, either in theory or the government policies. These two patterns have their own advantages and disadvantages respectively, pending further improved. However, the theoretical research and substantial evidences proved that the analysis of reasons for the great economic crisis was limited, or even one-sided, according to which the establishment of the system that each financial industry engages in the business in their own field lacked powerful <WP=58>foundation, which on one hand make people reconsider the origins of the crisis from a new angle, on the other hand laid an important theoretical foundation for the change of financial mechanics and reconstruction of the system that the businesses of different financial industries blendes. With the quick development of modern science and technologies and a lot of financial innovation, the dividing line of different financial industries has become unclear, and also the businesses of different financial industries has become mixed, which means it is difficult to set up a clear legal line among all the financial industries. Thus, the development of financial industries has provided authentic foundation for the system that the businesses of different financial industries blendes.The system that the businesses of different financial industries blend means that either the banking, insurance, securities or trust company can engage in any other financial field, dealing with pluralized businesses. Compared with the system that each financial industry engages in the business in their own field, the system that the businesses of different financial industries blendes only stand for the request that each financial industry engages in the business in their own field, i.e. engaging in specialized operation, has been deprived and became to carry out pluralized businesses. First, the system that the businesses of different financial industries blend doesn’t mean the universal bank, which provides comprehensive services on the basis of a unified platform. The system that the businesses of different financial industries blend refers to the pluralized management, not certainly the universal banks. Second, the system that the businesses of different financial industries blend has some restraints. It will be restrained by the <WP=59>demands from financial consumers, by the financial institution, by the financial supervision laws and also the dividing line. More importantly, the system that the businesses of different financial industries blend doesn’t deny the social division of labor among financial industries. The history of financial industries undergoes such a process------from the system that the businesses of different financial industries blend to the system that each financial industry engages in the business in their own field, and then the system that the businesses of different financial industries blend, which doesn’t simply deny the syste

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【下载频次】306