

Analysis of the Broadband Service Market Expanding of Jilin City Telecommunication Company

【作者】 殷立仁

【导师】 刘东昌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 上个世纪90年代,我国在电信行业进行了旨在打破垄断、引入竞争机制的一系列改革,以增强电信行业的运营效率。随着中国加入世界贸易组织,电信行业的竞争将日趋激烈。吉林市电信公司也面临着激烈的竞争环境,如何在激烈的竞争中实现有效突破就成为吉林市电信公司的重要课题。一、在新的竞争态势下,新组建的吉林市电信公司面临的竞争格局分析吉林市电信公司作为吉林市电信市场的新进入者,在原有电信运营商对传统电信业务市场分割殆尽的竞争态势下,要在激烈的电信市场竞争中获得生存和发展,必须寻找有效的竞争突破口。但由于各种历史的、现实的条件所限,在固定电话等传统电信业务方面实现有效的竞争性突破在短时期内难以实现。在对我国电信行业发展的市场环境以及吉林市电信公司面临的竞争态势进行研究的基础上,在对宽带业务进行基本分析的前提下,选定宽带业务作为吉林市电信公司的竞争突破口。二、吉林市电信公司开展宽带业务的市场基础通过对网吧用户、集团用户及个人用户等不同用户群体的详细分析,进一步把握了吉林市宽带业务的市场现状及发展趋势。本文还从以下几个方面对吉林市电信公司开展宽带业务的可行性进行分析:1、竞争对手分析;2、通过对吉林市电信公司的主要竞争对手——网通进行了基本分析,发现作为吉林地区电信市场上强大的主导运营商,网通的宽带业务只占总收入的不足6 %。这说明其在宽带业务上进展缓慢,这就给吉林市电信公<WP=67>司留下了较充足的市场空间;3、通过对吉林市电信市场窄带互联网发展现状的分析,发现在吉林市互联网市场上,窄带拨号业务虽占有主导地位,但从2003年用户数上看呈缓慢下降趋势,而收入呈急剧下降趋势。这主要是因为新增的互联网用户绝大多数直接使用了宽带接入方式,同时原窄带拨号用户中的中、高端客户转向使用宽带业务,所以使得窄带业务收入下降趋势远远大于用户下降趋势。这充分说明以宽带替代窄带是大趋势,也是网民的需求。抓住了这个机会就可使吉林市电信公司迅速进入市场,站稳脚跟;4、分析了“三大上网工程”对宽带业务的推进; 5、宽带业务潜在市场——可能上网的非网民。通过对非网民不上网原因的分析,我们发现对于不懂电脑/网络、没上网设备、没时间上网和嫌上网费贵的合计78.9%的非网民将是未来潜在的宽带互联网业务用户。对于吉林市来说,宽带业务具有很大的潜在市场空间。三、吉林市电信公司宽带市场拓展方法和对象在对我国宽带互联网市场的发展趋势进行分析的基础上,本文对吉林市电信公司开拓宽带业务市场进行了SWOT分析,提出吉林市电信公司采取的市场战略。1、差异化战略,包括:(1)差异化的业务(产品)提供;(2)建设先进的网络平台,支撑核心优势产品;(3)差异化的服务和营销策略;2、合作战略,包括(1)与渠道的合作;(2)与制造商合作;(3)与内容/应用提供商的合作;(4)与资源互补者的合作;(5)与集团客户的合作;3、品牌战略。在上述分析的基础上,本文还针对公众客户、商务楼宇、企事业、政府机关等商务大客户以及网吧客户等不同类型客户的特点提出了具体的宽带市场营销策略。四、吉林市电信公司宽带业务产品分析在上文分析的基础上,通过对宽带业务产品的基本分析,本文提出了<WP=68>针对不同类型客户的宽带业务产品组合,包括对吉化、中石油等在全国范围内有分支机构的集团性企业,旅游系统、工商系统等行业性企业,开发区,学校、网吧、用户以及合资企业、经销商、物流公司、零售商等客户的宽带产品组合,并针对宽带社区、中高档写字楼以及小容量普通写字楼等宽带业务客户的市场推广进行了基本的成本—收益分析。

【Abstract】 In 1990s, the telecommunication trade in China has gone a series of changes that could break monopoly and introduce competitive mechanism in order to strengthen its operation efficiency. As China has joined into the WTO, the competition in the telecommunication trade will become fiercer day by day. It is very important for Jilin City Telecommunication Company to break through effectively under the keen competition circumstances. The analysis of the competitive pattern faced by Jilin City Telecommunication Company under the new competition CircumstancesNow the situation of the telecommunication market in Jilin City is that the traditional telecommunication service market has been segmented totally by the original telecommunication operators. In order to survive and develop in the fierce telecommunication market competition circumstances, Jilin City Telecommunication Company as a new entrant must seek for an effective competition breach. Because of the restrictions of all kinds of history and realistic conditions, it is very difficult to realize the valid competitive break-through within short time in the <WP=70>traditional telecommunication services, such as the regular telephone service, etc.. After researching on the market environment of the telecommunication trade in China and the competition trend of Jilin City Telecommunication Company and analyzing the characteristics of the broadband service, Jilin City Telecommunication Company selects the broadband service as its competition breach.The market foundation Jilin City Telecommunication Company expanding the broadband serviceThrough analyzing the different users such as Internet cafe users, group users and individual users, etc., we have a further grasp of the development situation and trend of the broadband service in Jilin city. This article also makes a feasibility analysis of Jilin City Telecommunication Company expanding the broadband service from these angles: 1.It analyses the competitors; 2. Through analyzing the main rival of Jilin City Telecommunication Company -----CNC, the strong leading operator in the telecommunication market of the area of Jilin, we find that the income of the broadband service of CNC only accounts less than 6% of the total. This proves that it has made little progress on the broadband service and leaves Jilin City Telecommunication Company sufficient market space in this area; 3. Through analyzing the <WP=71>development situation of the narrowband service of the telecommunication market in Jilin city, we find that though the dialing service in narrowband occupies the leading position, the number of the users in 2003 presents a downward trend slowly and the income shows a tendency to drop suddenly. This is mainly because the overwhelming majority of the newly increasing Internet users have used the way of broadband accessing directly and at the same time the medium-to-high grade users of the dialing users in narrowband have turned to use the broadband service. So it is observed that the downward trend of the narrowband service income is far greater than that of the number of users. It proves that the broadband substituting for the narrowband is the main trend and also is the demand of the net-citizens. It is important for Jilin City Telecommunication Company to grasp this chance. It will make the company enter the market rapidly and stand firmly; 4. It analyses that" the three major projects of surfing the net" promotes the broadband service; 5. It analyses the potential market of the broadband service—non-netizens who may surf the net. Through analyzing the reasons that non-netizens dislike surfing the net, We find that the proportion of the non-netizens who do not know the computer / network, who have no equipments, who have no time to surf the net and who think the expenses of surfing the net too expensive is 78.9% and they will be the potential users of the broadband service in the future. To Jilin city, the broadband service <WP=72>has a large potential marketplace.The methods and subjects Jil

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】220