

The Research on Conception and Status Quo of the hospital Marketing Management

【作者】 陶方

【导师】 张创新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 市场营销学萌生于本世纪初期,形成于本世纪中叶,成熟于80年代,已经历了一个世纪的发展。而医疗市场营销却正处于起步阶段,它是我国市场经济发展的较高阶段的产物,医疗市场的竞争越是向深层次发展,医院所面临的环境就越复杂,医疗营销的作用就越重要,甚至被称之为医院的“灵魂”。因此说,市场营销管理在很大程度上决定着医院的生存和发展,只有通过有效的市场营销活动才能在激烈的医疗市场上立于不败之地。医疗市场营销观念的形成经历了一个漫长的过程。以往我们采取推销的手法, 想方设法卖出自己的技术、药品,没有站在“上帝”—患者的买方市场上,存在着“皇帝的女儿不愁嫁”、“酒好不怕巷子深”、“营销就是推销”等思想误区,固守着“坐、等、靠”的传统观念,如今,外部大环境又冲击和影响着国有医院,在这种情况下,医院要面向医疗市场,在激烈的市场竞争和挑战中求生存、求发展,扩大医院影响力,提高医院形象,已成为医院急待解决的重大问题。因此,医院市场营销的理论与实践亟待完善。目前医院市场营销管理现状存在下列问题:首先,缺乏现代医疗市场意识。医院经营者观念陈管理低下,服务意识差,只关注眼前利益,忽视长远,对医院的发展市场、战略定位、战略目标缺少思考和研究,导致医院发展停滞不前。其次,医院市场细分不科学导致目标市场不准确。有的医院认为自己可以满足患者的所有需求;有的在整体市场或较大市场上缺乏竞争力,却不懂得扬长避短;有的医院细分市<WP=49>场缺乏稳定性等等。再次,医院定位不准确。不懂得不同性质、不同级别、不同专科、不同经济成份的医院市场定位也不同,导致医院市场定位含糊,不合理,甚至错误,阻碍了医院大踏步向前发展。另外,医院市场营销手段单一、达不到理想效果。最常见的是“广告满地轰”、“老字号倚老卖老”和“对医院营销麻木不仁”。最后是外部营销环境制约医院市场营销活动及认为医疗服务是无偿的,对医疗服务走市场营销之路认识模糊。针对目前医院市场营销中存在的现状与问题,笔者从理论与实际相结合的角度出发,提出了完善医院市场营销的基本思路:一,是要树立现代的医疗市场营销意识,做为医院主管,首先必须转变观念,结合医院面临的现实问题,为医院经营注入新的市场营销理念即战略营销理念,就是用战略管理的思想和方法对市场营销活动进行管理,通过战略管理创造竞争优势,向包括患者在内的所有参与者提供最大的利益,以此做为医院发展的重要手段之一。二,科学地细分医院市场及确定目标市场,只有准确无误地确定了目标市场,医院才能制订并施展相应的经营战略和策略。三,医院市场定位要准确,定位不准确,再多的宣传资金投入,再精彩的营销手段也都无济于事。四,制订行之有效的医院市场营销手段,比如服务的品牌化、营建数据库、通过网上营销和建立特殊病种治疗中心来迎合市场需求,有效的营销手段可以达到事半功倍的作用。五,医院营销者要积极、主动地适应外部的营销环境,适应医疗体制改革,而不是被动地接受环境的影响。六,医疗服务也有价值,医院要在服务观念上解放思想,建立医疗服务市场营销的新模式。综上所述,医院市场营销可采取的策略建议,即通过采取<WP=50>医院目标市场策略、医院市场定位策略、医院品牌策略、医院质量策略和医院经营策略等形式,根据医院的实际能力、服务项目特点、经营规模选择合适的营销对策来实现医院市场营销,树立医院形象,提高竞争力。这些对策建议或者说是营销策略在实际运用中比较具有可操作性和实用性,合理地应用以上策略,可以收到良好的社会效益和经济效益。有时是只用某一种策略,有时根据医院情况可采取几种策略联合应用的方法,来达到预期目的。过去我们采取推销的办法,想方设法卖出自己的技术、药品,这种推销得罪了“上帝”,而现在提倡的医院市场营销是一种“心态”,一种“策略”,凡是以市场为导向的医院,都必须把以病人为中心的观念植根于医院科室和员工的心中,医院营销过程应以病人需求为起点,从设计医疗服务项目开始,到医疗服务活动,再到出院后随访、健康咨询服务这一医疗服务全过程,其中也涵盖了“以病人为中心”让病人满意的一系列行动和措施,如此经营医院必然会取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 The marketing theory was born in the early of this century, grew up in the middle of this century, and matured in 1980’s. It has been developing for 100 years. However, the hospital marketing just began recently. It was the product of the high development of our market economy. The much deeper the competition of the medical treatment develops, the more complicated environments the hospitals have to face and the more important the hospital marketing that was called “the soul of the hospital” will get. Therefore, to a great extent, the marketing management decides the survival and the development of a hospital. No other than would be taken the effective marketing activities, a hospital is able to succeed in the medical treatment market.It took a very long time for the hospital marketing theory to come into being. The sales promotion methods that we used to play are trying our best to sell the products and medicines. We did not think about the problems of the patients. So we have some thoughts like “the daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband; the good wine needs no bush; the marketing is the sale promotion.” We still have some traditional ideas such as sitting, waiting, and depending. Now, the outer environment is impacting and affecting the state-owned hospitals. Under this situation, the state-run hospitals have to face the medical treatment market, try to survive and develop in the violent competition and challenges. So the hospital marketing theory needs to be consummated.for the moment, the hospital marketing has some problems as follows:1.The modern hospital marketing ideas have not been realized. The operators of the hospitals thought about the questions in the old way. Their management is inefficient and <WP=52>serving consciousness is weak. They pay too much attention to how much money they could make today while they seldom concern how to develop and fix a position for the hospital. What they have done made the hospitals stopped developing at all.2.The improper market segment makes the target market inexact. Some operators thought their hospital could fulfill the requirements of all the patients. Some hospitals cannot make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages. Some segment markets of the hospitals are unsteady.3.Some hospitals do not fix their position accurately. The operators of the hospital do not know that different hospitals, which belong to the different levels, different specials directions and different economy compositions, should be fixed different positions. The neglection of those blocks the hospitals develop faster.4.In addition, the methods of the hospital marketing are single. This cannot achieve perfect effect.5.Lastly, the outer marketing environment restricts the hospital marketing activities.Aiming at the problems the hospital marketing exists, the elementary thinking of the hospital marketing should be set up as: first, the charge of the hospitals should change their concept, build up the modern hospital marketing consciousness, and manage the marketing activities with the stratagem management ideas, provide all the participants including the patients the biggest benefit; second, segment the hospital markets accurately and confirm the target market. Only when the target market has been confirmed, the charge of the hospitals could draw up the management strategy and bring it into effect. Thirdly, the position of the hospital should be fixed accurately, or any splendid marketing will be of no avail. Fourthly, the effective hospital marketing methods should be drawn up .We could brandlize the service, build the databank, through the Internet marketing and <WP=53>setting up the special case treatment center to satisfy the demand of the market. The effective marketing methods could double the work with half effort. Fifthly, the managers of the hospital marketing should adapt their thinking to the outer marketing environments and the innovation of the medical system. Sixthly, the medical service is valuable. The managers of the ho

【关键词】 医院市场营销管理对策
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1383