

Comparative Studies on International Corporate Governance

【作者】 王雪雁

【导师】 殷立春;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 公司治理结构产生于西方发达市场经济国家,各国的公司治理结构在具体设计和运行上各具特色,主要有美日德三大类型。总结西方发达市场经济国家公司治理结构方面的经验,对于进一步完善和规范我国的公司治理结构是有益的借鉴。一、公司治理结构的产生及其内涵(一)公司治理结构的产生公司治理结构是股份公司的产物。股份公司实现了两权分离,即产生了一种对资产的委托—代理关系,由于委托人和代理人追求的目标的差异,形成代理问题。根据现代契约理论,企业契约是不完全契约,企业经营中又存在大量的信息不对称和不确定性因素,这样便使评估经理的努力水平产生了一定的难度,从而引发代理风险。为减轻代理风险,就有必要在企业内部建立一套管理、治理结构,以规范所有者、经营者及职工的行为,公司治理结构由此产生。 (二)公司治理结构的内涵所谓公司治理结构,就是一国的企业制度安排。这种安排决定企业为谁服务,由谁控制,风险和利益在投资人、管理层、员工和相关利益群体之间怎样分担,以及企业最高领导班子怎样构架,怎样决策。?公司治理实质上是对公司经理行为进行监督和控制的制衡机制。二、美、日、德三国公司治理结构的特点(一)美国公司治理结构的特点1、个人股东与法人股东并存,以法人股东为主体。 美国的股权安排,在60年代以前,主要是散户持股。?70年代以后,美国的机构投资者在股市的控股比例不断上升,机构投资者随之成为左右资本市场的关键力量。 <WP=38>2、授权资本制。 授权资本是在公司章程中载明规定的额度,公司设立时,不必全额发行认购,可以先发行一部分,其余的由公司董事会根据公司业务发展的需要逐步完成。3、一元制的公司治理结构。 美国公司设股东大会、董事会、董事会的附属机构以及首席执行官职位,不设监事会。为加强董事会的监督和控制职能,美国法律规定公司必须要有一定数量的外部董事,客观地监督和评价公司的运作。4、美国公司治理中的控制约束机制。美国公司的控制约束机制主要有:(1)股东的约束。(2)公司治理结构和公司章程的约束。(3)市场的约束。(4)法律约束。5、股票期权是激励经理人员的重要手段。为了刺激经理人员努力为股东创造利润,最有效的手段是将经理人员的利益和股东利益结合起来。股票期权制度在美国公司经理人员的报酬安排中占有重要地位。(二)日本公司治理结构的特点 1、法人相互持股。 日本公司的股权结构以法人持股为主。控制公司股权的主要是法人,即金融机构和企业,而且法人交叉持股比例提高。日本公司股票流动性很低,法人股东一般不轻易出售股票。2、公司决策权与执行权相统一。日本的公司采取三权分立的管理制度,其机构主要有董事、监事、成员大会三个,它们之间相互制约。日本公司的决策权和执行权是统一的,在公司内部,从社长(董事长)、总经理到董事,它们既是决策者,又是经营者,决策权和经营权二位一体。3、经营者在公司中居主导地位。在公司决策权和执行权相统一的情况下,日本公司的经营者有很大的<WP=39>权力,日本的经营者有超越股东大会的权力。由于大股东之间存在着互相持股的关系,出于共同利益的需要,他们一般不反对董事会的提案,从而在股东大会上形成一种支持企业经营者的强大力量。4、监督和约束主要来自公司外部。日本公司也设立监事会,由于日本公司相互持股的特点,监事会对董事会和经理人员缺乏有效的监督,对他们的监督主要来自公司外部。一是来自交叉持股的持股公司,二是来自主银行的监督。5、日本公司则以人力资本增值作为重要的激励手段。日本公司的董事会对经理人员设计的激励机制主要是与公司长期发展有关的年功系列制度,即经理人员的报酬主要是工资和奖金,奖励的金额与经理人员的贡献率有关。特别是,日本公司鼓励经理人员在公司的长期发展。这种机制刺激经理人员着眼于公司和个人的长期目标。(三)德国公司治理结构的特点 1、股权集中程度较高,银行参与公司治理。德国的股权比较集中。在德国,最大的股东是银行、创业家庭、保险公司和非金融公司等一些组织,它们的持股一般比较集中。2、法定资本制。德国的公司法规定,公司资本额在公司成立时,必须全部由股东们认购完毕,否则,公司不得成立。公司不得购买本公司的股份。公司在创立阶段,股票不得在证券市场出售,即使向社会公开发行股票的股份公司,也得由若干银行组成银团先购买股票,然后再向社会出售。3、二元制的公司治理结构。德国公司是二元制的治理结构,由股东会、监事会和董事会组成。监事会是公司股东、职工利益的代表机构和决策机构,它的职能相当于美日公司的董事会职能;董事会相当于美日国家的经理班子,董事会向监事会负责,是负责公司日常经营管理和运作的执行机构。4、职工参与决策制。 <WP=40>德国公司的治理结构另一个重要特点就是职工参与决策制。企业职工通过选举职工代表参与监事会和职工委员会,监事会的副主席由职工代表担任,以此来实现参与企业管理的“共同决策权”。三、对完善我国公司治理结构的借鉴(一)我?

