

Analysis of Present Development、Problem and Counter Plants of Human Resource-Regarding Jilin Chemical Company as the Example

【作者】 赵予兵

【导师】 刘雪莲;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 人力资源是国民财富的基础,是推动国家向前发展的主动力量。人力资源的开发与利用已成为社会发展的主要推动力。吉化这一20世纪50年代兴建的大型化工企业,在全球经济一体化的形势下,要在激烈的市场竟争中立于不败之地,就必须大力开发人力资源。本文在阐述了人力资源及开发基本理论的基础上,对吉化人力资源开发环境进行了分析,提出了吉化人力资源开发的目标与方案,并运用成本收益分析方法,对吉化人力资源开发目标与方案的科学性、可行性进行了分析和论证,最后提出了实施人力资源开发方案的具体措施。人力资源开发基本理论概述人力资源是指一个特定区域范围内的具有为社会创造物质财富,精神文化财富,具有推动社会发展,从事智力和体力劳动的一个人群有机体的总称。人力资源开发主要是指对人力资源数量和质量上的全过程开发,通过不断地获得人力资源,把得到的人力整合到组织中而融为一体,保持和激励其对本组织的忠诚和积极性,控制其工作绩效并作调整,尽量开发其潜能,以支持组织目标实现的责任和职能过程。它包括人力资源现实力的开发和人力资源潜在力的开发,是一个循环上升的过程。人力资源战略是从人力资源的特点出发,通过安排其各项职能活动,来配合企业总体战略的实施。从实质上说,人力资源战略,就是人力资源开发战略,由人力资源的供求分析上预测,确定人力资源的开发目标和策略,制定开发方案和实施措施三部分构成。人力资源开发成本收益就是通过对人力资源开发的成本、收益的分析对比,评估人力资源开发方案是否科学、可行。二. 吉化人力资源开发的内外部环境分析外部环境对人力资源开发的推动 1.科技发展推动着企业大力开发人力资源。2. 企业竞争的实质是人力资源的竞争。3. 人力资源开发已成为企业发展的原动力。4.国有企业的人力资源开发已刻不容缓。5.减员增效,下岗分流,实施再就业工程呼唤人力资源开发。(二)吉化的人力资源开发现状三.吉化人力资源开发中存在的主要问题及主要差距(一)吉化人力资源开发自身存在的主要问题在吉化人资源开发自身生存人力资源开发的各项工作相互脱节;人力资源开发在公司的二级单位中没有得到应有的重视;教育资源配置复杂,效率不高;导向教育和职业生涯设计没有提到培训部门的议事日程等问题。(二)吉化人力资源开发应重点解决的问题1. 转变观念。首先在领导干部中树立把人作为发展中心的观念。2. 人力资源开发的一体化。就是把考核,激励与培训一体化,关键的问题是管理体制的设置与开发重心的选择,解决人才流失。四.吉化人力资源开发的战略目标(一)吉化的人力资源开发需求 通过对国内外企业人力资源开发的趋势分析和吉化内部人力资源环境的分析,找出了影响吉化人力资源开发需求的主要因素,确定了吉化人力资源开发的需求:吉化人力资源外部供应比例小,以内部人力资源开发为主;高层次人才需求量大;随技术水平的提高和现代企业制度建立,对人员数量需求减少,质量需求提高,人力资源数量供大求,质量供小于求。吉化实施人力资源开发战略应重点解决的问题及战略目标吉化人力资开发目标是:以智力开发为重点,以人才培养为先导,大力实施考激励、培训一体化开发战略,全面提高公司人力资源质量;大力实施减员增效,合理调整人力资源结构,保持人力资源的总量与公司发展相平衡;用三年的时间培养三百名高层次人才,以此为龙头,建设高素质的管理人员队伍,高素质的专业技术人员队伍和高素质的操作人员队伍,通过合理的考核措施和激励政策,使各岗位职工适应岗位需要,并有一定的其他岗位需要的知识和能力储备。具体实施方案主要有两方面内容:一是培养三百名高层次人才;二是建设三支高素质队伍。五.吉化人力资源开发方案的实施对策吉化人力资源开发方案的实施,纵向涉及公司各厂、各车间、各岗位,横向涉及人力资源、生产、经营、财务等各系统,因此人力资源开发方案的实施,必须建立和完善由三个子系统组成的人力资源开发系统。完善吉化人力资源的管理系统该系统主要完成人力资源开发的管理工作,主要包括建立新的管理体制和管理制度。完善吉化人力资源开发的实施系统该系统主要是要建立人员考核,激励和培训三者的循环系统,使三者成为一个有机的整体。重点是建立并完善考评机制、激励机制和培训机制,使三个机制系统化。完善吉化人力资源开发的支持系统该系统主要包括人力支撑系统、基础设施、开发研究体系和政策保障制度与政策四个方面。总之,大力开发人力资源,提高员工素质,是吉化实现扭亏为盈、步入良性发展轨道的重要措施之一。本文对吉化人力资源开发现状、开发环境和开发战略与方案进行了探讨,并提出了具体的实施措施,对吉化未来的人力资源开发,具有一定指导意义。

