

A Study on Seals Collected in Jilin University

【作者】 刘爽

【导师】 林沄;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对吉林大学所藏的玺印类文物进行了初步的综合研究,纠正文物帐中存在的明显的失误,补充近年来学术界的成果,并讨论了相关联的一些问题。 首先进行详细的形制介绍,包括印体长×宽×高、通高、重量、钮式、质地以及见诸著录的情况、印文铸出刻划情况及释读,以及由此引出的相关的时代、文字、官制、姓氏、宗教信仰、风俗习惯以及辨伪等方面的问题的探讨; 制定玺印类文物的定名标准,使文物管理和研究工作趋于规范、科学、精确,以此带动其他类文物管理工作的改进和提高; 对于争议较多的“岳飞”印通过多角度研究得出其制作于明中晚期至清初的结论;’ 通过类比法,判断一方官印为后世翻砂铸造的伪印; 通过测定密度的方法,否认一方定为铜质的印,并判断其可能为滑石质类; 通过对锈的颜色、状态的观察,认为一方入选《吉林大学藏古玺印选》的印为伪印: 通过对大量玺印的观察,得出“古玺印钮穿的方向通常与印面文字(铸出)方向垂直,穿带印穿的方向多与印面平行,兽钮兽首的方向即

【Abstract】 This article is synthetic study about ancient seals collected in Jilin University. It corrected many mistakes in relic account book, and compensated for the shortage and leakage, in the same time, argued the correlative problems.Firstly, we describe the shape and structure of seal in great detail, secondly we discuss the related problems, such as ages, character, bureaucratic establishment, surname, religion, social customs and habits, and etc. What is the most important is that we can discern the false seals from the genuine.We establish the denominate criterion, which makes the relic management and research work more scientific and exact;To disputable “YueFei” (a hero in South -Song dynasty) seal, we concluded that it was made during mid-later-Ming-dynasty or early-Qing- dynasty;By comparing method, we judge a chop is false;By density, we denied that a seal is copper, while probably pencil stone; <WP=46>By corrosion colour and statement, we consider a seal selected in 《Anthology of Seals collected in Jilin University 》 is false; By observing a great deal of seals, we establish the general regularity of the shape and structure of ancient seals (the button hole’s direction of and character’s direction, and etc.), so put forward a particular angle of view to the ancient seals research work.

【关键词】 玺印古玺印面归义龟钮鼻钮关内侯印容庚先生私玺战国时期
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K877
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】458