【Abstract】 The concept of corporate governance originates from the developed countries in the west, and each of which has distinctive characteristics on the concept respectively, with America, Japan and Germany the most typical three. Learning the experience on how to carry out corporate governance in western developed countries will have great help in rectify and standardize corporate governance in China.1. Origin of corporate governance and its connotations1.1 Origin:Corporate governance is product of joint-stock company. Joint-stock company causes the separation of two powers. That’s to say, it leads to the appearance of a principal-agency relationship on capital. Due to the difference on the objectives the principals and agents pursuit, the factors like the incompleteness of enterprise contract, information asymmetry and some other dynamic factors, the agency hazard is easy to come out. In order to alleviate agency hazard, it’s necessary to establish a series of management and governance systems in the enterprises to standardize the conduct of owners, operators and workers. That’s why corporate governance came out.1.2 Connotations:Corporate governance is the arrangement of the systems in enterprises in a certain country. This kind of arrangement decides whom the enterprise will serve, who will control the corporation, how to distribute the risks and interest among investors, managerial staffs, workers and the stakeholders, how to frame the super managerial group and how to make decisions. In essence, corporate governance is a mechanism to supervise the conduct of the managerial staffs.2. Characteristics on corporate governance in America, Japan and <WP=42>Germany2.1 America:2.11 Coexistence of individual shareholders and corporate shareholders with the latter as the main partAs for the control of stocks, before 1960s, the stocks were mainly in the hands of individuals; after 1070s, the proportion of the stocks in investors’ hands rose up and investors became the dominant in capital market.2.12 Authorized capitalismAuthorized capital means that only part of the stocks of the corporation stipulated in the regulations are issued, and some more will be issued under the decision of the board of directors with the development of the corporation.2.13 Unitary corporate governanceIn American corporations, there is a shareholder assembly, the board of directors and the agencies attached to the board of directors and CEO, but there is no supervisory board. And in order to strengthen the function of supervision and control to the corporation, there must be some outside directors.2.14 Supervision and restriction system in corporate governanceThe supervision and control in corporation are mainly from: (1)restriction from shareholders (2)restriction from corporate governance and the regulations of the corporation (3)restriction from market (4)restriction from law.2.15 Stock option as a main means of stimulating managerial staffsThe most effective means of stimulating managerial staffs to contribute more profits for the stockholders is to integrate the interest of managerial staffs and the shareholders. In American corporations, stock option plays a significant role in reward distribution. 2.2 Japan:2.21 Cross stockholding between corporations <WP=43>In Japanese corporations, the stocks are mainly in the hands of the corporations, the financial institutions and enterprises. The proportion of cross stockholding is high but the mobility of capital is low. And the corporations are hard to sell their stocks.2.22 Unity of the powers in decision-making and executingJapanese corporations keep the balance of power in managing system, with the board of directors, the supervisory board and the stockholder assembly three power- balanced organs. Within the corporation, from Head of the board of directors, the Manager General to the directors- all are decision-makers and managerial staffs.2.23 Managerial staffs in leading role in corporationsThe managerial staff in Japanese corporations have the pow

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F276.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】838