【Abstract】 Human resource is the base of national wealth, and the driving forces to push the country forward. The development and application of human resource has become the main driving force. Jilin Chemical Company, a big chemical enterprise established in 1950s, must develop the human resource greatly, if it intends to stand at an impregnable position in the severe competition on market under the integral global economy condition.This paper describes the analysis of the development environment for the human resource, Jilin Chemical Company, proposes the target and plan for development of human resource of Jilin Chemical Company, and analyses and demonstrates the feasibility and scientific nature of the target and plan for development of human resource of Jilin Chemical Company with the cost-beneficial analysis method, and finally proposes some measures to realize the development plan for human resource of Jilin Chemical Company. Introduction to human resource basic theory Human resource means a general name for organic body of a human group which is engaged in mental labor and physical one, can creates social material wealth and spirit cultural wealth, and drives the social development. Development of human resource means mainly the whole process development of human resource in quality and quantity. By obtaining human resource uninterruptedly and arranging the human resource in one in the organization to become one integrity, keep and encourage its loyalty and enthusiasm, control and adjust its working achievement, and do every thing to develop its potentiality to support the whole process in realization of its responsibility and function for organic target. It consists of development of actual force and potentiality of human resource. It is the cycle-enhance process. The human resource of strategy, from the feature of human resource, to assist the enterprise to practice the general strategy by the arrangement of different function activities. Essentially, human resource strategy is the strategy to develop human resource. It consists of three parts such as, to analyze supply and demand and estimate human resource, to decide the target and strategy of human resource, and to make the development plan and practice measure. The cost benefit of human resource is to judge whether the plan of human resource development is reasonable and feasible through the analysis and contrast of the cost-benefit with the development of human resource. Analysis of the environment of development of Jilin Chemical Company’s human resource Driven by external environment to development of human resource It is only because of its application, it becomes the first productivity. Therefore in order to turn the scientific technology to actual productivity truly, it is mainly to optimize the quality of the labor, and the arrangement of human resource and its essential way is to develop the human resource so that the development of technology drives the enterprise to develop the human resource greatly. The essentiality of the competition of the enterprises is competition of human resource. The development of human resource becomes the motive power for the development of the enterprise. The development of human resource for state owned enterprises is an urgent matter. It calls the development of human resource to reduce employees to increase the effect, dismiss some employees and reallocate them, and carry out the re-employment engineering. Development action of human resource in same trade enterprise From the tendency of the development of human resource in the enterprises in the same trade home and abroad, the abroad enterprise uses the way to dismiss employees to increase the labor productivity as main target, and home enterprise, without any exception, conducts training engineering for high level talents to drive the quality improvement of the employees in order to reduce the differences between them and the abroad ones. Current status of human resource development in Jilin Chemical Company Demand of develop

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【下载频次】1819